Tricking My Cold Lover

We Are Your Family

We Are Your Family

0 Days passed.      

It was only after Chai Byeol left the mansion that Chun-Ho found the chance to tell everyone what exactly happened. However, he did not linger on the top and instead worked to find information about the Mongs.      

Chun-Ho and also the Yeongs did not hear from Chai Byeol again.      

On the day that Iseul returned from his honeymoon, he went to the Yeongs' estate to have a talk with Chun-Ho.      

Anton returned home late, finding the two in a serious conversation over hard liquor. He frowned as he walked in on them at the Patio.      

"Drinking without me?" Anton said while loosening his tie.      

"Boss, good evening," said Iseul. "Chun-Ho, and I were just talking about... about his family."     

Anton noticed how Chun-Ho was often thinking deeply. He figured it had something to do with the investigation he was doing. Whatever he found out affected his mood altogether.     

He sat with them, asking for a drink himself. "Give me a shot."     

Iseul got up and said, "Let' em get you a glass, Yeong - "     

"Your glass! It's not like we haven't shared a glass before. I just need one drink," said Anton.      

After gulping down the hard liquor, he handed back the glass to Iseul and said, "What's wrong with you, Chun-Ho. Why are you brooding?"     

Iseul turned to Chun-Ho, cueing him to speak. Chun-Ho said, "Yeong, I - I found my family. It was in fact the Mongs. Chai Byeol's ex-fiance, Jun-ha is my younger brother. No wonder we look alike."     

"When did you find out about this?" Anton asked, leaning forward and drawing his brows together.      

"A few days ago. I spent an entire week carrying out the full investigation. I found out that Mr. Mong, my supposed father, did have a son named Chun-Ho. I did not have to do a DNA test. I - I look so much like my father and so did my brother."     

 He looked down before gazing at Anton. "I - I was an illegitimate child - a mistake - son a mistress. Jun-ha is their legitimate son. He and his wife probably could not stand raising me and gave me up to the orphanage."     

"I found out that my mother passed away when I was three years old and I was given to my father. I lived with my so-called father and his wife for over a year, but." He shrugged and said, "Still, I was handed to the orphanage."     

"They did not look for me. Of course, the orphanage put up a missing person's report about me when I was a child, but they never responded. They lived a life, forgetting about me - on purpose."     

"Are you... going to see your father?" Anton asked while displaying a sympathetic tone.      

"No, he isn't," said Iseul. "We already talked about it."     

Chun-Ho drank a glass of liquor and said, "There was... a small part of me that wanted to know... whether I was left in the orphanage by mistake - rather, I hoped that was the case." He massaged the bridge of his nose and said, "That was why I looked them up. So I can find the truth about what happened."     

"Many scenarios played in my head. Like, what if I was kidnapped then abandoned at the orphanage? What if I got lost as a child and someone just dropped me at the orphanage?"     

"Fuck, I even wondered if my family was looking for me." Chun-Ho sighed and said, "As it turns out. I was unwanted from the start. They never looked for me. They did not care."     

Anton and Iseul looked at each other before Iseul spoke, "Hey, man! We all had a cruel past, but its how to make the most of our current situation."     

"Yes, don't dwell on it," said Anton. "It was good that they did not want you, because... we - we found you... and we want you."     

"My kids fucking adore you," added Anton.      

"As they say, things happen for a reason," said Iseul. "I am your true brother. Forget the fuck younger brother of yours who merely swindled money from a girl who fell in love with him."     

"And a father who is unloyal to his wife. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk," said Anton. "Regardless of how a child is brought to this world, a father should be a father to his sons and daughters. He isn't much of a man - choosing to abandon his child."     

"We are your family, Chun-Ho... and we are the greatest kind. Why settle for something below us when we are the greatest! Isn't that right, Iseul?" Anton said, asking for Iseul's backing.      

"Yes, we are your family," said Iseul. He put a hand on Chun-Ho's back and decided to tease, "And don't forget, you have a wife now."     

"Fuck you, Iseul. If it were not for you, I would not have been in that situation!" Cursed Chun-Ho, he threw a fist against Iseul's arm and added, "You even told her how I was a virgin, you ass!"     

Iseul sneered and said, "Sorry, man. I was really drunk at that time."     

The three of them shifted to a lighter conversation, laughing at previous predicaments they were in. After half an hour, Anton fell silent.      

Anton wasn't sure if it was a good time to bring it up, but he did anyway. He cleared his throat and said, "Chai Byeol sent divorce papers in my office today. She had already signed it. Of course, I am still working with my lawyers to have the marriage undone... It's just going to take some time as it will be a legal case."     

Chun-Ho frowned. He had not contacted her yet, occupied with the finding of his true family. He did not expect that she would give the divorce papers without contacting him. "Really? I thought she would still... insist on the marriage."     

"Her father probably found out. He announced to the business world that his daughter will marry the Chinese businessman, Mr. Wang Lei." Anton crossed his legs before adding, "But rumor has it, she ran away with nothing. Her father stripped her off with every penny... Mr. Chai is still looking for her, though."     

Chun-Ho was shocked, and so was Iseul. They could not help but feel sorry for Byeol.      

"I offered to help with his father's plan on marrying her off," revealed Chun-Ho with a frown. "But she did not reach out."     

"She still probably has her own money, don't worry about it, man. She must have figured things out for herself," said Iseul.      

It was the following day that everyone heard the shocking news of the night before. A car fell off a cliff of Busan. The same vehicle exploded before fragments of the vehicle fell off to the sea.      

In the morning, it was later found out that the car belonged to Chai Byeol. Her body was not found, but the wreck to the accident was so undermined that the police concluded, her body must have burned down with the vehicle.      

Chun-Ho was already in the office when Iseul walked up to him with the news he heard on the radio.      

From the office lobby, Iseul and Chun-Ho spoke. Chun-Ho rubbed his temples with his fingers and said, "Why do I feel guilty about this? Why do I feel it's my fault? She did not ask for help. She should have just asked for help."     

"We don't have control over everything, Chun-Ho." Iseul sighed and said, "It's unfortunate."     

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