Tricking My Cold Lover

Your Daughter Is Getting Married

Your Daughter Is Getting Married

0"Luiz, what's wrong?" Nari asked while they were having a video conference outside the NICU. Luiz wanted to see the babies through the video call and from outside the viewing area was the best that Nari could do.      

Mobile phones were not allowed from inside the nursery.      

That day, Nari had to remain in the hospital longer, until one in the afternoon. It was usually the time when Luiz would wake up, preparing for work. Rae Bin and Carlos, Luiz's parents, had to accompany her, staying in the hospital after she was discharged on the third day.      

Nari was essentially pointing her mobile down to the incubators where their small babies rested.      

She saw through how Luiz seemed emotional that he repeated her words, "Are you okay, Luiz?"     

Hearing Nari asked him what was on his mind, Luiz answered, "Nari, I'm sorry I could not be there."     

"You'll make up for everything, Luiz. You promised me," she said, turning her mobile to face her.      

"I promise, Nari. I swear," said Luiz. "I love you very much. Stay strong for me, okay?"     

"Yes, Luiz. I love you too. Please hurry home," said Nari.      

From Behind Nari, Rae Bin took the chance to speak to her son, "Luiz, what's done is done. You are there now and since you are, you need to finish what you started okay and come home as soon as you get your certificate completed."     

"Yes, Mom. Thank you for taking care of Nari for me," said Luiz.      

With a heavy sigh, Luiz revealed, "My boss is really something, I feel so tired every day, even if he praises me so much, sometimes I feel like he is overworking me on purpose."     

"But if you quit now, you'll start another internship again that is affiliated with the culinary school," expressed Nari.      

"Afraid so," confirmed Luiz while massaging his temples.      

"Then, just ensure son. It's just about three more months and you'll be done," said Carlos, Luiz's father. "Sometimes, bosses are really like that, and sadly, you are on internship and you need your certificate of completion from Massimo, the great Italian chef!"     

"Yes, father. Thank you. I will endure," assured Luiz.      

It was the same in the succeeding days. To Yanmei and Rae Bin, it was Deja Vu all over again. Either parent would come with Nari on a daily basis to the hospital. Fortunately, however, Nari's twin girls did not have to go through ventilators and were weaned off from oxygen in just two days.      

The doctors just had to see if the babies can feed properly and could process the food in their bodies. The twins' doctors indicated they could go home after another week.      

Since Amelia and Ava were still in the hospital, under the care of the nurses and doctors, Yanmei urged Nari to come, at least for Alexis' wedding.      

In order to sway Nari, Rae Bin took it upon herself to look after the twins while Nari would join the celebration.     

Still the same, the babies had guards of their own. Anton's paranoia over Geun's abduction never ceased. Now that he had two more kids to protect, especially girls, he made sure that his men lingered around the nursery.      


Attending Alexis' wedding was a favorable moment and an emotional one for Nari and Chan-Mi. They both yearned for their own wedding to arrive. For Chan-Mi, however, her's was around the corner and it was just a matter of time.      

Alexis' wedding was in two parts. The first was a more traditional Korean wedding, packed with ceremonies.      

The first venue was an open garden outside one of the biggest temple in the city. The ceremony area was surrounded by cherry blossom trees and while they did not bloom, it set the mood for a soothing and romantic atmosphere.     

For Alexis' grand entrance, she came in, being carried into a carriage. Four men practically carried her weight until reaching the front of the venue.      

Both Alexis and Jae-hyun wore the traditional hanbok, a classic Korean dress specially designed for the ceremony. It also included a tea ceremony and the offering of dates and nuts for fertility.      

Everyone saw how Alexis was constantly assisted by relatives of Jae-hyun, wearing the same traditional clothes.      

Nari could not count the number of bows her cousin made for the entire ceremony, and while she grew up in Korea, she realized she had not seen this kind of wedding in the past. It was very solemn and greatly showed respect to tradition and even to the parents of both sides.      

She became teary-eyed, watching her cousin and her new husband walked to her Aunt Andy and Uncle Lu Fang, bowing their heads in respect. They did the same in front of Jae-hyun's mother.      

