Tricking My Cold Lover




"Ahh! Ha-joon, wait!" Lian raised her palm at him and said, "Eat Banana... or drink your banana shake first!"     

Ha-joon had earlier pushed her forcefully, and Lian was left bouncing on the bed. He squinted as he began to take off his clothes. Especially after her suggestion to dig into some bananas.      

Still, he did as she suggested. After removing his undershirt, he walked to the edge of the bed where the over-bed tables were at. He drank the entire glass of banana shake and slowed it down in seconds.      

Only after moving the food away did he announce, "What's with the stockings? Don't you think it's kinky."     

She wrinkled her nose and said, "It's not kinky! It's sexy!"     

He kicked off his shoes and pants soon after. He walked over to the very excited Lian, sitting back up. He covered her lips intensely, savoring on her taste for seconds before he said, "No, you are sexy. With or without stockings."     

"Aaawww." She pecked on his lips before saying, "Yummy banana shake."     

She raised her thigh to feel his manhood and announced, "But that banana over there tastes so much better."     

While she was giggling, Ha-joon shook his head in disbelief. He first kissed on her lips and asked, "What if one day you'll get tired of me and I get used to how you keep wanting me?"     

Lian did not expect such a serious coming from him. She studied his athletic face before returning to his lips and pecking softly. She wiped his bottom lip with her thumb and said, "I love you, Ha-joon. I will never get tired of you."     

Hearing this, Ha-joon sealed her lips once more, starting with gentle pecks before parting his mouth and thrusting out his tongue.      

It did not take long for them to revel in a hot kiss. Their gasping and the smacking sound of their lips echoed through the room as they resumed making out.      

She brushed her fingers through his hair while being rested horizontally across the bed. While engulfing in the feeling of being under her man, she easily wrapped her legs around her waist, wanting to trap him completely.      

"Mmmmmm." Lian moaned, sensing Ha-joon pushed his groin area against her naked peach. He still had his brief on, but her rose recognized the full form of his erection.      

He reached beneath her bra and hungrily massaged her breast, his body simulating the motion of making love, further teasing her entrance with his lump. Hearing Lian's erotic breathing, Ha-joon quickly felt the dire need to get started.      

No matter what. No matter how he occasionally hid it, the truth was, Lian was his weakness, and she does it best when presenting herself, ready to be taken by him.      

His hand reached her back and unhooked her bra. He threw it away carelessly.     

Seeing her breasts were free, Ha-joon wasted no time and absorbed in her mounts. He lingered on her chest for a minute, before returning to their passionate kisses.      

He maintained to rub his body against her's, sending an electrifying sensation altogether.      

Lian just loved it. She loved how she could touch entirely his chest, how she could clench her hands against his every muscle. Each time they made love, she reveled in his exquisitely made frame. She was always proud of having a sexy man to call her own.      

She found herself reaching underneath his brief, and she seized one fine buttock with her hand. She let go of his ass to compliment, "I love this."     

"Better than the... banana?" Ha-joon teased. He got up to take off his underwear, exposing his length.      

He climbed on top of Lian and hooked his arm behind her back. He moved her vertically across the bed before returning to kiss her slender body. He dived straight to her perky breasts, latching like a baby.      

His actions made Lian groan in pain, but she bit her lip to endure, not wanting to ruin the mood.      

Soon enough, Ha-joon moved to her pelvic area and upon seeing him go in between her thighs, she threw back her head against the pillow. The second she felt his tongue against her bare peach, her moans became endless.      

"Aaaaahhh! Mmmmmm... Yeaahhhh! I - I love it!"     

Lian shamelessly spread her legs wider for Ha-joon to do a better job. More than just addressing his hunger, her pleasure should not be compromised in any way. This was what she thought while sometimes raising her hips and guiding him with her hands. She was making sure his tongue was focused only on her clit and nowhere else.      

Minutes into eating his girlfriend, Ha-joon noticed how Lian was catching her breath. Her body was waving like the ocean.      

Observing this, he shifted from flickering his tongue to sucking on her clit. His actions made Lian cry out her satisfaction, reaching climax in no time.      

