Tricking My Cold Lover

Surprise or Pounded?

Surprise or Pounded?

0Waking up to the sound of birds chirping and monkeys chattering from the trees above their villa, Yanmei turned to the other side of the bed with a grimace.     

It was her birthday, and her man was not next to her.      

They have been staying in the resort for over a week and yet, they mostly remained inside their accommodation. She got up, wearing her sexy sleeping wear.      

Strangely, she did not get devoured yesterday. Even her mouth and hands had a decent rest.     

"Yeong, where are you?" She called as she grabbed herself a robe before heading for the living room.      

She found him quickly, speaking with Ha-joon and one hotel staff from the villa entrance. He seemed to be arguing with the male attendant.     

"Yeong?" She called out to him again and only then did he close the front door.     

"Yanmei," he said with his eyes tightening. "We - must go out."     

"Ooh, is it because - "     

"My hands are already itching to shoot the monkeys. I figured its best that we go out rather than I kill an innocent monkey," said Anton.      

A frown appeared on her face and she walked towards him. "Are you sure you aren't forgetting anything today?"     

"I don't know what you mean. Go and take a shower and let's go out with Han-joon," said Anton. "Don't wear anything above the knee! Wear shades too."     

She grumpily walked back inside the room as told.     

Unfortunately, all dresses prepared by Yeong Soon were above the knee. Anton had to bother the resort to get Yanmei trousers for their tour. As a result, Yanmei ended up wearing a lady's pants, Anton's shirt, and cute sneakers on her feet.     

They first had breakfast at the main restaurant before heading to the tourist destinations, where a private luxury car was prepared for them by the property to take them around. However, before making it far, Anton requested to stop at the nearest tourist shop. He bought Yanmei a scarf and a hat and further instructed, "Cover yourself."     

"It's very hot here, Yeong," Yanmei complained.      

"Thats - exactly why! You'll get a sunburn," said Anton, enunciating properly his words. "Cover yourself."     

Han-joon, who was observing his boss, found his actions strange. Although he had seen Yanmei back in Beijing, it was the first time he had seen his boss trouble himself so much for a woman. Moreover, he thought he was being too protective of her.     

Their first stop was the rice terraces in Ubud, Bali. A tour guide let them through areas of edible plants, get a taste of different kinds of teas before reaching the rice fields.      

Getting at the topmost part of the terraces, Yanmei urged for them to have a picture together, but Anton was not quite participative. She turned to him and said, "You said I could get pictures of you when you are not half-naked."     

Anton felt obliged and gave in to Yanmei's request. Standing next to her, Han-joon took their pictures. He had a poker face all throughout, sometimes a glare but mostly an expressionless face. Yanmei had to appeal for him to give the smallest smile in the pictures, which took seconds for him to prepare in each and every shot.      

Han-joon, who was dumbfounded by his boss' willingness, felt his throat dry up. He had never seen this side of Anton and thus; he was chuckling inside, knowing it was because of Yanmei. He finally understood what Iseul meant about Anton getting hit by a cupid's arrow.     

Pointing to the rice fields, Yanmei said, "Let's walk across the fields - "     

"No, my shoes will get dirty," said Anton.      

Yanmei's brow raised seeing he had hiking boots on. She turned to Han-joon and asked him instead, "Can you come with me Han-joon and take a picture - "     

"No, Yanmei, we don't know what kind of insects are there in the rice fields and will get into your skin! You'll end up having rashes," Anton warned. "Let's go to the next."     

While inside the car, Yanmei mumbled to Anton, saying, "You know you were the one you wanted to go outside of the resort, not wanting to kill monkeys, but why does it seem like you are hating the idea of us going outside?"     

He turned to her and pulled her closer to him. "I have my reasons."     

She glowered at him. She particularly remembered him saying, he did not want to have a tour, but they end up doing so. Yet, he was not enjoying it either.      

The next part of their itinerary was to visit the elephants. Yanmei was thrilled to see such huge elephants and there was n option to wash, feed, ride and bathe with them.      

Yanmei excitedly said to Anton, "I want to do everything!"     

