Tricking My Cold Lover

Not Geun II

Not Geun II

0In half an hour, Anton's men who came from JKW Investments and the South Gun Factory came to guard all exits of the hospital. More were coming from the base. This was aside from the hospital's efforts of temporarily holding all patients with babies from getting discharged.      

The police also came in to aid Anton Yeong, securing the hospital for the youngest heir to the Yeongs may have been taken.      

The hospital staff and patients became alarmed with the thorough inspection at the doors. All mothers with newborn babies were not allowed to leave the hospital, even for those who came only for a check-up.      

Anton was told that the resident doctor working last night was no longer reachable and two other nurses.     

The current resident doctor, named Ji-Kyo, and nurses in the nursery scrambled to check the records of all the babies received from yesterday until this early morning. There were only thirteen mothers in total who gave birth, including Yanmei.     

Six of the babies were already roomed-in with their mothers, but doctor Ji-Kyo told that one mother had recently insisted to sign a waiver, wanting to leave with her baby even before the doctor's discharge instructions.      

Anton and Chun-Ho stormed to the said mother's room, together with the doctor Ji-Kyo, but unfortunately, they were already gone.      

"I thought they were not yet discharged!" Screamed Anton, giving the doctor an angry glare.      

Stuttering, Ji-Kyo said, "They weren't Mr. Yeong. As you can see? The room is not cleaned by our maintenance."      

The doctor checked with the nurse's station and was told that indeed, the mother from room 224 was still not yet cleared by the billing department.      

"Then, they may still be in the hospital!" Anton suggested. He held the doctor by the collar and screamed at his face, "You better make this right! You here me! There is obviously a conspiracy here!"     

"I want a list of all the hospital rooms. I want every room checked in this building!"     

"Ye - yes, Mr. Yeong, I'll coordinate with the - with the administration office now," said Ji-Kyo.      

Anton and Chun-Ho inspected each of the rooms on the same floor where the supposed fleeing mother was. A nurse accompanied them in each one, letting families know that it was a matter of security.      

In each room, they searched every corner and space, even the bathroom. So far, they did not find Geun. Anton kept in mind Yanmei's description of his son, and for every roomed-in baby, he checked each arm.      

All mothers who gave birth were on the same floor, including Yanmei, but hers were in the far end since she was occupying a private suite. It was always a protocol to keep all patients with similar needs on one floor and wing.      

So far, all the babies that were in their mother's care did not fit the description of Yanmei. Also, the nurse carried with her a hand-held scanner to check the name band of each baby.      

A mother and daughter should have the same code, and the said scanner would set off an alarm if the band on the baby and the mother was not a match.      

In some facilities, switching babies were common, and that was why modern hospitals have turned to a digitalized ID bracelet that is immediately put on the mother and the baby after birth. The bracelet pair would have a unique code, specifically for the mother and daughter.      

The mother and daughter will not be allowed to leave the hospital if the band name does not match after scanning, regardless of what name is reflected on the ID bracelet.      

So far, all four mothers they have visited with roomed-in babies were a match. On the fifth baby, the mother and daughter were still a complete match base on the name brands, but the mother inside that room revealed, "Mr. - Mr. Yeong. Is - is it your baby?"     

"I," The mother looked at her husband, and only after the man next to him nodded did she reveal, "Me and my husband. We were offered an opportunity to earn a million dollars."     

"We were approached by a group a month ago. They said we fit the criteria. We were to allow our baby to be exchanged for the price of a million dollars - but we did not agree, of course. Why in the world would I give up my son? He is worth more than a million dollars."     

"But the same man and woman who approached us back then, I thought I saw them earlier today, Mr. Yeong. On this same floor. I - I could be wrong, but the man's tattoo was too familiar-looking. I feared the worst, but I did not know who they were after." It was the husband who spoke this time.      

"We should have reported it - we were just so occupied with our baby - "     

"Fuck! What do they look like! Do you know their names?" Anton asked in Anger.     

Chun-Ho had to calm him down and said, "Boss, they are helping us! Boss!"     

"One was a woman with blond hair, Hispanic looking, and the other was a man. He was well built and had - "     

"Hispanic - Wait, let me show you some pictures," Said Anton. Anton had a hunch. It was a little over a year since Maya requested for his semen. Moreover, she was Hispanic looking, regardless of the color of her hair. Maya could be wearing a wig as a disguise.      

He scrambled to search on his phone for the photos of The Secret Rose. Hearing the description, he instantly had Maya on his mind. After finding what he wanted, he showed them the photo. "This woman? Was it her?"     

The couple accepted Anton's phone and studied the picture. They looked at each other and confirmed, "Yes, this looks like her indeed, except here her hair is black - "     

"Scroll to the next photos, see if any of them look familiar," directed Anton.      

When they saw the photo of Arman, the husband said, "This is him, the face structure at least."     

He looked at Anton and said, "If you have other photos of him -maybe a whole body, I can confirm it. The man I spoke with had this unique tattoo on his wrist. That was most likely is identifying feature - "     

"What tattoo?" Anton asked with eyes wide open.      

"It looked like a wristband, but really, it was a tattoo," said the father.      

Hearing the description of the tattooed man, Anton felt a wave of regret. If anything, the taking of his son might as well be a miss on his part. He realized that the man who bought the sports car, the same vehicle that led into Nari's premature birth, was a man with a tattoo on his wrist.      

"Fuck! Fuck!" Anton thrust his fist on the nearest wall, blaming himself. "It was the same man who helped that fucking Afghan!"     

Meanwhile, back in Yanmei's private suite, a nurse came to confirm if her name band matched to that of the baby. The nurse carried with her a hand-held scanner.      

The nurse read Yanmei's name band on her wrist before scanning the baby's. When it went off with an alarm, Yanmie broke down in tears. She knew she was right. The baby before her was not hers. It was not Geun.      

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