Tricking My Cold Lover

Sorry To Disappoint

Sorry To Disappoint

0It has been over a week since Anton left France, but there was still no news about his sister's whereabouts.     

While heading to JKW Investments, Anton was on the phone with Li Wen, getting an update about the man they had captured a few days back.     

Li Wen had already coordinated with their contacts in France, including to help secure Mr. Berger's family. In that way, they can get full cooperation.      

"Marc Berger is a freelance mercenary. He says he has no idea where the facility is but admits having noticed that most of his instructions were coming from France. Specifically, from a family of medical practitioners - Yeong, it's the same family we had previously suspected while you were still in France," Li Wen reported to him.      

"Anyway, I'm closely looking in on them and focusing my surveillance nearing the islands where Andy disappeared, but the reason for my call is… to let you know that Marc Berger's initial target was Yanmei. He said he and his team had been following Yanmei while in Korea, and because they could not get to her, they thought of using the doctor to bring her to Europe."     

Anton firmly gripped on his mobile while thinking of his woman. He took a deep breath before saying, "Thank you, Wen. I'll be extra careful. I hope we can find Andy soon."     

It was because Anton confirmed his suspicion that Project Zero was after him and his loved ones that he knew there was a need to further strengthened Yanmei's security and that of his parents.      

While Minsuh was driving him, he called for his men at the base to monitor any strange activities in the city. At the same time, he ordered additional men to guard the mansion and four other men to support Iseul and Chun-Ho effective the following day.     

That evening, Yanmei was still at the office, waiting for Anton to arrive. He was driving back with Minsuh from the gun factories much later than they had agreed. Her stomach was grumbling, and that she called for Junsu, Anton's assistant, to buy some food.      

The canteen was already closed and Yeona had already left, so she went to the CEO's office to look for Junsu. She found him drowned with work and she felt guilty thinking of disturbing him. She contacted Iseul instead, but he was out of reach. She went down to the building lobby, bringing her bag, thinking of both Iseul and Chun-Ho would be there.      

The minute she arrived, she found Chun-Ho, standing in front of the lobby doors.     

"Chun-Ho," she called. "I'm so hungry. Maybe we can get something to eat." She looked around before asking, "Where is Iseul?"     

"Ms. Yanmei, Iseul is checking on the newly installed security program. I could buy some food across. Please take a seat at lounges while I buy you some food at the cafe across the - "     

His words were suddenly interrupted by a scream coming from outside the building.      

"Help! I need help! Please!" A young girl in her early twenties was pointing at a figure who may have fallen on the ground. "Please help my dad! He suddenly fainted!"     

The young girl looked very delicate with her eyes swelling up in tears, frantically asking for help. Her voice was so loud that it was heard through the thick glass walls.      

The four-armed guards looked at each other before turning to Chun-Ho. One guard peeked inside the building door to get direction from their boss.      

Chun-Ho frowned and said, "Tell her we will call an ambulance! No one is allowed to enter." He then walked towards the receptionist and ordered the same.      

"That is harsh, don't you think? What if something happens, and it's cold outside?" Yanmei said, earnestly worried for the woman and her father. She was about to take her seat at the lounges when she heard the young girl's crying.      

"Ms. Yanmei, we are offering help, but they cannot enter the building," said Chun-Ho. "Please, go to the lounges. As you can see, I am asking the receptionist to call for help."     

He walked back to the door and ordered one guard to check on the unconscious man who was lying on the pavement. He then walked back to the receptionist to check on the progress.      

"Sir," said the security, reporting his findings. "An old man looking like in his sixties. He is shaking, and he seems cold."     

"Please - please just let us get in - at least to get warm… please! I beg you!" The young girl pleaded, even turning to Yanmei from the glass wall. She was trying to get through the door as she asserted. "Please - please help us!"     

