Tricking My Cold Lover

Double Grandmon and Granddad

Double Grandmon and Granddad

0"What's wrong with her? She's in pain! My wife is in pain!" Geun just could not bear it. Ara had a very high pain tolerance, yet despite this fact, he could see the agony his wife was going through while in labor.      

"Geun! Please! Shut up!" Ara screamed before she grunted in misery once more.      

"Mr. Yeong." A nurse tried to calm him down and explained, "Your wife is having labor pains. Giving birth is known to have the highest pain scale. It's only normal that she feels this discomfort - "     

"What do you mean, normal!" Geun lost it again. He ordered, "Do something!"     

"Geun! Stop it! You are not helping! Just  - Arrggghhh!" Ara's words were cut off by her own scream, feeling more of the pain.      

"We are nearly there, Ara! The baby's head is nearly there. Now, push according to your contractions," directed the doctor.      

The nurse had to let Yanmei enter the private room, just to simplify Geun. That instead of him, Yanmei had to be the one to comfort Ara momentarily.      

While Geun had a one on one with Byeol outside, explaining all the pain that Ara is going through, Yanmei kept encouraging Ara, telling her how she was doing a good job.      

"Don't forget to breathe in between, Ara. You are doing great," expressed Yanmei. She forced a smile and held her hand.      

"The head is here," announced the doctor, and only then did Yanmei come out again, inviting Geun to see the baby. Yanmei determined Geun just had to be there for when the baby would come out.      

"Have you calmed down?" Yanmei asked, before letting him enter. "You have to be there for Ara, and not add to her frustration. I know you feel her pain, but you have to be there as her husband and a father to be."     

"I know, Mom." Geun turned sideways to Byeol and answered, "Mother Byeol already explained to me."     

Geun could not see past the divider that stood in his way. He sighed and said, "I need to see Ara."     

When Geun finally joined back in. He felt so deeply hurt by what Ara was going through, but recalling the reminders of his two mothers, he sat next to her and held Ara's hand. He said, "I'm sorry, Ara. I wish I could take some of the pain. I promise to spoil you even more, after this."     

"Thank you... for giving birth to our daughter," Geun softly remarked.      

"Just a little more, Ara... Just a little more!" The doctor encouraged.      

At that point, Geun practically saw how Ara had shed a tear before she gave another push. Her nose flared dramatically as she held Geun's hand. At the same time, she screamed, "You better take me on a vacation - Geun!!!!!"     

Following Ara's scream, they heard a baby's cry, and finally, Arabella was out. Geun and Ara purposely named her after her mom, with a little tweak.      

Ara shed another tear, emotionally watching as her baby was placed in her chest.      

"Mr. and Mrs. Yeong, baby girl Yeong," said the nurse who was putting a name band on the baby's wrist. "Congratulations!"     

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Yeong for a healthy baby and safe delivery," expressed Ara's doctor.      

A few more of the medical staff followed, giving their praises for their baby, and after which, Geun got to hold Arabella for the first time.      

As soon as the nurse aided Geun in holding his baby, he felt instantly connected. His lips curved up into a smile, seeing how his daughter tried to stretch her hand up from the linen wrapped around her.      

"It feels strange," observed Geun. "It feels strangely good."     

Ara smiled at her husband. She reached for Geun's arm and said, "It's love, Geun. It's love."     

Before the nurses took the baby for a full assessment, they let the grandparents see the baby. More tears of delight came from the grandmothers. Chun-Ho was just so overwhelmed, seeing another little bundle of joy that his eyes watered. He surely did not regret letting her daughter marry earlier than he planned.      

Byeol took the chance to take a picture of Chun-Ho, holding Arabella for the first time, and proudly put it on social media. Clearly, they were the proudest grandparents of all.      

While the grandparents let Ara rest, they lingered outside Ara's suite, only to bump into Rae Bin. "Yanmei, there you are!"      

Rae Bin was catching her breath and putting a hand on her chest. After which, she revealed, "Nari  -she. She is giving birth too. We are at suite 214, just right across the hall!"     

Yanmei's eyes widened. She echoed, "Nari's giving birth?"     

"Yes. Yes, she is!" answered Rae Bin before she smiled. "Looks like you are going to be busy today."     

Yanmei immediately called Anton and apparently, he too was on his way to the hospital, also hearing about Nari about to deliver.      

She turned to Byeol and Chun-Ho with mixed emotions but eventually, she declared, "Looks like I'm going to be a double grandmom today!"     

A smile became evident in her face before she excused herself, "I'll just go check on Nari, guys. Please let Geun know where Nari is at."     

"Sure, Yanmei. Go ahead. We pray for Nari's safe delivery too," answered Byeol.      


The next day, when both Juliana and Arabella were roomed in their parent's room, Yanmei and Anton took Juliana to Ara's suite. It was there where they took pictures of the newborn babies, in each of their arms alternately.      

"Ahh, look at that! They look so peaceful in your chest, mine," suggested Yanmei.      

"A true granddad," remarked Chun-Ho.      

"I am already a pro at this." Anton turned to Chun-Ho and bragged, "I'll visit you one of these days, Chun-Ho, and teach you a thing or two about... baby languages."     

Chun-Ho could only ponder about what Anton meant, but nonetheless, there was no questioning Anton Yeong. He simply answered, "If you say so, Yeong. I look forward to it."     

"It's my turn!" Yanmei announced, and she easily took the sofa where Anton had earlier sat.     

Anton helped settle the babies in his wife's chest and then took the picture. He took a moment to look at the photo and said, "Moments like these are priceless. Rarely do we get to be... a double granddad and grandmom."     

Yanmei giggled before she added, "Well, technically, we are not just double. We hare blessed with seven grandchildren now... and" Yanmei glanced at the sleeping Ara and Geun before she resumed her thoughts, "Maybe one or two more from Geun?"     

Byeol pouted her lips, looking at Anton and Yanmei. She expressed, "I wish I could be a double grandma too."     

"Oh, don't be silly, Byeol. You and Chun-Ho are part of our family, even before Ara and Geun were married. My children had always considered you as their aunt." Yanmei got up and urged Byeol to hold the babies and said, "Today, you are also a double grandma."     

A smile became painted on Byeol's face as she acted to take one baby first. "I feel so honored to be part of your family, Yanmei. I truly always felt that."     

Meanwhile, Chun-Ho and Anton just looked at each other, nodding their heads. They were men of a few words, but deep inside, they always cherished their bond.      

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