Tricking My Cold Lover

Did My Sister Turn me Into Gay?

Did My Sister Turn me Into Gay?

0Anton Yeong and Yanmei, together with Han-joon, left to see Andrea, her sister in Beijing. He and his siblings were going to meet again, since Andrea's taking.      

Right after landing the craft, Andrea was already waiting for them at the airport. Yanmei walked down behind Anton while being held by the hand.      

Recalling how Andrea had lost her recent memories due to being abducted, Yanmei could only hope that she still would remember her, from the time they met in Guangzhou.      

Anton and Andrea exchanged lines at the start, chatting about Lu Fang before Andrea looked past his brother and curiously gazed at Yanmei.      

Lu Fang, Andrea's husband, was on a business trip and it was only her who came to fetch Anton that day.      

"Xia Yanmei?" Andrea asked while giving mixed expressions.     

Relieved she remembered her name, Yanmei immediately walked towards her and hugged Andrea. "Andy, I never got to check on you but know that I was constantly worried about you."     

"Thank you, Yanmei," Andrea said while giving a puzzled smile as they pulled away from the embrace.     

"Andy, you may have forgotten, you and Lu Fang hired Yanmei to manage Lu-Wei Enterprises expansion in Korea with me as your primary investor," Anton explained.      

"Oh, I see… That doesn't explain holding hands though. Haha!" Andrea was laughing thoroughly, even acting by herself the act of holding hands.      

Anton cut her off by clearing his throat. Then he said, "Andy, Yanmei, and I are together. She is my girlfriend."     

Andrea took a few steps back and felt herself being light-headed. Her ice-cold brother already had a girlfriend, and it was a Xia. For seconds, she was utterly silent, but thankfully, Hanxi, Andrea's apprentice and brother in arms, broke the ice by coming to her aid.      

"Andy, Yeong getting a girlfriend was entirely your doing," Hanxi announced, thinking about how she had planned to bring Yanmei to Korea, playing cupid and turning Anton into gay.      

Anton's eyes tightened. He wondered if there was more to what he told. 'Did Andy plan all along to get me involved with Yanmei? How?'     

Hanxi quickly saw through Anton's silent objection that he hurriedly looked away.      

Andrea scoffed and said, "What? Pfft! I have no idea! I am innocent of the crime - "     

"Actually, Andy. We both talked to you on the phone before it all went down. It sort of was your direction that led us getting into a relationship," said Yanmei, in response to her defense.     

Yanmei looked at Anton as if asking for approval before revealing, "We - we both consulted with you."     

"Hmmmm." Said Anton, recalling those days of banging on Yanmei's door, with his sister talking him and Yanmei into settling their emotions.     

However, while he had this in mind, Hanxi's words were cemented to his head. He found Hanxi's actions suspicious, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.      

It was unfortunate that his sister, Andrea, had no recollection of how she became the missing puzzle piece to his relationship with Yanmei. Andrea recited, "I really can't remember… but, hey! That's great! I bet… Mommy Soon is the happiest!"     

Yanmei blushed, but she could not deny the truth. If anything, Mommy Soon was their number one supporter. She merely smiled and nodded, agreeing to Andrea's conclusion.      

Andrea had proposed they head for the sports club where they were to have their gathering for the day, but just before leaving, Anton pulled over Hanxi from behind his shirt. He asked, "How exactly did Andy plan for me to get a - girlfriend?"     

Hanxi, while also an athletic man, had only respect for Anton Yeong, he had been trained by both Andrea and Anton. He looked at Andrea who was utterly innocent, not having any recollection of turning her brother into gay.      

He then looked at Anton, who was squinting at him.      

Yanmei was standing in front of them, her eyes shifted from Hanxi to Anton. She said, "Yeong, it doesn't really matter. If Andy and Lu Fang had not invited me to work in Korea, we would not have met and you and I would not happen!"     

It was because he saw the fear in Hanxi's eyes that Anton knew there was more to the story. He insisted, "Hanxiiii!"     

While Hanxi was panicking, Andrea was simply carefree. She said, "Well… Whatever I did and just like what Yanmei said, I must have helped!"     

"Yeong!" Yanmei called as she embraced him from the side. She pecked on his cheek and said, "Let's stop this now. It doesn't matter, right?"     