"No one comes in. Tell her the ambulance is on their way - "     

"Oh, come on Chun-Ho, there is no harm in letting them in!" Said Yanmei as she stormed to the door, with an intention to help the young girl who weeping. She fell pity on the girl who was forced to step back by four strong men like she was a criminal.     

It was because Yanmei was much closer to the front door compared to Chun-Ho that she managed to take a step outside, pushing the door open.      

"Don't let her out!" Chun-Ho ordered, but it was too late.      

As soon as Yanmei took the second step outside the young girl came rushing to her, howling in tears. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for making it easy for me, Ms. Xia!"     

The young lady's demeanor quickly changed. She had that vicious voice that gave Yanmei the chills, and she was apparently stronger than her age. She quickly managed to secure Yanmei by the neck with her arm and held a knife against her neck.      

Everything happened so fast, the four security guards that tried to hold the girl from entering were unable to move accordingly.     

"Stay back! Stay back!" Ordered the young girl as she moved back.      

The man who was earlier lying down on the ground was already up, pointing a gun at the security guards. An SUV then suddenly came speeding to their direction, and it was evident it was their get-away vehicle.      

Chun-Ho was already outside the door, analyzing the situation while Yanmei was also thinking straight. She had already had this lesson with the female self-defense expert, but the real-life situation was much harder than she had expected.      

However, hearing a vehicle pull-over on the drive-way, she knew it was now or never. If she was going to be taken else-where, there was no telling of her future.      

Yanmei slowly raised her hands and saying, "Okay, please. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt me."     

Chun-Ho knew exactly what she was trying to do so he prepared himself from taking over.     

With her hands slowing raising above her head as they walked back to the vehicle, Yanmei got a firm grip of the young girl's hand that held the knife. She pulled it down to her chest with both her hands, holding it steadily. In the process, she cut herself in the arm.     

She may not fully be free from the young girl's hold, but her attacker would not be able to use her weapon either as it remained pressed against her chest.      

She held as strong as she could, closing her eyes and expecting Chun-Ho to take over, but instead she heard the young girl groan in pain. She sounded like she was choking on her own fluid and the girl's hold against her weakened.     

Yanmei then felt a strong arm pull her away and only then did she open her eyes.      

Chun-Ho managed to secure her safety, but it was Anton who put down the girl. She was now lying on the floor, a part of her shoulder was stabbed with Anton's army knife, bleeding helplessly.      

The old man who was earlier pretending to be unconscious was already down, this time for real.     

While being pulled back inside the building, Yanmei watched as Anton advance at two men, evading hand attacks while afflicting pain onto the assailant's faces. His punches were so powerful, she thought it could break through a concrete wall. His opponent easily bled while Anton was scratch-free.      

When the security team firmly demanded the abductor's surrender, holding guns at them, only then did they try to flee, running towards their ride.      

By the order of Anton, shots were fired. The culprits' escape vehicle halted at an instance as it received several bullets.      

Seeing his men take over the situation, Anton roared inside the building and came face to face with Chun-Ho. He reprimanded, "You have failed your task! What a simple mission have I given you to protect Yanmei - to ensure that she is not harmed - Where is Iseul? Why the hell are you alone with Yanmei?"     

"Yeong, it's - it's my fault. Chun-Ho told me not to step outside the building, but I insisted and - Ahhh!"     

Yanmei closed her eyes and turned her face to the other side, expecting pain. Her reasoning was disrupted by Anton's hand raising high at her. He was ready to slap her but stopped midway and his hand turned into a fist. It did not touch her skin, but his actions hurt more than she anticipated.      

He said in anger, "I did not give you all those reminders only to slack off. How many times do I have to tell you, never go outside the building without the approval of Chun-Ho and Iseul!!!"     

"I gave you simple instructions and many times you nodded in agreement! What made it so hard this time?!! Can you really live up to the requirements of being my woman?!"     

Anton's words pierced through her heart. Tears instantly flowed down her cheeks that she said, "I - I guess not! I'm sorry to disappoint you!"     

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