Tricking My Cold Lover

The Wolfman

The Wolfman

0"What? What happened?" Asked Chun-Ho. He quickly turned to Byeol and checked on her.      

She had apparently dropped a plate, seeing for the second time his sexy back.     

Droplets of sweat formed on Byeol's forehead as she leaned back on the kitchen sink. She raised his palm and said, "Stay back, wolfman!"     

It was the only thing she could associate with his freakishly well-molded body too; a werewolf. Specifically, Taylor Lautner's form.      

"Wolfman?" Chun-Ho retorted with a frown. "I was just asking for a back massage. That made me a wolf?"     

He promptly picked up the broken pcs of porcelain and put it in the trash while still shirtless. He asked, "Where is your broom? We need to clean this up."     

Still signaling Chun-Ho to stay back, she said, "Just lay down on the sofa bed, and I'll." She gulped before saying, "I'll give you a massage. For god's sake, stop walking around, wolfman."     

"You can convert the sofa to a bed so you can be more comfortable," added Byeol after she cleared her throat.      

Chun-Ho cleared his throat and caressed his upper chest with his right hand before shrugging. He said, "Okay, if you say so."     

Byeol's eyes were wider than earlier, silently screaming, 'Such a tease, this man!'     

He fixed her bed as she instructed and rested, face down. He heard Byeol resume cleaning up the broken plate and after half an hour, she came up to him and said, "Okay. I'm going to massage you now... whatever happens... do not look back at me."     


Byeol poured a generous amount of liniment oil against Chun-Ho's back and began to massage him carelessly. She was going round in different directions, having performed a massage for the first time in her life.      

Her eyes relished on the muscled back that instead of pressing against his area of complained, her hands were practically caressing his sexy curve.      

"Wife? Are you looking at what you are doing? Moreover, I don't feel the slightest pressure," complained Chun-Ho.      

She coughed and swallowed her own fluid before answering, "Oh, okay. My bad. I - I don't know exactly how this works."     

Without warning, Chun-Ho promptly got up, once again flaunting his sexy body at her.      

Byeol's eyes widened. She gulped repeatedly and tried to look away. She heard him say, "Let me show you how it's done."     

"What?!" she reacted intensely after he urged her to lie on the bed. "No! I'm not going to take off my dress!"     

"Okay. How about we do this," said Chun-Ho. "Changed into something more comfortable, like shorts and a shirt? I'll just." He simulated the process and said, "Crept under your shirt and perform the massage."     

Byeol was unsure how the tables got turned, but the idea somehow... wasn't so bad. She could definitely use a massage... coming from him.      

She took out a new pair of clothes and got changed in the bathroom. Upon her return, she lay on the bed face down with her heart facing.      

'What am I doing?' She questioned herself, yet despite hesitating, she remained to lie down.      

The second she felt Chun-Ho's large and firm hands against her back, rubbing the liniment into her skin, she felt shivers down her spine. She slammed her head face down against the pillow and tried to hide her burning face.      

"Mmmmm - " She gulped, stopping her moan. 'What the - what am I moaning for a simple message for?'     

Chun-Ho pressed his thumbs hard against her back, spreading them in line with her ribcage. He also hissed inwardly after realizing his wife... wore no bra. 'Fuck.'     

Fortunately, Byeol was down against the pillow and she could not see the excitement beneath his pants.     

'Dammit, I should have asked Ha-joon and Iseul about this!' How was he supposed to know that a mere touch to the skin could cause was a hard erection? He had never touched a woman in this light. All the more, his wife moaning from his touch.      

To his surprise, the moaning did not stop from Byeol's end.      

"Oh, god, it feels so good. Hmmmmm." She gasped when Chun-Ho reached high on her shoulder blades. She utterly felt butterflies in her stomach.      

Against the pillow, she was holding her breath and biting her lip.      

The more he went on with the massage, the more she felt goosebumps all over her body, but not a moment too soon, she felt a more strange sensation in between her thighs that she gasped, moaning loudly and raised her torso. "Aaaaaahhhh!"     

While panting, her eyes grew wide, and she asked herself, 'Shit, did I just - did I just?'     

She turned to Chun-Ho with a full red face and covered her mouth. She gulped, ashamed of what had just happened.      

"Wife, that was just a massage. You sure are under a lot of stress," remarked Chun-Ho, hearing her wailing in satisfaction with just a mere caress.     

Her lips were trembling when she said, "I think... you should go now."     

"Why?" He said with his narrowing eyes.      

"Because it's getting dark - "     

"Oh, don't worry about me, I am a wolfman," he replied. "I can take care of myself."     

He lay next to her in his shirtless form and said, "Let me rest for a minute. I'm tired after all the chopping of vegetables and massaging your back."     

He smirked before reaching for a pillow and covered the back of his head.      

Byeol, "..."     

He dozed off in seconds, leaving Byoel speechless... or at least she thought he was already asleep.      

Her mouth fell open. She never imagined Chun-Ho was capable of being shameless. "Is this guy really sleeping?"     

"Chun-Ho, this is not funny, you should go back to your hotel now. My place is so uncomfortable," Byeol said, poking his biceps with her fingers. She could not dare touch his chest.      

Chun-Ho only rolled, facing down against the bed, flaunting his back... his sexy back.      

"Chun-Ho!" She called again, but the only sound she heard as a response was mild snoring, suggesting he was awfully tired.      

Of course, Byeol could have wreaked havoc in her apartment just to wake up his wolfman, but she did not. She let him rest next to her in the bed, anyway.      

For an hour she just watched him sleeping, face down on her mattress. She repeatedly sighs, thinking of their predicament. Her thoughts revolved around how she married the man before her, but he did not want her. Now, they were starting from scratch yet calling themselves husband and wife.      

Slowly, she found herself falling asleep next to the shirtless wolfman.      

At five in the morning, the sound of chopping and running water awakened Chun-Ho.     

Byeol only had a studio type apartment. There were practically no divisions in between her sleeping area and her mini-kitchen, so everything she was doing was audible and visible to him.      

Rubbing his eyes, Chun-Ho sat up and asked, "What are you doing?"     

"I'm making kimchi," she said while mixing the spices in a large saucepan.      

"Why are you making kimchi when there are still four containers of kimchi in your fridge?" He asked with a frown.      

"I need to make one container every day and wait for it to get soured before selling it. So, yeah. I have to make one batch on a daily basis," she reasoned.      

Chun-Ho got up and reached for his shirt. He put it back on and walked towards the kitchen counter. He sighed and asked, "What time did you wake up to prepare for this?"     

"Four in the morning," she said while yawning.      

"And you have been doing every day?" He asked with concern.      

"Almost... almost every day for the past six months, Chun-Ho," she said, taking a pause and looking into his eyes.     

Out of nowhere, Chun-Ho walked up behind her and hugged her tight from the back.     

She was taken aback, feeling his firm arms wrapped around her, including her hands. She felt his breath against her head as he said, "You don't deserve this. You deserve so much more."     

She just stood there and froze while gulping at his actions for seconds. Soon, she heard him say, "Let me take you back to Korea."     

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