Tricking My Cold Lover

Bye, Luiz

Bye, Luiz

0"How long will you be staying in Italy?" Nari asked with her eyes tired from all the crying she did in the past few hours.      

She rested on Luiz's arm, lying next to him on his bed.      

"The program is for three years," said Luiz. "I can't go home in between because I need to work too, Nari. Then, I might - just might, stay a year more and gain more experience."     

"You can... gain experience here," she suggested.      

"Maybe, Nari. Let's see," he answered weakly.      

"Luiz, can't I - can't I really not change your mind?" Nari softly probed, glancing at his drowsy face.      

"Who is going to remind you to eat?" She asked. "Who is going to remind you to take care of yourself? Who will remind you to bring your medicine? You even always forget to get a haircut!"     

He chuckled and answered in his sleepy voice, "I guess. I am going to have to learn on my own Nari. And for the record, I haven't had any asthma attack in years."     

Nari fell silent. Her eyes wandered across his room and said, "Aunt Rae Bin will be constantly worried sick about you. Can you really make her worried sick?"     

He objected, saying, "Nari, you realized, we are about to turn twenty-three - "     

"And we both will miss each other's birthday," she tried to make him feel guilty. He could have at least waited for another two months.      

"Nari, please don't make it difficult for me," he requested. "I thought you came here, already accepting of my decisions."     

She fell mute again, thinking of what to say next. She was running out of ideas and her brain was no longer functioning.      

Nari was extremely tired, but her heart could not let her rest. After a minute, she found another lame excuse and told, "Who is going to pick me up when Uncle Kael or Mom is late? Who is going to make me yummy dishes? Who will I spend my weekends with?"     

The truth was, Luiz had the same worries. However, he also did not want to be the person whom Nari only needed as a person of comfort. What he wanted to be was to be the man who Nari would desire her prince material.      

"Nari, you'll make new friends. We'll make new friends. As for the person to take you home, you can ask Geun to pick you up," told Luiz.      

The truth was, his suggestion made him apprehensive. It made him think of Aiden completely, and maybe some other guy who had long wished to sweep Nari off her feet. He was reminded of the risk of his decision, but then again, how will he ever know if Nari would forever see him as a friend?     

With a sigh, Luiz put a hand on her eyes and said, "Nari, I want to do more than just cook your dishes. I need to chase my dreams. Let's go to sleep, Nari. I need to leave before noon. It's almost three in the morning."     

"Luiz, is - is it because I did not respond to your confession that you are leaving me? Is that still a concern between us?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper. "Because if that's the reason then - then - maybe - "     

"Maybe? No. That's not it, Nari. That's not it." Luiz wanted to admit that it was part of the reason, but he did not want her to pity him either. He did not want a "Maybe."     

With the way Nari responded, it would seem like she was about to make a compromise. However, that was not what he wanted. Neither did he have the full confidence to pursue her and be comparable to the many eligible men around within the circle of the Yeongs.      

"Everything is set, Nari. I can't turn back now," said Luiz. "Let's go to sleep."     

Following his last reply, Nari finally rested her eyes. She realized there really was no stopping Luiz. She woke up after six hours with a heavy heart.      

How she wanted the ride to the airport to slow down, but they arrived with no traffic on the road. It was only before Luiz would check-in for his flight that she understood, her childhood friend was really going away.     

To the surprise of Luiz, Yanmei came with Chan-Mi and Salvi, both also wanting to wish Luiz well. It made Luiz felt loved altogether, receiving an embrace from both Chan-Mi and Yanmei.      

The longest hug came from Nari and he cherished the moment, responding with a tighter embrace.      

"Promise me, you'll answer all my calls," said Nari.      

Taking a deep breath, Luiz said, "Nari. I will be studying and working at the same time. It's best that I call you at my convenience. When I settle down at the apartment, the school had arranged for me, we can talk and figure out the best time."     

"Nari, I have never asked so much from you. This time, I will ask you to be patient with me. Can you do that for me, Nari?" He asked, gently pulling away.      

She looked down, unsure if patience was in her dictionary, but she said, "I will do my best, Luiz. I'll - I'll miss you, Luiz."     

He pursed his lips and pinched her cheek to say the same, "I'll miss you more, Nari. Goodbye."     

After bidding goodbye to everyone who came to see him at the airport, Luiz finally made his way inside the check-in counters, waving for the last time.      

With a tear falling down her cheek, Nari waved back and said, "Bye, Luiz."     

Half an hour passed and Nari still stood by the check-in gates. Yanmei and Chan-Mi came up to Nari, and both hugged her tight. With a sigh, Yanmei said, "Nari, sweetheart. Time passed by quickly. You won't even notice he was gone."     

"You promise, Mom?" She asked with a frown on her face.      

"I promise," said Yanmei.      

Unfortunately, it did not quite work out for Nari. The very next week, she felt completely empty. Luiz only spoke to her twice, totaling for two hours! It did not, in any way, reach her expectations!     

During breakfast one morning, Nari asked Anton, "Dad, I've been thinking... How about I finish my masters in Italy?"     

"Nari, are you sure you don't like Luiz romantically because, with the way you are acting now, it looks like you are in love with him," suggested Geun, scoffing after his words.     

"That's nonsense, Geun," said Anton. "Luiz is like a brother to Nari. Isn't that right, Nari?"      

Clearing her throat, Nari answered weakly, "Right... Dad."     

"Anyway, studying in Italy is a big No. No," said Anton.      

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