Tricking My Cold Lover

Pottery and Painting

Pottery and Painting

0The week flew by in a blink of an eye. The couple was busy with work during the weekdays. In fact, they mostly stayed late in the office. However, they maintained to have lunch and dinner together. They alternately slept together in either of their penthouse suites.      

When the weekend came, Yanmei was once again looking forward to their next date. Anton told her that the weekend will be about pottery and painting.      

On a Saturday afternoon, Anton took her to a pottery shop, where workshops were being offered for those who were interested in making bowls or vases. The shop was closed exclusively for their use. They were given a basic orientation about clays and how to handle them. The shop also gave a demo, with one potter making two pieces for them to follow.      

Before getting started, Yanmei asked Anton, "Are you going to make a pot with me?"     

"Hmmm… I'm just going to watch you," he said. "I - don't like to make a mess with the clay."     

"It's no fun making it just by myself," said Yanmei. "I thought this was supposed to be a date."     

"I have work to do," he said, raising his laptop with one hand. "Don't worry. At least, I'll be next to you, giving you instructions."     

Her mouth twitched at his reasoning but went to knead her clay.      

"You need to knead it harder," instructed Anton. He watched as she was pushing lightly against the clay.      

The owner of the shop provided a desk for Anton that would allow him to watch Yanmei make the pot across from him. He was her critic in the entire process.     

Yanmei was wearing a casual blouse and skinny jeans, plus an apron to protect her from making a mess. After thoroughly kneading the clay, she forcefully dropped the earth against her wheel.      

"What will you be making?" He asked while typing on his laptop.     

"I want to make a coffee mug for both of us," she said with a smile before blowing him a kiss.      

His eyes narrowed again before saying, "I have expectations about my coffee mug."     

The instructor was a male potter. It did not seem to bother Anton at first, but when Yanmei started forming the pot, she was losing its shape that the instructor had to come closer, helping her with her hands. The instructor had to teach Yanmei how to apply the right amount of pressure against the clay. The sight of it made Anton tighten his eyes.      

"Young man hands off my woman and find your own… Let her make her own pot," he ordered.      

The potter stepped back, fearing his threatening tone. Yanmei quickly realized what he was thinking, that she also told the same to the potter. "It's okay, I don't mind having an ugly mug."     

Barely a whisper, she added, "My boyfriend is very possessive."     

Following her announcement, Anton's eyes nearly closed, but her giggling returned his mood back to normal.     

As Yanmei made the pot, she occasionally dipped her hands into the water before dirtying her hands further with the mud. Anton could not help but keep staring at her work instead of his laptop. At the same time, he gave her mandates.      

"Be careful, Yanmei."     

"Shape it with your finger."     

"No, not like that- Yanmei! You are ruining my mug!"     

"Yeong! If you are going to keep complaining about how I make the mug, why don't you just do it?!" She said in frustration.     

Anton glanced at the clay which had already fallen apart at the top and gave a heavy sigh. He wasn't planning to get his hands on the dirt, but in the end, he had to salvage what was left of Yanmei's first clay.      

He took off his coat and rolled up his sleeves, forming the pot in front of him while Yanmei started another one from the next table.     

After Anton took over Yanmei's clay, he used too much pressure and ended up crumbling it into nothing.      

"Pfft! Haha! Looks like you are a worse potter than me, Mr. Yeong," said Yanmei as she was working on another wheel.      

Anton could not accept defeat over a mere pot. He worked on another clay to make a mug. He challenged Yanmei, "I'll show you how to make a proper pot."     

After Anton tried to make another, he appeared to take control of the clay. If anything, Anton always was in command, but as he started to build its height, his patience waned. He crushed it back into a ball. He turned to Yanmei and said, "Let's just buy a fucking mug."     

She just wrinkled her nose and said, "You are getting angry again. Just go back to your work and I'll make us the mugs. Pottery is for those who have patience."     

