Tricking My Cold Lover

From Copycat to Real

From Copycat to Real

0"Everything is falling into place," muttered So Eon Jung. He was smiling at his social media page, seeing the community talk harshly about Anton Yeong. "Thank you, Friday Midnight for coming back."     

Years ago, from the time of Friday Midnight's sudden terror in the city. So Eon Jung instantly followed his tracks. He was the shrewdest on keeping detailed records of each of his killings. He followed the detectives around wherever they may go like he was an investigator himself.     

Unconsciously, he developed a strange admiration for the killer's style and fetish. He began creating documentaries about Friday Midnight's crimes and he did so with enthusiasm.      

It turned into his passion and along with it; he became a famous reporter and his social media page earned several views. It profited beyond his imagination. People all wanted to know more about the monster that struck the city, that his page earned its fame worldwide.     

Even after the disappearance of Friday Midnight, he remained to be popular for a year. However, as time passed, everyone realized that the serial killer is no more. The kidnapping stopped. The killing stopped and the interest towards his social media page reduced to a minimum.      

He tried to shift to covering other stories while working for the newspaper, but his interest had become deeply rooted in that of the mysterious serial killer who was never found out.     

He began making his own inquiry about the Friday Midnight's sudden halt. Eventually, his research led him to the same man, William Brown. However, William Brown's servants and the man's employees confirmed of his sudden disappearance.      

What especially made him think that Anton Yeong was involved in putting a permanent stop to Friday Midnight was the fact that his organization aided William Brown's employees. Immigrants were brought back to the original countries while local workers received financial aid from JKW Investments. This was, of course, with the help of the government.      

What further backed up his suspicion was the police confirming that Anton Yeong's men had been widely going around the city three weeks before the killing and the kidnapping stopped. It meant that they too were in search of the same serial killer.     

Lastly, no one else was more powerful than Anton Yeong in the city. Only he could get away from putting down a famous killer without anybody finding out.      

With a smile on his face, he turned on his player and hit his favorite music. The song was played too loud that it filled every corner of the space.      

In an underground basement of a two-story home, swept away from the city, So Eon Jung began to sign to the lyrics as he put on his gloves. He clashed two blades together and walked toward the depth of his secret prison.      

"Put your lips next to mine, dear     

Won't you kiss me once, baby?     

Just a kiss goodnight, maybe      

You and I will fall in love     

People say that love's a game     

A game you just can't win     

If there's a way      

I'll find it somebody     

And then this fool will rush in"     

As he swayed his bddy and sang, he opened the door to one dark room, and there, two bodies revealed being tied from behind. One was Geon-wu, already dead, the other was Ho-Seok who was about to die in his hands.      

He said, "I'm sorry but I can't leave any witnesses."     

Groans of pain could be heard from his underground cellar, but despite Ho-Seok's cries, no one heard him that early morning. The young man can only regret working for a man that had long lost his reason.     

While So Eon Jung was taking another life, the police were already on their way to his home. Little did he know his celebration was only short-lived.      

Anton Yeong and his men quickly reached out to the insurance companies, sending proofs of fraud. At the same time, his men inspected the surroundings of the private home, making sure that there is no escaping when the time would come.     

The insurance companies quick to act and no later than the following day, a warrant to search the clinic was already issued. Of course, Anton had a hand in expediting the entire process. He wanted to get rid of So Eon Jung as quickly as possible.      

It was because the police were well aware of Anton's recent movements against the reporter that he could not take matters into his own hands… yet. He let the authorities have the pride of arresting the psychopath.      

The small private clinic was quickly stormed and proofs of more felony had been found. So Eon Jung remained to be the only owner of the said clinic. Thus, the officers shifted to find him.      

Back at the private home.      

"Mr. So! Mr. So!" The maid repeatedly called for him from the basement door, but it was locked and the woman could only hear the music.     

It was only after he was done with taking a man's life did So Eon Jung heard the cry of his maid. "Mr. So! The police are here! The Clinic was infiltrated!"     

