Tricking My Cold Lover

The Demand Letter

The Demand Letter

0"How old do you think I am?" Anton asked as he looked straight into the eyes of Yanmei's father.     

Xia Zihao thought it was strange that Anton was asking about his age, but he answered with all honesty, "I think Mr. Yeong, you look twenty-eight years old."     

Anton nodded, satisfied to hear that he looks younger than his actual age. He acknowledged that Yanmei was right; he looked better with his hair brushed up and most parts of his face shaved.     

"Am I right, Mr. Yeong?" Xia Zihao asked.     

Taking a deep breath, Anton said, "Almost - Anyway, Mr. Xia, can I get you anything else?"     

"Maybe just something to drink. Thank you, Mr. Yeong," said Xia Zihao.     

Anton requested for juices, and more canapes form the hotel. After being served with special appetizer bites, he spoke again, "So this is all your family, Mr. Xia?"     

"Ah, Yes… Well, I have another daughter, but she is in Korea," answered Xia Zihao. "My daughter here is more beautiful, and she is single, Mr. Yeong. This is Yi Meixu."     

"Are you also single, Mr. Yeong? " Yi Liling asked after giggling. She was also satisfied with Anton's handsome good looks and wished for her daughter to capture his heart.     

He did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Why does this daughter of yours not have your last name, Mr. Xia?" He then turned to Yi Meixu and ask outright, "Are you a product of sin, Ms. Yi?"     

There was silence for a moment, and Meixu's earlier smile turned into a frown.     

Xia Zihao attempted to clear the name of his mistress and daughter, saying, "It's really not like that, Mr. Yeong. Let me - "     

Anton stopped him by raising his hand. He said, "I'm not really interested to know. What about your other daughter? What is her name? Where does she work in Korea?"     

"Ah, Mr. Yeong. You don't have to worry about my other daughter. I don't know where she is working, but I think she is living comfortably. She is in a relationship with a rich old man - You see, she had to quit her job here in China because she was trying to seduce Meixu's - "     

He paused, realizing they had said Meixu was single.     

"My ex-boyfriend," Meixu helped out, seeing her father nearly disclosed the fact that she was married. "My sister tried seducing my ex-boyfriend. My sister and I naturally got into a fight so she left for Korea, trying to hide her faults… Me and my boyfriend, we broke up because of what had happened. I have been single since."     

As if not hearing Meixu, Anton asked again, "What is the name of your other daughter?"     

It was because Anton had asked twice that Xia Zihao finally gave the name, "Her name is Yanmei. Xia Yanmei, Mr. Yeong."     

"Ah, so Xia Yanmei your legitimate child and the one here, well…" He turned to Xia Zihao before adding, "You probably don't care for her that much since she holds not the name of a Xia."     

Anton made sure to check on the reactions of both Yi Liling and Yi Meixu. He was pleased to see the grimace on their faces.     

Xia Zihao tried to explain their circumstance, but Anton raised his hand, suggesting once more that he was not interested.     

"And how do you know that your daughter, Xia Yanmei, is in a relationship with an old and rich man? Tell me about this old man?" He probed further, hoping to extract more from Yanmei's father.     

The three looked at each other again and this time, it was Yi Liling who answered, "He is an old rich man with a wife and children. Yes, that's right. So despicable really of our other daughter, and we are ashamed to tell."     

"Hmmmm," said Anton. "She is your daughter?"     

Stunned with the question, Yi Liling reluctantly answered, "Yanmei? No."     

"Ah… I see, I get the picture now," said Anton with his classic poker face. He then finished up his coffee and took a bite of one of the salmon caviar canape. "What else do you know about this old rich man?"     

"He has many mistresses and Yanmei is just one of them. It's very sad, Mr. Yeong, we had tried to stop my sister from getting involved with this man, but she said she could not live without his money," said Mexiu before pretending to weep. "I just - I just wish I could help her."     

"Go ahead. Tell me more. I am rather intrigued by this Yanmei and her rich old man," encouraged Anton. "I'm curious to know though, how does your sister look like, Ms. Yi?"     

"Oh, I'm afraid that Yanmei did not get the good looks of her father," said Yi Liling. "She had to undergo several surgeries just to look acceptable. She even - she even used up Meixu's trust fund so she can have surgery abroad."     

Yi Liling pretended to cry, just like her daughter. It was as if Yanmei actually affected them.     

Anton had enough at that point. He turned to one of his men saying, "Did you get all of it? Make sure to also get the recording from the hotel."     

"Yes, sir."     

"Good, have the lawyer prepare everything," instructed Anton.     

Before he could say anything more, he heard Xia Zihao speak in approval of Meixu. "Anyway, Mr. Yeong, I'm sure you will not find my daughter, Yanmei, interesting, but if you are looking for a good partner in life, my daughter here, Meixu is a very good candidate. She is smart, beautiful and talented."     

Anton nodded and said, "I agree. She is indeed a very talented actress."     

'Actress?' Meixu's face was utterly confused.     

" Anyhow, Mr. Xia, you agree for me to buy your share right? That is why you are here?" Anton asked.     

"Yes, Mr. Yeong. We are excited for you to buy the share," answered Xia Zihao.     

"Then, I am already having a lawyer draft the contract now. Please bear with me," Anton said before checking on the contents of his phone. He had just received the video recording from the hotel.     

They all smiled at Anton and graciously waited for the contract. While doing so, Meixu kept stealing glances at him, smiling and brushing her hair back, hoping to look seductive. She was happy to see that Anton was looking back at her, that she pushed her breast out for him to see her cleavage.     

After seeing Meixu's strange actions, Anton turned his attention to her father. He pointed a finger to his head before drawing circles. He said, "I think your daughter here has got it in the head."     

All three of them were stunned. They realized that Anton was different from most men. Feeling embarrassed, Meixu stopped what she was doing.     

Eventually, the contracts were brought in by Anton's men and they handed one copy for Xia Zihao to read carefully. He thoroughly discussed the terms of the contract with his mistress and his daughter. When all three of them were satisfied, he signed the contract right away.     

Xia Zihao had the widest grin on his face, knowing that he was now officially a Billionaire.     

Anton checked the contract and signed it himself, but before the three could celebrate, Anton gave them another set of documents to read.     

"Is this part of the contract, Mr. Yeong?" Xia Zihao asked.     

Anton gestured for him to read the documents without saying a word. Soon enough, Xia Zihao's hands began to feel cold and just as he was halfway done, he looked at Anton with confusion. He asked, "What - what does this mean? Why are you demanding moral damages? And for what?"     

"Tsk, tsk, tsk…. Remember when you called Yanmei a few days back. I said Xia Zihao. Mark my word. Your days are numbered."     

Xia Zihao stood up, shaken by his revelation. In his hand was a demand letter asking for 999,000,000.00 Million Dollars of moral damages due to the defamation of Anton's name and that of Yanmei.     

While Xia Zihao was still in a state of shock, Anton Yeong held up his phone and played back all the words they said about the rich old man who had mistresses on the side.     

"Now, Mr. Xia, how do you supposed we address this pending matter," said Anton before pulling out a gun from his jacket pocket and putting it on the table.     

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