Tricking My Cold Lover

Tell Yanmei

Tell Yanmei

0In a port somewhere in France, Anton and Lu Fang were on standby, ready to penetrate a vessel. They had eventually narrowed down the facility where Andrea was kept; it was a ship called the Neptune Trader.      

It was no wonder they lost the trail so fast at the time of Andrea's disappearance. Project Zero had quickly covered their tracks and put Anton's sister in a huge boat. The said vessel often sailed on the sea, floating in the English Channel, only to re-stock on the small islands of France.      

They had already created circumstances for the vessel to make an unplanned stop, and this was the night that they would finally get Andrea back.     

"Power from the boat is already out," said Anton. "This is now our chance to get in."     

Lu Fang nodded before putting on his hat. He looked at the backseat and sneered at the woman they had earlier kidnapped. The two of them had resorted to taking another man's wife in place of Andrea.      

Li Wen had determined that the man leading the re-organized Project Zero. He was a wealthy French named Bertrand Duval, and it was his wife they were bringing into the ship. They wanted him to have a taste of his own medicine.      

"Don't feel guilty. She is no innocent woman. Remember that her family aided her husband to take Andy. She deserves to take Andy's place," said Anton with his icy tone.      

Lu Fang nodded before getting off the car.      

Two of their colleagues, one of whom was Anton's apprentice, Ha-joon, had already infiltrated the boat and were acting as one of the vessel's guards. The other was his sister's apprentice, Hanxi.     

It was because of Hanxi and Ha-joon's effort that Li wen was able to access the boat's network and determined Andrea's location. Apart from that, she gained full command of the vessel's control system.     

The vessel was heavily patrolled, but because of it, the security guards did not necessarily know each. Moreover, by cutting off the lights at the docks and at the deck of the boat, their faces were barely recognizable.      

Hanxi walked down from the ship, assisting Anton and Lu Fang up to the vessel. Lu Fang carried the woman across his shoulder when they were put to a stop, being asked of their intention. Even if they were in uniform, the security was not aware of a new prisoner to be brought in.      

"Who is that you are carrying?" The security asked after seeing a woman in a dress.      

"This is the new test subject Mr. Duval wanted for us to bring over," said Lu Fang.      

The uniformed men continued to question Anton and Lu Fang until they heard another security from behind them call their attention, "Is that the prisoner? The doctors have been waiting for her. What took you so long?"     

This eventually prompted the other men to allow Anton and Lu Fang passage. Unknown to them, it was Ha-joon, Anton's apprentice, who had said those words, aiding them after seeing they were prevented from entering the ship.      

They all made their way inside the facility, few floors beneath the deck. After locating Andrea's room, Hanxi and Ha-joon created a diversion in one laboratory, igniting an explosion. Some doctors and nurses were quick to climb on top of the deck while Lu Fang and Anton worked on disguising Andrea into a male security.      

They found Andrea in a coma. Her skin was pale and had lost a ridiculous amount of weight.     

Anton watched as his brother-in-law shed a tear, removing the oxygen mask on Andrea's face. His hands trembled as he then began cutting her hair carelessly. It was necessary to make her look like a man in order for their escape to work.      

While Lu Fang was dressing Andrea in a uniform, Anton replaced his sister with the enemy's wife. Bertrand Duval's wife was a blonde, but they dyed her hair and curled its tips to make her look similar to Andrea. With the mask covering her face and her clothes changed into a patient's gown, they could easily mistake her for Andrea.      

Getting up to the deck, they all carried unconscious doctors and nurses whom Ha-joon and Hanxi had purposely put to sleep. Lu Fang, on the other hand, carried his wife on his shoulder. As they made their way up, they requested for a clearing.     

"Let us through!"     

"Give them some air!"     

The exit from the facility was crowded with its staff. The ship's officials were troubled with controlling everyone. Worse, it was completely dark on the ship.     

"Chief, we will bring them to the other side of the ship to let them breathe. It's too crowded here," Ha-joon, requested from the boat's chief security officer. He was referring to the passed out doctors and nurses that they had on their backs.     

"Wait for a second!" The Chief responded, checking on one of the dressed female women. With a mini flashlight, he flashed it at the woman's face. "It's Doctor Kelly."     

They were nearly prevented from leaving, but after checking the faces of the doctors and nurses, the ship's officials let the four carry the unconscious opposite to where they stood. The chief no longer cared for the security guard.      

Anton and Lu Fang quickly made their way to the docs, bringing only Andrea, and only after they were far from any danger did Li Wen reactivate the ship's power, turning the lights back on again.      

Three days after successfully retrieving Andrea, Anton and Lu Fang lingered in a private clinic while waiting for an air ambulance to get her out of the country. She remained unconscious, but they were hopeful she would wake up from the coma soon. It was because she was injected with a coma induced drug that she remained in the same state.      

They watched as Andrea's adoptive father take her into the medical plane, off to a safer country, and to an advanced facility where she could get treated.      

Standing in front of the airport, Lu Fang said to Anton, "Yeong… Sometimes you never know when you lose sight of your loved ones. Even just for a second... it's so painful."     

He gave Anton a pat on the back and said, "You should always tell Yanmei how much you love her."     

Anton's mouth twitched. "Fuck you, Lu Fang. Who are you to give me advice? Protect your woman like you should be doing. Protect my sister and don't ever let this happen again!"     

"Whoever told you I don't tell Yanmei what she likes to hear?"     

"Fuck, Yeong! Don't be so in denial... I could never imagine you say the I LOVE YOU words!" Reported Lu Fang. "Last week, I heard you tell her... You crossed my mind... What the hell was that?"     

"Shut up! Don't tell me what to do!" Rebuked Anton. "We still need to get rid of Project Zero supporters."     

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