Tricking My Cold Lover

Just Like Anton

Just Like Anton

0Anton had just landed in Hongkong. He needed to attend a meeting with PacficAStar's executives on behalf of his wife. He was on the phone with Yanmei, checking how Nari was as he made his way to down from his private jet.      

"Mine, Nari seems better now. I think her new antibiotics are working. Her oxygenation is getting better compared to last week," reported Yanmei.      

"I'm glad to hear that, mine. Nari is strong, just like us. She belongs to a family of supremes."     

He smiled, hearing his wife chuckle, but when he saw his security grin at his amusement, he quickly squinted. Returning his attention on the phone, he reminded Yanmei, "Don't forget to eat your lunch."     

"Don't worry. How can I not? Mom seems to be always hungry, inviting me for a meal and Li Wen." Yanmei expressed a thankful sigh before adding, "She and Mommy Soon often took my place just watching Nari from the viewing area. I feel - I feel very reassured that someone is always looking after Nari."      

"That's good to know mine. I'm driving off to the hotel with my men. I miss you already," he sincerely said.      

"I miss you too, mine. Be home quick, okay?" Said Yanmei.      

Anton had a full day of meeting and gathering that he only returned to his hotel late in the evening. He had a private room booked for his dinner while his men stood outside.      

After his food was served, another woman came inside, dressed as a hotel attendant; a suited top and trousers. She was tall, slender, and with long black hair. The woman brought in a bottle of champaign and a glass, placed in a bucket.     

As she placed them on the table, she said, "Compliments of mwah."      

The woman then took a seat in front of Anton. She brushed her hair with her fingers before giving him a pleasant smile. She said, "Hello, I am the woman you have been looking for - you know, the one who shot Farhad's man on the busy highway of Seoul."     

Anton frowned. He leaned back to study the woman. She did not Asian. The features of her face were that of a Hispanic.     

"Hi, my name is Maya. I prefer not giving my last name," said the woman. "I came from Seoul to Hongkong, just to find a private space to speak to you - Damn, Anton Li, you are a hard man to find individual time with."     

With his eyes tightening, he said, "You have the wrong person. I am not Anton Li."     

"Haha! Of course, you are! You used to be Anton Li, but now you are a Yeong. I get that!" She said before crossing her arms across her chest. "Look, I am not here to make any trouble. I just wanted to propose a business deal."     

"It's exactly why I saved your wife's life, so you could owe me a favor," Maya said.      

"What do you want? I don't have time for this?" Anton asked while his hand under the table picked a knife from the belt around his waist.      

"I am a product of an experiment, just like you - Hah!" Maya abruptly flipped to one side, avoiding Anton's knife. He thrust the blade directly to the woman's face.      

Looking at the knife behind her, she said, "That's not very nice, considering I saved your wife - Hah! Hah!"     

Maya blocked two of Anton's hand attacks with her arms above her head. Anton jumped across the table with every intention of disabling her.     

She gasped as she fought back, blocking and thrusting her elbows against Anton, but despite her effort, Anton was stronger than her. She found herself being strangled in his arms.      

"Obviously, you are not to be trusted, having done your research about me. More importantly, the fact that saved my wife also meant you have been stalking my family!" Anton yelled, tightening his hold around her neck.      

His men, having heard the commotion, promptly came inside, holding up a gun against the woman in Anton's hold.      

He was about to order her away when Maya explained, "I'm like you! My father was a test subject from Project Zero! If anything, we are on the same side!"     

He pushed Maya towards his men and asked, "Are we - on the same side?"     

"I was one of those saved from the ship where your sister was locked up. She was in the room, just right next to me," she revealed with her hands up, suggesting she did not want to fight. "Your actions - saving Andrea also saved my life! If anything, I am thankful for your saving!"     

"Now, relax, because I am like you," she added.      

"Then explain yourself!" Demanded Anton. "Were you surveying my family?"     

"I have. I admit to doing that." She said. "Can I take a seat and enjoy the champagne?"     

At gunpoint from Anton's men, Maya sat back at the chair from across Anton. Despite catching her breath, she confidently opened the champagne and poured into Anton's glass and one that she brought along with her.      

After sipping on the drink, she said, "Some of us - who were saved from the vessel, we are forming a group - a new organization of strong and intelligent men."     

"We realize that it was because Project Zero wanted to revive the uses of those who were part of the old organization that we thought to apply our skills to good use - one we ourselves can benefit from it! And I came to you now because we want you to lead us. You - you are the perfect person to make our organization flourish!"     

"Just think of it! We will have clients from all across the globe, wanting our talented brains and skill in fighting - "     

"You are not that any good," Anton scrutinized, hoping to discourage her further. "If you plan to accept mercenary jobs, you will die in no time."     

She chuckled and said, "I am training to be as good as you."     

"I am not interested. Moreover, I have a life - a family, a wife, and a good business. You and the rest of your group should do the same - live a normal life! You are only drawing attention to yourselves and will eventually get yourselves killed," said Anton.      

"I - I figured you'd say that, especially since your wife still needs you - as well as your daughter," said Maya. She leaned closer to the table and added, "But think of it - the amount of wealth we can accumulate from all the job requests, we can rule the world if we want to - with you and Andrea's talent - "     

"LEAVE - me and my sister - OUT OF IT! We are done being branded under Project Zero." He shook his head and added, "I thank you for helping my men and my wife back in Seoul. I will return the favor in another way - you want money? I can give you that! But, I will never take part of your plans."     

The dismay on Maya's face was evident. She had earnestly hoped that Anton would at least see the benefit of their plans. She reluctantly got up and said, "How unfortunate. Rest assured, I will collect on that favor."     

Maya acted to leave, but before she did, she threw a kick at one of Anton's men and forcefully took one handgun from the other. With the pistol in her hand, she pointed it to Anton's men. She smirked and said, "Your men need more training."     

She quickly raised her hand and the weapon in surrender, throwing it on the ground before quickly disappearing.      

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