"No," he said. "We will only feed and ride them. How can you even think of bathing with the elephants? How many elephant urine and poop are in that pool of water."     

Anton was referring to a pool of water intended for the elephants to take a dip on. He watched as other tourists ride the elephant and plunged into the green water. He was utterly disgusted.      

Yanmei tried to persuade him, hugging his arm and reaching to peck his cheeks, but he was firm on his decision, saying, "Yanmei, did you know that most diseases come from animals? Touching them is a big no."     

Han-joon watched the dismay on the face of their lady boss, but he knew Anton had not originally planned to go outside. He was just forced to take Yanmei outside and thus, his demeanor to her every request.      

After visiting the elephants, they returned to the resort, and Yanmei was disappointed. She turned to Anton and asked, "So you have decided on killing the monkeys instead?"     

Han-joon, who was seated at the front seat, laughed thoroughly, making Anton glared at him.      

"No, let's go to the sauna instead," said Anton.      

Arriving at the resort, Yanmei saw a hotel staff holding up a cake. Her eyes gleamed, thinking it was meant for her, but apparently the cake brought it to another guest.     

Her heart sank. She wondered if Anton had absolutely forgotten her birthday.     

She wanted to go to their villa before taking a sauna, but Anton told her, "Let's go directly to the sauna so you are not leaving behind dirt and germs into our room. Wash up at the spa."     

"Don't you think you are being too OCD lately?" She asked with her voice nearly raised.      

Anton let out a heavy sigh, trying to hold it together. He walked towards her and put an arm around her shoulder. He said, "No. I'm just looking out for you."     

Pinching her chin, he added, "Don't be mad at me."     

The three of them went on to their separate sauna rooms, meeting only at the resting area of the spa where they had a late lunch. All throughout their meal, Yanmei was quiet, already dissatisfied with her day. She wondered how their vacation quickly shifted from great to gloomy.     

They rested for a while before finally going back to their locker rooms, but the moment she opened her locker, she saw a paper bag inside, one she did not carry with her. She looked inside and found one of the dresses Yeong Soon had packed for her, including a sexy halter bra and a thong.     

Her jaw dropped, thinking Anton had prepared it. An idea suddenly crept into her head that she mumbled to herself, "I think Yeong is preparing a surprise for me!" Then her expression turned into a frown. "Or am I just going to get pounded?"     

'Regardless,' she thought and convinced herself. 'Surprise or pounded, both are equally gratifying.'     

She changed into the dress and fixed her hair before heading out of the spa lobby.      

Anton was already waiting for her when she stepped out of the locker room. Even if she was earlier upset, she was pleased to see him in an all-white shirt down to his trousers. He even had his face shaved clean. Her attitude quickly changed, seeing his beautiful face.     

She walked up to him and said, "My love, you look handsome."     

She was quick to wrap her arms around his neck and give him a peck on the lips.      

Surprisingly, he did not resist. He simply said, "Hmmmm… Let's go back to the villa."     

"Oh, aren't we going to have a special dinner... somewhere?" She asked, still hoping for her birthday surprise.      

"Why? We'll have room service as usual," that was all he answered.      

She was once again disheartened and told herself, 'So its getting pounded after all.'     

Walking next to him with a long face, Yanmei concluded to just remind Anton of her birthday when they arrive at the villa.     

"Where is Han-joon?" She asked, realizing he was not there.      

"He already left, heading to his villa," he said. "Let's go."     

After arriving at their villa, Anton let Yanmei push the front door open, excusing himself, saying he had a call to take.      

Yanmei did so as told, but she noticed the door was a lot more difficult to push open. She ended up shoving with all her might, only to hear balloons popping.     

The second she made her way inside, her smile was from ear to ear. The entire villa was filled with different shades of purple balloons. She could practically swim in all the balloons present in the villa.      

Apparently, he was forced to take her out because of all the preparations required for her surprise.     

She quickly turned to him with glittering eyes, ready to jump at him out of bliss.      

He was standing there with his hands on his waist, squinting as he said, "Surprises are so troublesome. Don't expect this from me again."     

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