Tricking My Cold Lover

The Secret Princess

The Secret Princess

0The morning talk show, Coffee with Minji, had an entire studio full of paying guests and the host was ecstatic!      

Minji learned that the show was poorly performing over the past months and it might as well be shut down, but thankfully, Sun Haneul approached her producer regarding Eun So's newly produced program, Dear Heart.      

She was bitter over the fact that the first two episodes of Dear Heart were a hit, but she had to swallow her pride and act thrilled about it. Especially since her career depended on it.      

In any case, she did not have to suck up to Eun So, it was the secret princess who was the star of the night! And also, the two lovers, of course.      

Minji had the biggest smile on her face as she faced the crowd's exciting roars. After the production team settled their screams, Minji said, "Well, Ladies and gentlemen. Who wouldn't fall in love with the story, The Love Letters!"     

"It was so painful just going through those love letters and you feel every bit of the emotion!" While nodding her head, Minji said, "One can definitely feel that love was there. Love was there but love was broken."     

Everyone felt Minji's words. That was how the story was truly depicted.      

The talk show gave an excerpt from when the secret princess read the love letters of her father and how she found him, going to the big city without the knowledge of her mother. The audience became teary-eyed recalling the scene.      

In fairness to Minji, she gave justice, acting sincerely sympathetic to the characters. She went on bringing out the compassion from the guests within the studio and to all her viewers through the cameras.      

When it was first the parents of the secret princess, Minji announced, "Are you excited? Well, I'm excited too! They never told me who it was. Haha! I am going to be surprised too!"     

An assistant producer gave Minji a cue card to introduce the parents of the secret princess. She smiled and then happily read, "Mrs. Shin Seok and Mr. Shiwoo Ye - "     

She gulped, hearing the last name. Of course, she knew the Yeongs. Minji coughed and said, "Sorry. Let me do it again. Please help me welcome Mrs. Shin Seok and Mr. Shiwoo Yeong!"     

Clothed with nothing but luxury, Shin Seok and Yeong Shiwoo walked in front of the studio and sat on the couch for the interview.      

As far as Minji knew, there were only three male Yeongs in the city and everyone knew the face of Anton Yeong, but she wasn't familiar with Jae-won and Shiwoo. The two had been off the radar for years, following Anton's takeover of the Yeong Empire.     

Minji conducted a professional interview of how Shiwoo and Seok separated up to the emotional marriage, more than twenty years since they broke up. At the end of the interview, Minji said, "How inspiring. It goes to show that true love finds its way."     

The host was teary-eyed. This time, it was real. She could not fake it after feeling the emotions of Shiwoo and Seok.      

"Well now, since we know the story behind the parents of the secret princess, it is now time to introduce who she is! I bet everyone is excited!" Announced Minji.      

Her hands started to get cold because she had an inkling already who the secret princess was. Although, she was hoping there was another one out there that the Yeongs were hiding. Nonetheless, she had to do her job.      

Like before, she was given a cue card to announce the name, and she froze just looking at it. Her forehead sweat and her throat felt dry. She repeatedly faked a smile and cleared her throat. She revealed, "And the secret princess is! None other than the producer of the Dear Heart! Miss Yeong Eun So! Round of applause everyone!"     

'So this was her story after all,' Minji told herself.      

Eun So came out from behind the set, literally dressed as a princess. She wore the exact same design that the movie Cinderella wore on the night of the ball, a blue ballgown.     

For the first time, those working within the media company saw Eun So wear make-up!      

The audience awed in her beauty while Minji could not help but feel jealous. Eun So was now the center of attention. This was the same girl that she used to call a fake socialite.      

Still, as it was her duty, Minji welcomed Eun So and helped her to sit with her parents.      

Another set of interviews followed, this time involving Eun So.      

It was revealed that Eun So took a DNA test, but what really stood out from the statements of the family was Shiwoo's words. He said, "I see the love of my life in Eun So's face. I felt it in my heart that she was my daughter."     

Shiwoo cried in front of the TV and it was so dramatic that it touched the hearts of many. Even Minji cried.      

Shiwoo began to express in the interview that he was so happy to find Eun So that he became selfish for his daughter's love. He said, "I was not there when Eun So was growing up. Heck! I missed twenty years of her life!"     

"Because of that, I did not want to share her with anyone...yet! Even to the man that she loved."     

"You see, my daughter fell in love with a family friend's son and even if they realized their feelings right away, they followed my every plea. I asked them that they not formalize their relationship until Eun So would turn twenty-eight!"     

Minji was startled. Her eyes widened as the audience gave whispers of their suspicion. She asked, "Mr. Yeong, do you mean to say that the second episode of the story of Eun So? The Wait is Over?"     

"Yes," Shiwoo said before nodding. He turned to the crowd and revealed, "The second episode of Dear Heart was the story of my daughter and her boyfriend, Sun Haneul."     

"My - my what a revelation it is!" Told Minji. She felt herself flushing in shame as she tried to hold herself together.      

The production crew was giving her cues, reminding her of the next part of the program. Minji was utterly nervous at that point. Fortunately, she caught the eye of her producer and returned her attention to the cameras.     

Minji Announced, "Well, I guess it's time to bring in the love of Miss Eun So's life! Please help me welcome, Sun Haneul!"     

A familiar song began to play, It was the song Haneul often sang to Eun So. It was I Found By Owl City.      

"I was so young and reckless     

It was all a blur but there you were     

And your love left me breathless     

When the fairy dust fell over us     

Yeah I, I felt I could fly     

'Cause I, I found love"     

Everyone from the audience screamed, seeing Haneul so ravishing, walking in with a bouquet and not just one but ten other production crew came in with him, carrying two bouquets in their hands.      

Even Eun So was left speechless. Her eyes were wide open, shocked at his grand entrance.      

She suddenly felt goosebumps all over her body. Her heart was racing and she could not help but feel excited. She realized this was not a simple grand entrance!     

When the song was nearing its end, Haneul was already kneeling in front of Eun So, in front of the national TV.      

"I'll love you forever     

And you were my dream come true     

I say, with my last breat     

It's a perfect day, to float away     

Yeah I, I felt I could fly     

'Cause I, I found love"     

Haneul took out a velvet box from his pocket and opened it in front of Eun So.     

He said, "My dearest Eun So, I love you with all my life. After six years of waiting, you are finally mine. But waiting so long made me want more of you. So will you please marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"     

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