Andrea stepped back. Hanxi stepped back with her. Both their eyeballs were ready to pop out of their eyes, shocked at their brother willingly accepted a peck on the cheek. It was the most mythical scene they have ever witnessed.      

Gradually, Andrea's eyes panned to Hanxi and barely a whisper, she said, "Are you - sure that's my brother? He - he didn't get taken and replaced by Project Zero, right?"     

Hanxi thought for a second, but he said, "Han-joon is there. He probably is your brother."     

"Stop talking about me like I am not right in front of you!" Anton demanded. He then put an arm around Yanmei's waist and gently pulled her away.      

While the two were in awe, Han-joon was holding his laughter the best way they could. He said, "I wish I had the freedom to give that kind of reaction."     

When Anton glared at him, he bowed his head and said, "Sorry, Yeong."     

"Geez, such a big deal of how I got you two together!" Andrea tried to recover by focusing on how fortunate his brother was. "You know what? Yanmei is a righteous person, she would never get herself involved in a woman-hater like you!"     

She pondered for a second and said, "At the top of my head! I probably told her you were gay to justify your woman-hating actions! Haha!"     

Andrea noticed she was the only one laughing that she said, "Of course, I probably didn't… say that. I mean... pfft! I would never do that to my brother! Haha!" Turning to Hanxi, she softly asked, "Did I?"     

Seeing Hanxi's fright, she decided to end the odd conversation. "Oh, my! My babies! They are calling out to me!"     

Her twins were inside the car, and she acted to hear them even if the windows were closed.     

"Well, now… let's go and enjoy the sports club!" Said Andrea, before pulling Hanxi by the hand away from Anton.      

As soon as they hopped on to their individual private luxury vehicles, Anton turned to Yanmei and probed, "Did my sister turn me into gay?"     

Yanmei quickly fanned herself with her hand and said, "Um - um…"     

"You know I don't like it when you lie to me, right?" He reminded her with his eyes nearly closed, his head leaning towards her.      

"Don't worry, given her state. I can't afford to be angry with her... for now. I can't promise the same with Lu Fang, though." It was his way of convincing Yanmei to be honest with him.      

"She - she said, she may have misinterpreted you to be… gay," she revealed. She figured Lu Fang could handle whatever Anton would throw at him.      

Anton reflected an irritable frown. There was no way in hell his sister could have misread him. Between Li Wen and her, Andrea knew him the most. He concluded Andrea must have said so for Yanmei to casually work for him.      

"If you had known, I wasn't gay, would you have rejected the job offer?" He asked sincerely.      

Yanmei hugged his arm and said, "Maybe... or maybe not, but for sure, I would not give single attention. Back then, thinking you were... gay. I - I felt like... you badly needed a friend - some girl talk."     

Anton suddenly recalled the days she called him "Girl." He shook his head, realizing the reason behind it. 'No wonder... she was treating me like I was... a girl.'     

While Anton was thinking back, Yanmei chuckled and pressed her cheek to his arm. "I'm sorry, Yeong. But now, I love the fact that you disliked women... Because you are... only mine."     

"Woman, you are getting too confident," he remarked with his usual manly voice.     

For the rest of their drive, Anton's mind returned to how he had been wronged by his own sister. He clenched his hand into a fist until he realized how he could make Lu Fang pay for his wife's mistake.      

After arriving at the club where they were to spend the night, Anton let Yanmei get inside with Han-joon and Andrea. He first called for Lu Fang to make a deal with him.      

Lu Fang was on a business trip when Anton called. As soon as he answered, he heard his brother-in-law, say, "Lu Fang. So I learned that Andrea told Yanmei once… I was G-A-Y."     

Anton could practically hear Lu Fang gulping down his saliva. He said, "Haha, Yeong. She only did that so Yanmei would not dislike you outright, but everything turned out great, right? You and Yanmei are together? Regardless of Andy's methods, the result is remarkable."     

"You are going to have to pay for it," Anton said in his chilling tone.     

"H - how do I pay for it?" Lu Fang asked awkwardly.     

"After your business trip, you are going to give your brother two hours of your daily time," said Anton. From where he stood, his hands were firmly clutching against the phone.      

"Doing… what, Yeong?" Lu Fang asked.      

"Just... words," said Anton. "I'll call you when the time is right."     


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