Tricking My Cold Lover

The Favor

The Favor

0"Hi mom, how are you?" Asked Yanmei on the phone while sitting in front of a round table.      

Ning Suyin was checking on her granddaughters, missing them after having left Korea with the Xias.      

"Chan-Mi and Nari are fine. Nari is at home. I just came from the doctor, having Chan-Mi get her vaccine today. We decided to have lunch at a restaurant nearby," she explained to her mother.      

"Okay. Take care, mom." She put the phone on Chan-Mi's ears and said, "Tell mama Suyin bye-bye, Chan-Mil"     

"Bye! Bye!" Said Chan-Mi before smiling at her mother.      

"Good girl! Now, let's eat."     

She was out with her two bodyguards and one caregiver along with Chan-Mi. Minsuh drove them for their journey.      

Knowing who Yanmei was, the restaurant manager offered a private room where she could enjoy her meals with the rest of her group. They spent about two hours at the restaurant before acting to leave.      

At the driveway, Iseul opened the door of the car for Yanmei and she cautiously made the walk to the vehicle, holding Chan-Mi in her arms. Chun-Ho followed Yanmei behind.      

It was because Yanmei carried her daughter that the caregiver held on to Yanmei's bag. Right at that very moment, a man, wearing a bonnet, rushed to take Yanmei's bag from the caregiver. The caregiver nearly fell to the ground. Fortunately, Chun-Ho caught her in time.      

Iseul quickly raised a gun at the fleeing thief, but before he could fire or threaten, a woman with long black hair came to the rescue, knocking off the man and taking Yanmei's bag.     

The woman, who wore leather pants and a dark brown jacket, walked back to the car and to where Iseul and Chun-Ho stood, now both holding up a gun at her.      

The woman said, "Relax. I'm not an enemy. I brought the bag back!"     

Just as she approached the man who earlier took Yanmei's bag, got up and left, making Iseul hissed. Nonetheless, Yanmei and Chan-Mi were their priority. The woman before them, carrying the bag, was a greater threat.      

"Who is it who got my bag?" Yanmei peeked from the car to look. Seeing who it was she frowned an ordered, "Iseul, get my bag."     

"Yes, Mrs." said Iseul. He raised one hand while still holding the gun and said, "Give it here."     

"Why are you all so tense?! I just retrieved the bag for your madame!" Said the woman.      

"We know who you are, Maya, and the organization you belong to. We have strict orders to keep you away from Mrs. Yeong and the boss' family," said Chun-Ho.     

Maya frowned. She did not expect Anton to connect the dots so quickly, but then again they found their headquarters, the home where they had secured back in Hongkong. She recognized she had it coming.      

She gave the bag and said, "I don't want any trouble. I have been asking your boss for a chance to meet him, but was constantly denied by his assistant."     

Maya watched as Iseul handed the bag to Yanmei and closed the door of the car. Chun-Ho, on the other hand, stood behind the caregiver.      

"I retrieved his wife's bag, and I saved her life once. Tell your boss, he owes me a favor, and its time for me to collect," said Maya.     

She casually reached for a piece of paper using one hand, kept inside her jacket pocket, and handed it to Iseul. Maya said, "Please have your boss reach out to me tomorrow at the latest."     

Maya quickly raised her hands back up in the air and slowly stepped away. "Again, I do not want any trouble. I just want the favor returned."     

It was apparent to Anton that the organization was following his family around. He recalled how Maya had asked for him to help their group as a favor, but refused. He decided to give Maya a generous amount of cash as payment for having saved Yanmei over two months ago.      

The next day, he met her at a private conference at the Ritz Carlton Hotel.      

Guarded with several of his men, Anton sat behind a table, waiting for Maya to arrive. She came minutes before their agreed time. She was thoroughly searched before entering the room and as soon as she made it inside she asked, "Can we speak in private?"     

"Because you would not want them to hear what I am about to say - about the project Zero?" Said Maya. When Anton did not respond, she scoffed and said, "Come on. I am not going anywhere. There is only one exit to this concrete-made room."     

Anton gazed at Iseul and Chun-Ho and signaled for them to leave.      

When only Maya and Anton were alone, she sat in front of Anton and got to the point. She said, "We are doing well as an organization. However, we realized your genes - yours and your sister are just far to supreme."     

"We need that kind of strength and knowledge," she added. "We have to have your genes."     

Anton sneered and said, "Are you threatening to take one of our children? Because you will suffer the consequences!"     

"No! We would never do that! We would never offend you in that way," she said. "After all, we are alike."     

"Me and my group - we have concluded that we could create a new child, a gifted child, blessed with your genes, and we can only do that if you... give us your sperm," said Maya. She looked Anton in the eye and added, "It's a very easy favor to return."     

While Maya thought the request was doable, Anton displayed to be disgusted. He retorted, "How dare you ask this of me!" He quickly took out a check for Ten Million Dollars and said, "Take that! That will be your payment for having helped my wife!"     

He slammed his hands against the table and added, "But you are not getting a hold of my sperms!"     

"Anton! It isn't so difficult! I am asking for just one night! Have sex with me and be done with i - "     

"Fuck you! I am not sticking my precious dick in your cunt?!" He pointed a finger at Maya before he added, "If I were you, Maya! You'd stop this nonsense and start anew with your life - that money is significant enough to get you places! Get you a decent husband to fill your desires! But do not expect me to ever give you my golden sperms!"     

"Now that we are even and I've paid for the favor, be gone and do not show yourself to me - not any more or to any of my family!"     

Seeing Anton ready to strangle her, Maya raised her hands and said, "What if you just donate to us your sperms until I conceive a child with it? There are several ways - "     

"Fuck you! Fuck you! Listen to what I am saying, my entire body - my dick and my sperm only belong to my wife! It isn't going anywhere but inside my wife's womb! Do you hear me?!"     

Anton was prepared to give Maya and punch, but she quickly grabbed the check and said, "Understood! Understood!"      

"Now that the favor has been returned, my orders will be for my men is shoot to kill at the sight of you and all members of your organization! Scram!!!"     

With hands raised, she hastily ran outside the conference room.      

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