Tricking My Cold Lover

Not Limping Enough

Not Limping Enough

0The next day, the entire family and their group had breakfast together at Anton's family villa. The resort brought them various meals instead of going to the main restaurant, where it may be too crowded for Nari.      

They were to have their breakfast at the sundeck, right next to the private pool, and facing the Indian ocean. It was a beautiful sight and perfect venue for the early morning gathering.      

Anton and Yanmei settled at one end of a long table when Andrea and Lu Fang arrived with their kids.      

Yanmei quickly giggled, seeing how Andrea was having difficulty in walking. She asked, "Hey Andy, did you slip on the floor?"     

Li Wen who was sitting next to Anton laughed thoroughly.      

Andrea glared at Yanmei before taking her seat. She beamed at her brother before saying, "At least, I did not get bitten by a vampire on the neck!"     

"Aunt Yanmei got bitten by a vampire?" Xia Mei asked innocently, pointing at Yanmei's neck.      

Yanmei quickly covered her neck with the scarf she brought out as an accessory to her clothes. Anton merely drank his coffee, as if he heard nothing.      

Li Wen was quick to explain to her daughter that Yanmei only had allergies, killing her curiosity altogether.      

"What about you, Wen? Ting? How was your night?" Andrea asked, raising her brows at both of them. "Please don't tell us you've already stopped?"     

Xia Ting nearly choked on his water while Li Wen said, "Excuse me, we are not that old. We've done it so many times that we no longer get sores. Moreover, we know exactly where to bite."      

The ladies went giggling before Li Wen stated, "Let's not talk about it in front of the kids."     

"You don't talk ever!" Andrea pointed out.      

"None of us talk! You, Andy, and Lu Fang. You just can't help but get caught," said Li Wen, recalling the time she caught them on the elevator. She had to help the two finish off and secured the lift so no one could interfere with their session.      

"I - I don't know what you are talking about, Wen." Lu Fang said. He turned around and said, "What a nice day it is today! It is so sunny!"     

"Yeah, perfect for swimming." Andrea frowned and said, "Except, I'm limping?"     

The ladies laughed again, but Li Wen scolded Andrea, "Enough. I swear to God." She lowered her voice and said, "My daughter will pick up on your words in no time, Andy."     

"Lu Fang, if you are going to make my sister limp again, I am going to take one of your sons!" Announced Anton.      

"Woah! Woah! I have two sons. Maybe the limping isn't so bad," said Lu Fang.     

His words made Andrea and Li Wen laughed while Yanmei turned red. Of course, she had her occasional limping days, but she wondered if she wasn't limping enough.      

Lu Fang pointed to Xia Jianyu and said, "I bet Wen was limping a lot before too."     

"Stop it! Stop this, I say! Or I will bankrupt both your companies upon my return to Guangzhou!" Threatened Li Wen. She once again had to play arbitrator until the rest of the Yeongs arrived.     

Everyone was already there, except for Ha-joon and Lian. They started with breakfast regardless, but after an hour, the two finally arrived.     

Chun-Ho and Iseul, who ate with the family, frowned at the sight of Ha-joon. Andrea and Yanmei also gave odd stares at the two. Unlike Andrea's state, it wasn't Lian who was limping, but it was Ha-joon.      

Andrea broke down into a boisterous laugh while Yanmei turned to her side and curled against her stomach, also laughing hard.      

Lian and Ha-joon never spoke of what happened. They only mentioned that Ha-joon had cramps.      

It was because of Ha-joon's mysterious limping that Andrea and Yanmei continued to discuss the new couple as they swam into the sea after their breakfast.      

The ladies, Andrea, Li Wen and Yanmei remained at the table, observing the kids as they swam with their nannies at their villa's private pool. Xia Ting, Anton and Lu Fang were off to the beach, getting ready for a swim competition.      

Andrea asked, "Yanmei, was that your teaching? Pfft! Haha!"     

"While I recognize how much well I've done for them, I don't believe I've contributed to Ha-joon's limping," Yanmei answered.      

"Maybe I should check on Lian - "     

"No. No! I got that covered," said Yanmei. "I'll have another talk with her about... intimacy. Besides, I'm her cupid and I absolutely did a great job at it!"     

"I'd have to agree with you, Yanmei. Considering Lian's history of failed relashionship attempts, you certainly did a good job," remarked Li Wen. "And Ha-joon is such a good man for Lian."      

"Hey! We both are!" Objected Andy. "I did maybe half or one-forth the work!"     

"Okay, Andy, but I did most of the work. You get one fourth of the credit, but that still leaves me with more points to being the better cupid," Yanmei proudly said.      

"Very funny!" Andrea sarcastically responded., "Don't forget I played cupid with you and Yeong! I already have one full point against you, Yanmei! Plus! I have made three couples all in all."     

"You and Yeong, Hanxi and his girlfriend, then I get partial points for Lian and Ha-joon." Andrea scoffed and challenged Yanmei, "If you want to be a better cupid? You need results! Haha!"     

Yanmei's eyes narrowed. She said, "Bring it on. I will have more results in no time."     

"I dare you," said Andrea with a grin on her face. She turned to Li Wen ans asked, "What about you, Wen?"     

"I don't plan to compete with you, I have so much to do now that the kids are much older, but just so you know, Andy, I played cupid between you and Lu Fang," said Li Wen.      

The ladies returned to laughing at the thought of playing cupid.      

Meanwhile, the boys at the beach had finished their first lap of swimming. Anton and Xia Ting returned for another round while Lu Fang laid on the sun lounger next to Ha-joon.      

Lian was making a sand castle with Xia Mei not too far from them. Thus, Lu Fang took the chance to ask, "Ha-joon, what the fuck is wrong with you, limping?"     

"Man, I don't want to talk about it. I'm too tired," Ha-joon said, covering his face with his arm.      

"Okay, its fine, but you should not be the one limping. You have to step up the game, Ha-joon. Take her to exciting places and make it count, enter at the peak of rapture and get at right speed. Maybe you have wimpy knees but at least, by following my advice, both of you will be limping." Lu Fang added.      

"Thanks, Lu Fang, but I'd rather not talk about it. I have had enough love training from Yeong," said Ha-joon. "He is playing a love guru."     

Lu Fang's eyes grew wide. He glared at Ha-joon and said, "Ha-joon, I'm telling you, whatever Yeong is teaching you, he learned everything from me."     

Ha-joon sat up, shaking his head. He said, "Damn, I knew he changed too quickly."     

He chuckled and shared a few details Anton taught him about wooing a woman.      

"But you know what Ha-joon, the fact that Yeong is passing down the skill to you, that means my methods were effective," said Lu Fang. "I feel proud of myself. Feel free to use the same techniques."     

Lu Fang gazed at Anton and Xia Ting, returning from their swim. He quickly said to Ha-joon, "Don't tell Anton I said that though. You know how he is. I'd rather let him take the credit than have another argument with him."     

"Right," said Ha-joon before lying back on the sun lounger.     

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