Tricking My Cold Lover

He Is Married

He Is Married

0Three months passed.     

"I can't - I can't take this... I just can't!" Announced Lian while sitting in front of a round table next to her husband and Yanmei.      

Anton was glowering at Yanmei, reminding her to keep her cousin quiet. From two tables away, everyone was eyeing Lian.      

Yanmei had to repeatedly caress Lian's back and comfort her. She said, "Your time will come. Be more patient. Remember me?"     

It did not stop Lian, no matter what. Yanmei was left glaring at Ha-joon who was massaging his temples, getting used to his wife's drama. He was only sighing and giggling while putting his arm around Lian.      

With puffed, red eyes, Lian kept howling while observing the intimate wedding of Chun-Ho and Byeol.      

Lian had been emotional for months now, unable to comprehend how Byeol got pregnant before her. She wasn't sure what they were doing wrong. She practically devoured Ha-joon every day. Sometimes, over four times a day. Still, she didn't get pregnant.      

Byeol, on the other hand, was walking down the aisle with her four-month-old belly, blooming and looking more gorgeous in the recent days. She blamed it on her baby, saying that the baby was giving her good hormones.      

Fortunately, Lian's cries were not loud enough to disrupt the entire ceremony.      

Chun-Ho insisted that they get married on the anniversary of their first marriage, something Byeol never understood. He still had not revealed how they were still practically married.      

They had their ceremony in a private convention of the Four Seasons Hotel, where only less than sixty guests came to join the gathering.      

Byeol never alerted her father, but Mr. Chai knew she was alive. He found out about her impending marriage to Chun-Ho and even tried to get in between them.      

To the dismay of Byeol's father, he found out in the most difficult way that Chun-Ho had a strong backing.      

Anton blocked the Chai's expansion to Seoul, warning Byeol's father in the process. The Chai's have not contacted Byeol or Chun-Ho since.      

Chun-Ho and Byeol had the simplest wedding of all.      

Thus, No one from Byeol's side of the family was invited to the wedding. Only the side of Chun-Ho, the Yeongs, and their colleagues at work joined in their celebration.      

However, despite the intimate wedding, Chun-Ho gave his wife a very romantic and glamourous one.      

Even if she wore a maternity wedding gown, her dress was embroidered with Swarovskis. Her top was glittering with rhinestones while right after her chest, the remaining length of her gown flowed freely.      

The newlyweds had a dreamscape crystal wedding. Everything from where their eyes could reach only had the color of white and peach. Crystals were around them.      

A custom-made forty-foot crystal chandelier cascaded about eleven feet in the center of the venue, and every three meters thereafter, a small chandelier could be seen.      

Tables were covered with elegant linens and chairs were made of crystals, the flower stands were made of the same and so were the candlesticks that stood together with the table's centerpieces.      

The ceremony went smoothly until the end, with Byeol weeping as she told her I do. However, just when they thought everything was in order, someone barged into their wedding.      

"Stop this wedding now!" The doors swung open and there walked in was Byeol's half-sister, Chai Jang-mi.      

Jang-mi first scanned the room and felt a heavy lump in her throat. She just saw Aton Yeong and his family, and it scared the hell out of her. Yet, she was feeling righteous, and still came to warn Byeol.      

Since Byeol refused to marry a Chinese businessman named Wang Lei, her sister had to take her place, and Jang-mi hated it.     

Earlier that day, she finally heard back from an investigator whom she had employed to dig up any dirt on Chun-Ho. The investigator merely assured Jang-mi that there is solid evidence that Chun-Ho was still married.     

Jan-mi was desperate for her wedding with Wang Lei was in a few days.      

Se left Busan immediately, hoping to still half the wedding. She and the investigator meant to meet at the Four Seasons Hotel and show to Byeol the evidence. She had no time to review the evidence, merely relying on the words of the investigator.      

Pointing at her half-sister, Jang-mi said, "Byeol! You are making a big mistake marrying that man! You are better off marrying Wang Lei!"     

Everyone's eyes were on Jang-mi, but despite the stabbing stares, she was confident with what the investigator said. He was one of the best in Seoul. There was no way he would make a mistake.     