He heard her words and while he was in a state of shock. He quickly searched his place and thought first to dispose of his most relevant pieces of evidence. He grabbed two pieces of retro handsets from his desk.     

So Eon's mouth trembled in fear. His eyes quickly found his emergency microwaved and took out the sim cards from the old phones. He cooked up the latter to high heat before fleeing from his secret place.      

He knew not if the handsets and sim cards would burn, but he can only hope.     

"No! How could this happen?!" He yelled as he ran into his dark and narrow path. After a few minutes, he arrived at an exit.     

He pushed open a wooden door, but before he could run to his shaft, four police officers were already there, pointing a gun at him.      

"Freeze! You are under arrest. Put your hands where we could see them!"     

"Put your hands up! Put them up!"     

So Eon Jung was frustrated. He swore the plan was foolproof, but here he was, panting and sweating from running away and the police found his secret exit. He asked himself, 'How was this possible? How?!'     

He had no other choice but to go down on his knees and heed to the police's call.      

After he was completely subdued, only then did he see a man in an expensive suit walk towards him.      

The man with the most domineering aura was none other than Anton Yeong. "Well… Well… Looks like I finally caught up to you, Friday Midnight. How long has it been since you had not killed anyone. Finally, I have found you."     

From behind Anton, Ha-joon recorded his announcement over the reporter which they will soon use to air in LH News.      

It did not take long for the reporter to be brought to the police station while the officers continued to process the entire house.      

Anton and his men lingered at the private home where pieces of evidence were plentiful, more than enough to name So Eon Jung the real Friday Midnight.      

Byung-ho and Anton nodded in agreement that since the reporter wanted so badly to be called as such, he might as well take account for the other forty-one murders that happened four years ago. From a mere copycat, he was turned into the authentic one.     

Before Anton left, Byung-ho and Ha-joon walked up to Anton.      

"Sir, the reporter's accomplices, Geon-wu and Ho-Seok were both found dead in the basement," said Ha-joon.      

Anton could see a but coming that he asked, "but?"     

"He still insisted on trying to blow up two old mobile devices and it's sim cards," added Byung-ho, the detective.      

Byung-ho was holding up the evidence in the ziplock bag as he said, "It did not burn completely the sim card. Hopefully, we can still get information out of it."     

If an old mobile is being used to make contact, without GPS, it is unlikely to be hacked. Anton thought the reporter was at least cautious in making contact. He said, "It could only mean… he has another accomplice…Or… he is just a piece of the puzzle."     

"Byung-ho, it's up to you. Giving that evidence in the hands of the police would possibly mean it can get lost, but if you give that to me, we can trace whoever is responsible for all this in less than 24 hours."     

He nodded and said, "Very well."     

Byung-ho waited for the rest of his team to clear the area where they stood, and only then did he hand the near burned gadgets and sim cards.      

Just like what Anton had promised, they quickly identified So Eon Jung's accomplice. It took them less than twenty-four hours.      

Inside Anton's office, Ha-joon came back to report. "Yeong, what do we do with the accomplice?"     

Anton threw his head back and said, "I want to know what are his motives. Monitor first his activity and see if he is tied or linked to anyone else… For the time being… Let's take him for a ride."     

Directed to the TV inside the office, he watched as LH news aired his presence during the capture of the reporter. He gave an approving nod, knowing that his business partners will trust him once more.      

The next part of the news was a quick interview with Yanmei. He recalled how the Lionheart had asked her to speak for him a few days back.     

In that episode, Yanmei said, " I've always believed in Anton. No matter what the world accuses him, I will always be by his side. I was never worried. It was just a matter of time for the truth to unfold."     

The fact that she said this before the arrest was made, it made Anton force a smile at her reassuring words. Then, out of the blue, he cursed. "Fuck."     

He suddenly recalled how he has not yet practiced on how to ask her hand in marriage.      

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