It was because he felt challenged by his woman's words that he got another set of clay. He extended his patience and was able to successfully make a mug.      

Yanmei also made one, but not so perfectly shaped. She smiled and said, "This one is yours. Yours is mine."     

Anton was quick to frown, seeing her unevenly shaped mug. He shook his head and said, "Fine... Just to make it clear my professional fee is 1 Million Dollars."     

Yanmei rolled her eyes and said, "What an expensive mug!"     

Before the mugs could dry up, Yanmei engraved a heart in each, writing their names on it. She said, "Mugs made from the heart."     

"Hmmmm," said Anton.      

The clay needed to go through a drying process, but the pot owner promised to deliver to them afterward. Even if they weren't perfect, Yanmei was eager to use them.     

The next day, they left early from their penthouse suite. Yanmei was surprised to learn that they were going painting on a Sunday. She asked, "I thought Sunday was your day?"     

"I decided to make it both our day," he said with no expression. Anton brought Yanmei to a clubhouse, where he rented the entire indoor pool facility.      

Yanmei was stunned when he told her to get changed. In the designated changing room, she found a two-piece swimsuit.      

She walked to the swimming pool area wearing a robe and found Anton was already waiting for her. He was lying down in one of the sun lounges…wearing a swimming trunk. Her eyes grew wide as she asked, "What are you doing? I thought we are going to be painting."     

Anton pointed out to the box of water-based paints next to him and said, "Here are your pantings and brushes. You may start now."     

Puzzled, she looked around wondering what she will paint on. "Paint what?"     

"Me! Paint on me… and I'll paint on you… Don't worry. I closed up the entire facility. No one can see us," Anton said with his head resting on his arms.      

Yanmei bit her lip, and her eyes grew wide in excitement. What more thrilling it is to paint, doing it on Anton's body? "Ummmmm... I like it. Though, I thought you did not like to get dirty?"      

"This is an exception… and by the way, as you paint me… Sit on me," he instructed.     

Yanmei flushed, looking at his groin area. He was already big. She blinked a few times, recognizing this was meant to be a stimulating activity.     

Nonetheless, she took off her robe and prepared her choice of water-base paint before starting with her work of art. She first painted vines and flowers on his arms and only after did she sit on him. She teased, "Ooooh…You look so manly with these vines."      

"You are going to pay for that," he plainly said.      

She chuckled as she made flowers and hearts all over Anton's chest. Naturally, she straddled on him quite well until he was as hard as a rock.      

She bit her lip at the feel of his hands stroking her outer thighs. When she was coloring his six-pack abs with flowers, he had already fondled on her breast.      

To Anton's point of view, not only will Yanmei get her painting experience, he could get his fair share of teasing, and seeing her in a sexy two-piece bikini added to the excitement.      

When it was Yanmei's turn to get painted, she was utterly nervous. She was lying on the sundeck waiting for him to get started. Anton did not pick up a brush. Instead, he took out his choice of paint and dipped his fingers.      

"You're going to paint with your hands?" She asked with her eyes wide open.      

"It's the best way to get you covered," he said with the most serious eyes she had ever seen.      

Anton rubbed both his hands with red paint before pressing them down gently on Yanmei's shoulders. As his hands move to her arms, her top came off.      

She gasped the second his hands covered her bosoms. He was massaging her entire chest while painting it with red. Still, he lingered the most on her mounts that Yanmei felt exhilarated.      

Anton did the same with her back, coloring it with red. He only switched to a different color when he pained her lower body, choosing yellow.      

While still lying down, Anton used his hands and covered her with the paint. He stayed a little longer on her two-round flesh before making his way into her thighs and between her legs.      

Yanmei could not understand the thrill she was going through. It was a unique way to get a massaged, at the same time, play with paint. She was incredibly stimulated that she said, "Yeong, I want to make love with you."     

He smirked and said, "Don't worry. That was always part of the plan."     

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