Following the conclusion of the first part of the wedding, the families gathered to embrace the newlyweds, and it granted an opportunity for pictures to be taken.      

After the traditional practices, the celebration moved to the Four Season's Hotel where the grand ballroom was prepared for the rest of the party. The place was filled with decors and the garden was practically brought inside the venue itself.      

It was there where the more modern celebration followed.     

More of the guests were present in the second part of the wedding. Another ceremony allowed them to have beautiful vows exchanged and follow through the rest of the modern practices, including the slicing of the cake, their first dance, and the most awaited was the tossing of the bouquet.      

Alexis called for everyone's attention, asking the single ladies to join the catching of the bouquet. She said while holding a microphone, "Oh, come on Chan-Mi? Nari? You guys aren't married yet!"     

The Yeongs were all together in one table, including Salvi and Ara. Hearing the invitation from Alexis, Anton said, "No, they both are medically incapable of standing up. Chan-Mi had had an operation and Nari, as you know."     

"Oh, come on, Yeong! Chan-Mi is already getting married!" Andrea called from her seat a few tables away. "Let your daughters participate!"     

Chan-Mi, Nari, and Geun all shook their heads. It was Yanmei who urged Chan-Mi and Nari to go. She also told Ara to join, but she disappeared out of nowhere with Geun.      

Just as Nari and Chan-Mi got up, Anton said, 'Try... not to catch the flowers."     

"Pfft! please, Dad. I'm already getting married. If anything! I will embrace it!" Told Chan-Mi.      

Her words assigned a sneer from Anton and he turned to Salvi, who was grinning from ear to ear. Seeing his daughter walk away, Anton grabbed the chance and sat next to Salvi. He patted on Salvi's back and said, "Salvi, if Chan-Mi does not catch the bouquet, we need to accept the truth as they are."     

"Mine, please!" Warned Yanmei. "Stop this already."     

"I was just kidding, but of course, Salvi is a man of his words. Right, Salvi?" Anton asked again, twitching his mouth at Salvi.      

"Ah, Uncle. The wedding is already happening. Everything is paid for and we were just waiting for days to pass by!" Said Salvi. "The wedding is determined."     

"We will - see - about that," said Anton while crossing his arms against his chest.      

All the single ladies were asked to stand five meters away from Alexis. Many of them weren't at all that eager to catch it in any case. Only Chan-Mi stood in the front along with one other girl, who seemed equally eager to be wed as well. It was a friend of Jae-hyun, someone Chan-Mi did not know.      

Nari, naturally, gave way since it was in fact her noona to marry before her.      

"Send it here, Lex!" Chan-Mi announced, raising her hands at her cousin.      

"No favoritism! Just throw it out back!" Said the other girl with short hair. The same lady even parted her legs beneath her skirt, preparing to run for it as necessary.      

Realizing the competition was tough, Chan-Mi did the same. She pulled up her skirt and prepared to advance.      

Her eyes narrowed at Alexis and she watched carefully as her cousin counted, "On the count of five. One. Two. Three. Four. Five!"     

Reaching five, Alexis thrust back her arms, and the bouquet went flying in their direction. Both the short-haired girl and Chan-Mi moved in to make the catch!     

Just when it would appear Jae-hyun's friend would seize the flowers, she tripped, nearly falling, and the bouquet bounced into Chan-Mi's hands!     

From behind the group of girls, Anton felt a pang in his chest. Day after day, he was seeing the signs of his first princess finally moving away from his home. Now, Chan-Mi caught the bouquet, and it was another hint for him to move on.      

When Chan-Mi returned to her seat, rejoicing, Anton moved back with his wife. He covered his jaws with his hand. He took a deep breath and turned to Yanmei and said, "Mine? Did you see that? She caught the flowers! It's really happening. How could the signs go against me?"     

"Do you think... Alexis and Chan-Mi planned this?" Anton seriously asked.      

Yanmei just rolled her eyes, and she chuckled while saying, "Mine, it was bound to happen. Catching the bouquet never really mattered."     

"Your daughter is getting married," concluded Yanmei.      

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