Byeol was furious. This was supposed to be the most romantic day of her life, and here was her half-sister, ruining it for her. She screamed, "Jang-mi! That's enough! Stay right where you are or better yet leave before I ask the security to escort you out - "     

"He is married! He is married!" Responded Jang-mi. She rushed in front of her sister and grabbed her hand. She said, "I have proof that he is married! You can thank me later!"     

While all this was happening, Chun-Ho signaled his friends to take the crazy half-sister of his wife. He did not care for whatever evidence this woman had.      

"Stop this right now, Jang-mi!" Warned Byeol.      

"Woman, I will have you jailed for disrupting this peaceful ceremony!" From behind them, they all saw Anton, together with Ha-joon and Iseul, walking towards them.      

"Mr. Yeong, your fellow is not so honest with you and everyone else here." Jang-mi suddenly scoffed and pointed to Chun-Ho before saying, "Or maybe, you knew and you were encouraging the infidelity of this man!"     

"Woman, you are a lunatic and I will make sure that you pay the price for disturbing my wedding!" Told Chun-Ho.      

Not a moment too soon, they heard the cry of a man from the entrance. It was the investigator whom Jang-mi had commissioned. "Miss Chai! Over here! Over here!"     

Jang-mi became excited. Her heart throbbed as she tried to flee from the tall men that surrounded her. She quickly grabbed the envelope from the investigator's hands and threw it in front of Byeol. "Read it! I tell you now! That man is still married! You are being lied to!"     

Anton, Iseul, Ha-joon, and Chun-Ho looked at each other. It dawned on them what the woman was blabbering about. Only they knew that Chun-Ho never filed for a divorce.      

Shaking his head, Anton walked back to his seat and calling the police instead. He wanted Chai Jang-mi to be put behind bars.      

"What - what is this?" Byeol asked while looking down at the envelope on the floor.      

Chun-Ho only sighed and reached for it, knowing it was harder for his wife to bend. When he handed the documents to Byeol, he said, "Wifey, I'm sorry I did not tell you. I - I wanted it to be a surprise, which is why I insisted that we marry on this date."     

He pulled out the documents and reviewed it first before giving it to her. He said, "It's true that I am married."     

"What?" Byeol asked, feeling her heart racing.      

"My goodness! See, Byeol that man is lying to you all along!" She looked around and announced, "This man has the nerve, marrying again despite still being married!"     

Byeol abruptly studied the first document and to her relief, it was the marriage certificate between him and her, exactly last year. She flipped to another document, certifying that In Chun-Ho was married to her, Chai Byeol.      

Only after realizing what the documents were did she look up to him with pouting lips. She heard him say, "I am still married. I was married to you and we are still. That's why even if your belly was getting bigger, I insisted that we marry on our anniversary."     

"What?! What are you talking about?!" Jang-mi asked, mocking Chun-Ho's words, but when she saw the two hugging and Byeol crying with joy, she yelled, "What is wrong with you? He is married!"     

Ha-joon and Iseul started dragging Chai Jang-mi outside the room along with the investigator, but they were prevented by Byeol. "Stop, let me slap in her face the documents she did not even read!"     

With Chun-Ho's guide, Byeol practically smothered in her sister's face the marriage certificate. She waited for Jang-mi to read the paper.     

After seeing the stupid look on her face, Byeol said, "That's right! My husband is still married because we were married last year in paper!"     

"I - I don't understand this!" Jang-mi asked, all puzzled while looking back at each document in her hands.     

"There is nothing else to understand except that we are both married and nothing can stop us from being married!" Byeol directed her to the door. "Scram!"     

Ha-joon and Iseul dragged the unwanted guests for the security to detain until the police could arrive.     

Despite the disturbance from the wedding, Byeol wound up laughing. She was crying and chuckling at the same time.      

Everyone looked at her weirdly that she had to explain herself. While stuttering, she said, "I - I am so relieved! I thought I was the one crazy in love with my husband, but apparently, I think now... he is more in love with me."     

Not many knew exactly the story behind Byeol and Chun-Ho, but for the Yeongs and Chun-Ho's friends, they laughed together with Byeol boisterously, assuring her that she was right.      

"You are right about that Byeol, you got Chun-Ho crazy in love with you!" Yelled Yanmei.      

Lian only cried harder.      

Yeona gave her all thumbs up!     

Chun-Ho, on the other hand, said, "It - it does not change the fact that she came on to me first."     

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