Tricking My Cold Lover

Bad Mood

Bad Mood

0"We are going to Jakarta?" Yanmei asked in surprise as they hopped on the JKW private plane.      

"Yes, I need to meet someone," said Anton. He did not expound further.      

"Who?" She asked.      

Anton closed his eyes as he rested his head on the seat. "Business. Just business."     

Without any more explanation, he just hushed her to sleep in his arms.     

When they arrived in the city, they stayed at the Mandarin Oriental Jakarta where Anton's meeting was to be held.      

While Anton proceeded to his appointment, Ha-joon took Yanmei to the property's gym. They had booked the area for private practice. Ha-joon taught Yanmei several exercises to strengthen her stamina before checking her progress in self-defense.      

When they were done with their practice, Ha-joon said, "Ms. Yanmei, in going back to your room, remember the specific requirements in getting out of the gym."     

Yanmei rolled her eyes. How could she ever forget how she came down to the gym, wearing loose pajamas, an oversized jacket. There was no way in hell any man would approach her.      

After getting changed, Yanmei asked Ha-joon, "What time will his meeting be over? Maybe we could grab a bite. I'm hungry."     

"Ah, the boss said, room service."     

"How long will that take? Come-on Ha-joon, we could at least go to the milk-tea shop below and get some chocolate-soya drink. I'm really starving," pleaded Yanmei.     

Ha-joon did the math and understood it was faster to get the drink. He was also famished after an entire afternoon of practice. Thus, he agreed to bring her to the shop, just one floor below.      

The hotel had a milk-tea shop on the first floor and they took the stairs to get there. They were in and out of there in fifteen minutes, both holding a takeaway drink.      

Yanmei was seriously sipping on her drink when she saw Anton at the hotel entrance with a familiar-looking man and a young girl with short hair. She pouted and said, "Oh, look it's Yeong."     

"Yeong!" She called for him, waving her hand.      

"Ms. Yanmei, we better not disturb the boss from his meeting. Let's go to the room very quickly," Ha-joon proposed while quickly pulling her by the arm.      

"Oh, sorry," said Yanmei.      

However, it was too late. Anton had seen both of them. He was speaking to the familiar-looking man when Yanmei called him out. He immediately frowned, seeing her and Ha-joon. He had specifically said for them to go back to the room after their training.      

He excused himself to approach them and as soon as he reached both Yanmei and Ha-joon, he said while holding down his voice, "I thought! I told you to return to the room."     

"Yeong, please. We were just getting a soya drink. We were both hungry, but we are going back now so don't be bothered," she explained.      

She was about to touch his face, but Anton took a step back, avoiding her hand. It made her grimace and look at the man and the young girl who was waiting for him. "Who are they? The man looks a bit like your father."     

"A business partner dad wanted to invest in their properties here in Jakarta. It's nothing to be bothered about. You won't see them after today." He looked back to the direction of the man and the girl before adding, "Go back to the room now!"     

They both went back to the suite and ordered an early dinner. Only when they have finished their meals did Anton return to the suite.      

"Yeong, you are finally here. Let's eat. You must be hungry," invited Yanmei. She and Ha-joon were at the dining table, ready to dig in.      

"Hmmm," he said. "Ha-joon, I gave you specific instructions not to go anywhere else - "     

"Yeong? Please. There wasn't any issue with danger. We just went a floor down to get a drink and we were seriously thirsty and famished. I was literally ready to faint," Yanmei defended Ha-joon.      

"Sorry, sir - Yeong. It was what Ms. Yanmei said… We were both, really in need of some good refreshment," Ha-joon explained.      

"Ha-joon, you should have prepared before going to the gym! This should not happen again. I'm very disappointed! You are going to work on the factories for a month without going to the city as your punishment! " said Anton. He ignored their invitation and went to the bedroom in irritation.      

Ha-joon gulped, realizing his mistake. Earlier, Anton had specifically told him to go directly to the room and only order for room service. If it was an issue of security, he was pretty sure they had ended their rivals and cut off all their power and wealth. Still, he was being careful with the lady boss.      