He pleasured in seeing Lian panting, drowned in the sensation of having come. As he studied her Ha-joon made preparations, palming his manhood.      

Lian raised her torso to glance at Ha-joon sitting up on his knees. He was playing with himself while watching her take heavy breaths. She gulped at the sight of his angry member and asked, "Do you want me to." She pushed her tongue against the inside of her cheek, suggesting a blowjob.     

"No," said Ha-joon. "From now on, all my sperms get inside of you."     

After his announcement, Lian bit her lip. She frowned, thinking about how she can live without tasting his length. She really liked his taste. She said, "No! That's not a bargain I can keep!" She pointing to the desserts and said, "drink the avocado shake!"     

Lian hastily got up, rolling to the other side of the bed, and walked to fetch the avocado shake. She returned to hand it to him and said, "Drink this first and sit down."     

He was thirsty anyway, so he merely shook his head and took the glass. He sat on the bed and slowly gulped it down.     

"Ugggh!" Ha-joon nearly choked, realizing that Lian was already on her knees, holding up his length. He could not object, rather, he did not have the chance to. Lian was just too fast, quickly hallowing her cheeks and vacuuming his member.      

Ha-joon realized there was no way he could win against his woman. At least, not in the light of her obsession over his rod.      

While Lian immersed in sucking his manhood, Ha-joon gradually finished his melting shake.      

When he was ready to come, he put the glass on the bed and focused on her face. He cleared away the hair on her face and repeatedly pushed his hips up.      

He fixed his eyes on her lips and how it perfectly hugged his erection. He could not deny how arousing was the beautiful scene.      

"Urrgghhh! Fuck! Scchhhh!" He yelped in satisfaction after erupting inside her mouth. "Fuck, that was soo good."     

Lian slowly let go of his length. She gulped down his fluid and wiped her mouth with her hands. She smiled at him and said, "See? Can you imagine not experiencing the same again?"     

Her eyes shifted to the fruit and said, "Now, eat a banana." She winked at him and said, "The night is still young."     

Lian and Ha-joon only rested for half an hour. They returned to their busy night immediately after Lian posed, resting her hands against the glass window and flaunting her two-round flesh in front of him.     

She wiggled her well-shaped behind and said, "Let's do it here."     

Just seeing the sexy figure seduce him in that way, Ha-joon surrendered. His member was at it again, standing erect at Lian's invite.      

He walked up to her and grabbed her ass. He spread each cheek generously to show her bottom lips, glowing with wetness. He recognized she was ready for him.      

He held up his rod and let it rub against her entrance again and again. When he felt her moisture, he knew she was beyond ready. Perhaps even hours ready, that's exactly how wet she was.      

"Uhhh!" He pushed his manhood with a hard thrust, grunting while he was at it. He began to move his hips to and fro, slapping his pelvic area against her beautiful behind.      

While remaining standing against the window glass, Lian and Ha-joon made love. Only the curtains draped in between them and the city lights outside.      

From inside their room, the sound of their slapping flesh became evident as Ha-joon picked up the pace.      

As he moved back and forth, he frequently studied his length. He appreciated how it glowed in her wetness. More than just the amazing picture, the feeling of being sucked in by her hole drowned him in a sea of pleasure.      

He reached a conclusion in minutes, shoving his stick as far deep as he can, hoping his soldiers would reach her eggs.      

Ha-joon was not very outspoken about what he wanted, but more than just keeping his girlfriend settled and away from thinking about eating him, he earnestly now wanted to have a family.      

Somehow, Iseul's decision to get married enlightened him of the idea.      

After cleaning off, Ha-joon asked Lian, "You stopped taking pills, right?"     

Lian paused. Her eyes grew wide, and she covered her mouth. She said, "Oh, my gosh! I forgot! I took one last night!"     

She put her hands on her waist and said, "Well, contraceptives are only 98% guaranteed. There is still 1-2% it will work. We just need to try harder." Her face turned naughty and said, "We should do it again and fight against the odds!"     

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