Tricking My Cold Lover

Kiss You... Right Here

Kiss You... Right Here


Following their wedding celebration, the newlyweds had a few drinks, but when afternoon came, Haneul excused for both of them, saying they were tired and they needed sleep. The rest of their family and their guests remained to party at the grand ballroom of the resort.      

It was true. They were tired, but Haneul had planned an activity for them; he meant to prove his earlier promise.      

They had a few spa treatments within their villa as it had its own in-room spa.      

She hated the fact that Haneul heard her scream as they were at it, but thankfully he just chuckled and remained to cover his face with a towel.      

Eun So had her pubic area waxed completely. Gone! Not a single hair left!     

Of course, she knew this was her husband's idea. It was very uncomfortable for her, but she recognized the purpose of it.      

Haneul finished his treatment first and waited for her in the bathroom.      

When Eun So was done with her own set of pampering, the female therapist left promptly. She was the one to lock the doors of their suite.      

She made her way to the bathroom with her heart thundering against her rib cage. She was so nervous. She gulped each step she made.      

Wearing only her robe, she walked into the massive bathroom regularly taking a deep breath. She looked at Haneul who's gaze was burning through her robe.      

'Here we go,' she told herself.      

Haneul was already settled inside the huge jacuzzi tub, facing the ocean through a one-way glass window.      

The bath was filled with rose petals and smelled of rosemary and peppermint. Needless to say, it was a perfect way to set the mood.      

When she stood right in front of the Jacuzzi tub, she gulped. She knew exactly what to do, but she was thoroughly nervous.      

Heck! Yanmei gave her a long talk before the wedding! Of course, she was ready!     

She slowly untangled the belt around her robe and as soon as she acted to take it off, she saw her husband massaged his jaws. She heard him heavily sigh.      

Haneul felt he was incredibly thirsty that he gulped down his fluid repeatedly, knowing that his love was about to take off her robe. He wound up puffing his cheeks again and again.      

Eun So turned her back on him. Only then did she slowly lowered her robe.      

The first thing Haneul saw was her slender back. The robe slid down to her elbows, and it clung on there for some time. He watched as Eun So turned to her left and gradually; she let the robe slide off her completely.      

He suddenly choked, seeing his wife wear... a red... open crotch thong. "Damn. My wife is so sexy."     

His eyes tightened as he hissed. He reached under the water for his stick and gave himself a good stimulation.      

Eun So slowly moved into the jacuzzi bath, while keeping her back, facing him.      

After her legs were in the water, she stood for a second and froze. She only moved after feeling Haneul's hand caress her outer thighs.      

She turned to him and flaunted her bare peach. Again, she was wearing an open crotch thong. Haneul could clearly see through the softness of her bottom lips.      

"Sweet, sit on me," Haneul ordered.      

With a face flushed, she slowly sat on his lap. Half of her body was under the water.      

She turned to the side, blinking her eyes repeatedly after sensing his massiveness. It was her first time feeling it, skin to skin.      

Yes, she sat on him well. Right there where it counted the most.      

Haneul held her waist and urged her to move a little. It made him moan. How he wanted to lose control, but no, he had to take it slow. This was Eun So's first, and he wanted her to enjoy her very first.     

After seeing her slightly tremble, he chuckled and said, "Relax, my sweet."     

He leaned closer and embraced her tight. He rubbed the side of his face against her soft and delicate skin. He moved his hands to the back of her neck and pulled her face inches from him.      

Starting with gentle pecks, they kissed lightly, nibbling on their lips.      

Seconds into the gentle kisses, Eun So found herself getting more comfortable that she moved, closing that gap between her and Haneul. Her hands easily wrapped around his neck, her bare chest pressed against his.      

They soon indulged in a more passionate kiss. The sides of their mouths quickly turned wet. Their gasping became more and more apparent.      

When Haneul's hand cupped her breast, Eun So let go of the kiss and sighed heavily. "Mmmmm."     

She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She realized how good Haneul's touch felt. Electricity quickly ran through her body.      

Looking down, she saw Haneul gently massaged one of her breasts. Then she noticed him touch her other bosom.      

"Hmmmm." When a soft moan escaped her lips, she quickly covered her mouth.      

Haneul chuckled. He maintained to knead on her bosoms as he said, "My sweet, you are so beautiful and your body is so beautiful. I desire you, My sweet, Eun So."     

Her eyes widened as she watched Haneul cover the peaks of her breasts with his mouth. She unconsciously moaned and moved her hips at the never-ending goosebumps she was experiencing.      

Haneul began caressing her body senselessly. He was grabbing her every fold while hungrily devouring her breasts. He loved how perky they were that he maintained to latch on them until she complained in pain.      

"Haneul, it's - it's starting to hurt," she softly said. It was a protest, but the way she said it was so alluring in his opinion.      

"I'm sorry. Your breasts feel so good," he answered. "My sweet, since this is your first, I need to get you... really wet. If not, it will hurt."     

He tabbed at the edge of the jacuzzi tub and said, "sit here on top. I'll pleasure you first."     

She awkwardly got up and as she did so, Haneul did not miss pecking on her abdomen.      

They were bathing in a sizable square tub that had sitting areas on some sides. It was there that Eun So sat, clamping her legs together.      

Haneul faced her, and first reached to kiss on her lips. He ended up revealing his length, leaving Eun So turn crimson red.      

He teased and said, "No Viagra needed."     

"I can see that," she answered.      

He traced kisses from her neck down to her chest again and when he sat up on his knees, he gazed up to her and said, "Eun So. I want to kiss you." He gently moved his hand to her inner thigh and added, "Right here."     

Now with both his hands holding her thighs, he requested, "Show me your beauty."     

Eun So leaned back, supporting her weight against the side of the tub, and shyly, she spread her legs for him.      

Even without taking off her thong, the design of her underwear allowed Haneul to see the magnificent healthy glow of her pinkish slit.      

He gasped dramatically and concluded; he was so crazy horny now.      

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