The shop was literally one floor down and he took all precautionary measures before deciding on going.     

After being confronted, Ha-joon went back to his suite to contemplate on his lapse. Yanmei was left to appease Anton, going to the bedroom with a solid plan of seducing him.      

"Yeong? Are you still upset?" She asked while walking slowly to the balcony area where he was sitting on the chair.      

Anton was busy on his laptop when Yanmei came. Hearing her voice, he said, "I don't want to talk about it. You go to sleep early since we are going home early in the morning the next day. Leave me alone for now."     

Yanmei sighed and said, "Ahhh… The ups and downs of loving Anton Yeong."     

He gave her a glare as she walked back, heading towards the bathroom. For minutes, he stared angrily at the city lights which had begun to show. No matter how he wanted to blame it on Yanmei and Ha-joon, he knew his bad mood was all his fault.      

Nevertheless, the day has ended, and they were leaving for Korea. He would just make it up to Yanmei when they arrive.      

The next day, however, instead of flying out, they were stuck in the city. A storm had changed direction, hitting Jakarta at dawn. There was zero visibility, and Anton was left with no choice but to postpone their departure.      

In the afternoon, Anton was having a conference call in the living room when the door to their hotel suite rang.     

Yanmei looked at the door and asked, "Do you want me to get it?"     

"No," he said. He excused himself in the conference call and peeked through the door hole. He cursed after learning who it was.      

"Who is it?" Yanmei asked.      

"No one. Don't open the door. Just pretend you did not hear anything." Seeing Yanmei walked towards the door, he repeated, "Don't! Don't even think about looking!"     

"Sit back and finish learning about all JKW's business partners," he instructed coldly.      

Yanmei frowned. He had been in a bad mood for two days. Seducing him did not even work. She wondered how she would ever get used of mood swings.      

"Yeong, please don't be upset anymore." She walked up to him but she saw him give a stop sign, holding his palm up.      

"I'm still in a meeting. No matter what you do, do not open that door," said Anton.      

Thus, she had no choice but to follow as she was told. She continued to study JKW's partners, the ones she would begin to handle in the coming months.      

The doorbell kept ringing for another half an hour. Even if it bothered Yanmei, she did not want to have another argument with Anton and so she let it be.      

He, on the other hand, cursed each time it rang.      

Evening came and, as usual, they had room service. It was because Yanmei expected the food to be brought up that she came to the door and have a look. After confirming it was the food that they had ordered, she told him, "Dinner is here, Yeong. Same hotel staff you requested."     

Anton had specific requirements when having their meals delivered. Before they checked-in at the hotel, he had already selected two hotel staff to alternately bring up their food. He demanded that no one else take their place. In return, both the hotel and the selected food attendants were generously rewarded at the end of their stay.     

"Okay, let me get the door."     

He first let the food attendant come in. Yanmei was standing behind him when he opened the door, but just as he was about to close the door, a young girl with short hair appeared before him.      

"Brother Anton! I've been ringing your hotel room door for ages! You weren't answer - Who is that?" The young girl stopped herself, seeing Yanmei behind him.      

Anton was about to react but the girl said, "Isn't she your friend's girlfriend? The one I saw in the lobby yesterday? What is she doing in your room, brother Anton? Oh, my God! Is she trying to climb in your bed?!"     

Yanmei could feel her blood rising. She recognized the girl from yesterday. She was about to reproach, but she thought for a second, 'Why would she think I was someone else's girlfriend?'     

"Ji-yun, go back to your home right this very instance. Does your father even realize you are here?" Anton addressed the young girl. "I will call uncle right now."     

Yanmei glared at Anton, realizing he seemed familiar with the girl. Worse, mentioning an uncle, but what bothered her the most was the fact that the girl had the wrong impression of her, or did she?     

She was trying to find the right explanation for this mixup, but the only thing she could think of was that Anton told her the same. Her face turned bloody red, but she breathed heavily before she said, "Mr. Yeong, I supposed I am in the wrong room… I am Ha-joon's girlfriend after all."     

She then walked out to find Ha-joon's room, which was only two doors away.     

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