Tricking My Cold Lover

Another Honeymoon

Another Honeymoon

0A year following Yeong Soon's passing.      

Anton and Yanmei, together with the entire family, came to visit the resting place of Yeong Jae-won and Yeong Soon.      

In a private and exclusive memorial garden, a beautiful home was built around the graves of Anton's parents. It made it easier for everyone to visit them and rest while they were there. It was fully air-conditioned, with two bedrooms and a huge living area to lounge into.      

"Hi, Mother." Anton sighed, putting a hand on the tombstone of Yeong Soon's grave. He turned to the right and greeted his foster father and said, "Father. How are you both doing?"     

It was just two weeks ago since Anton came to visit, but he felt it was such a long time. He said, "Our home has not been the same without you."     

With Anton's children living in their own homes, the Yeongs' mansion was just for the two of them. While they often had their grandchildren stay with them in the day, at night Yanmei and Anton were just on their own.      

They sometimes have dinner with the Morenos, especially when Luiz was on a business trip. It was at least a way to fill the void, especially for Anton, during the first few months of Yeong Soon's passing.      

"I did as you wished, Mother. Ever since you wanted me to have a family." Anton was sitting on a chair, facing his parents, with Yanmei beside him. "I had achieved being a father, a grandfather - I lived my life as you wished."     

"After you left us, Yanmei and I had tried taking a trip on our own," added Anton.      

"Once, Mommy Soon. Once. We went to China to visit Andy and Li Wen," Yanmei said. "Maybe this year, we can go out more often, now that our grandchildren are a bit older."     

"And Father. Your business is in good hands with Geun. He is doing such a fantastic job. I rarely go see him in the office now," revealed Anton.      

While carrying their eight-month-old baby, Geun then comes forward, interrupting the tale of his father. He said with a hint of sarcasm, "Grandpa, yes. Dad rarely checks on me now. He goes to see me, three times a week, in the voice. Not like before when he goes to see me nearly every day, sometimes twice a day."     

Seeing her husband squint at Geun, Yanmei giggled. She reached for Geun's hand and suggested, "You know, your dad just misses you."     

"Yeah, right, Mom.... Right," answered Geun. He glanced at the engraved names on the tombs and told his grandparents, "Grandma, grandpa, you should tell Mom and Dad to go out of vacation more often. They deserve it - more time for each other, especially now."     

While Geun appreciated the help of his father in the company, with him already in his thirties, he did not want his father looking over his shoulders.      

"This is Gun, by the way, grandma, grandma." Geun showed his son proudly and said, "Sorry, we could not bring Gun earlier. Your new home was still under construction since four months ago. It wasn't good for him to come along."     

"Hi, Grandma!" Nari called, waving at the grave. They had just arrived for the gathering, first picking up Luiz from the airport. "Hi, Grandpa."     

She kissed on Anton's and Yanmei's cheeks before Luiz greeted them as well.      

Turning to her children, Nari instructed, "Say hi to grandma Soon and grandpa Jae-won."     

"Grandpa, grandma, we miss you!" Ava said.      

"I miss you too, grandma and grandpa," Amelia echoed.      

Gabriel also followed his sisters' words while Nari let Juliana touch the headstones. "Say hi, Juliana."     

"Hi grandma, grandpa," said Juliana in her cute little voice.      

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's have lunch!" Chan-Mi called, helping Ara prepare the food.      

"Yes! I'm hungry!" Announced Chan-Mi's eldest daughter, Melissa. She hurriedly took her place, together with Juliana, but the rest of her cousins were still playing around.      

"Gab! Where are you going? We are going to have lunch now!" Nari called, seeing his son run to one of the bedrooms.      

"Alright, children! Gather up to the dining table!" Commanded Anton.      

"Yes, granddad!"      

Yes, sir!"     

"Okay, granddad!"     

With just one order from Anton, all the kids came rushing to the dining table. Even Gabriel, who had earlier wanted to lie on the bed, came rushing back, hearing the voice of Anton.      

They all knew never to disappoint their granddad.     

At the dining table, everyone enjoyed their lunch with a few troubles while feeding the young ones. It was messy and entertaining to Yanmei and Anton at the same time.      

When they were done with their meals, Nari cleared her throat, suggesting she was about to announce something.      

Yanmei's eyes immediately widened and before she could say a word, Anton asked, "Please don't tell me you are pregnant again?"     

"What?" Nari objected with gawking eyes.      

It was when everyone laugh and when Luiz shook his head that Nari finally cleared the air. "No, Dad! I am not pregnant. I have an announcement but it's not about that!"     

"Dad, Salvi and I prepared a gift for you and Mom," Luiz cut off his wife. "This was supposed to be her announcement."     

The brothers-in-law looked at each other before Luiz revealed, "We pre-booked you a tour for your anniversary - all expensed paid on four or five-star hotels, via private jet and luxury first-class train tickets all across the best places in Europe!"     

"Consider it another honeymoon," Suggested Salvi. "It will be the best two moths of your lives!"     

While Yanmei was getting excited, Anton objected, "Two months! What about the company, the house?" He cleared his throat and added, "What about my grandkids?"     

"Dad, we can take care of our children," Chan-Mi answered, giggling at her father, being concerned about who will watch their young.     

"I can take care of the company, Dad. You forget, you trained me my whole life for this," Geun reminded with confidence. "My gift to you is more profit by the time you return!"     

"Mine, the kids are right!" Yanmei smacked a hand on her husband's arm and said, "We need this."     

"Imagine, embracing each other in front of the cliffs of Santorini, or go hiking in Capri!" Nari winked at her father and suggested, "You have all the time in the world, just by yourselves and no one will interfere."     

The idea suddenly seemed pleasing to Anton that he turned to his wife. After seeing Yanmei raise both brows, Anton's still well-defined muscular face smirked and soon, he answered, "I suppose... It's not such a bad idea."     

Anton had to admit, over the last year since his parent's passing, he had rarely shared as many romantic moments with his wife and he felt regretful. He figured he could make up for it through this trip.      

"Okay, we will go. Thank you for the gifts," said Anton.      

Leaning over to his wife, Anton then whispered, "We need to go shopping."     

"Yeah," Yanmei answered back. "The lubricants are already expired."     

The shock of his life. He practically raised the corner of his lips in disbelief, asking while keeping his voice down, "The entire box?"     

"First of all, you did not have to buy an entire box last year," she replied. "Second." Yanmei placed a hand on Anton's face and reminded, "We spent a lot of time, coming to this place and talking to your parents and ensuring the house was built according to your preference."     

With a smile, she added, "Which is fine. It's the time that we spent together that matters, more than what we do."     

"I'm sorry, mine." Anton took a deep breath and said, "I'll make it up to you."     

"Oh, I have no doubt about that," acknowledged Yanmei.     

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