Tricking My Cold Lover

Thanks to Cosmo

Thanks to Cosmo

0"Yanmei, I have a lot of things to do and I come home to this sort of interrogation." Anton was scratching his head. He wasn't sure why Yanmei was suddenly all concerned about his virginity. He thought that never signified to women.     

He asked, "Why? What if I'm not? Why does it even matter?"     

Only then did she finally looked up to his light brown eyes and said, "Yeong, please just answer my question... I just have to know." She bit her lip before adding, "Besides, you have me in your heart."     

'There she goes again,' he said to himself.     

"Of course! I haven't done it, okay... The best I have ever entered are these!" He was while holding up her chin, clearly referring to her mouth.     

She immediately flushed but was quick to ask back, "Really?"     

"Where is this coming from?" He asked. "I don't have time to play games. I want to eat dinner."     

Yanmei pouted her lips before answering, "Sarah Han."     

"Who is Sarah Han?"      

"The actress about a month ago. Remember, at the party where she had purposely bumped into us? She told me back then that you had done it four years ago - Of course, I didn't believe her but yesterday, Mommy Soon brought me to a party at the clubhouse and I met her again." Yanmei tried to study his reaction as she took a few steps back, but there was nothing different from his expression.      

"Then - then I overheard Minsuh saying she was the actress who was gifted to you by Baek Min-jun years ago."     

Anton maintained the same look, even after her revelation. He itched on his ear before saying, "Well, I would not know who was that actress."     

His answer made Yanmei frightened, but then she heard him say, "That time, I was showing my parents around the office. We were having renovations when it happened, and dad wanted to see the changes for himself."     

"I was not the one in my office that evening, it was my VP who was coincidentally waiting for my return... He was the one who took advantage of the actress in her intoxicated state," explained Anton.      

"I fired him after that. It was Han-joon and Chun-Ho who covered up everything and it was Minsuh who brought the woman to her home."     

Seeing his girlfriend give a sigh of relief, he added, "So all this, you were worried that you would not be my first?"      

He watched as her face turned incredibly red that he decided to let it go. "Don't worry. I'll take care of the actress."     

"Not that it really matters. It's just that she irked me so. I could not find myself to believe you would touch such a woman," said Yanmei. "I'm sorry, I even thought it. I shouldn't have even considered it. "     

"You shouldn't and I'm disappointed that you let it get into your head," he said, looking straight at her. "Yanmei, remember, aside from my family, no other women, aside from you... know me."     

Relieved that he did not reprimand her, she then jumped at him, pecking every part of his face. "I'm sorry. love you. I love you so much. Mwah! Mwah!"     

"Yanmei - "     

Yanmei ignored his warning and continued to peck on his face, "Mwah! Mwah!"     

"Yanmei! You are abusing the power I have given you!" Anton's arms held Yanmei's waist steady when he reminded her, "Don't - don't tempt me when you are having your period... Now, Let's eat! Enough! I'm hungry."     

Indeed, Yanmei knew she was getting too comfortable with him, but she could not help it. It would seem like she still had an ocean of questions and desires, getting ready to explode.      

It was only after having dinner did Yanmei returned to her probing. Both of them had already taken a shower, getting ready to bed when Yanmei asked, "So - ummm, Yeong?"     


"So, since you have never touched a woman before - other than me, how - how did you learn to - " She pursed her lips before resuming her thought, "to go down on me?"     

He was getting under the blanket when he answered, "Mother."     


"She subscribed for cosmopolitan and urged me to read it. I only started reading it... after you trapped me to be yours," He said.     

'Once again, blaming the relationship on me,' she thought, but she knew it was his classic self-defense. "Right... the day you also said you liked me too."     

He did not answer and just lay himself on the bed.     

"So, you have cosmopolitan?" She asked with teasing eyes.     


"Where?" She had not seen a single issue in his room.      

"Somewhere... Let's go to sleep. There is no point in reading Cosmo when you are bleeding, remember," he said before putting an arm against his forehead.      

Yanmei tried to get some sleep and nestled in Anton's arms, but the thought of her boyfriend having a Cosmo magazine lying around in his room intrigued her. She got up while he was sleep and started looking for it.     

A month of living in Anton's home, she had gone through a few of his private space. She started with those she had not looked into in the past, like under his bed. There was none.     

She went through his closet but could not find any. She got all sweaty, going around the room despite the air conditioning that she decided to wear something more comfortable. As she grabbed onto one of her classic sexy sleeping wear, she realized one divider in her closet was thicker than the rest. It was the lowest part of her closet, one that she rarely put any clothes into.      

She kneeled down and realized it had a small frame, allowing one to hold on to it. She took a firm grip and pulled with her might. To her surprised, it moved. She pulled harder and there she found two issues of cosmopolitan.     

A giggle escaped her lips as she started reading from the base of the closet.      

"Ahh, oh my God," she softly exclaimed at her first read. As she went through different pages of the magazine, varied expression appeared on her face, chuckling while she was at it.      

Anton was utterly tired that he did not notice Yanmei's giggling from the closet space. Even as she had moved back to the bed, he was unmoved.      

Feeling he was having wet dreams, Anton woke up at dawn, softly moaning. He opened his eyes and was sure someone was in between his thighs. He gulped before looking down, and found a figure hiding underneath the blanket. He could swear his stick was being swallowed by someone's mouth.      

He turned to find his woman, but she was not beside him. He peeped under the blanket and found her. He asked, "What - what are you doing?!"     

Yanmei let go of him and said only one word, "Cosmo."     

She then went back to whatever it was she was doing, making Anton slam his head back against the pillow, his hands reaching for her head. He swallowed his own saliva before deciding on helping his woman with whatever she had learned from Cosmo.     

His inner thoughts... thanked the damn magazine.     

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