Tricking My Cold Lover

Revenge Against Anton

Revenge Against Anton

0"Why do you think Friday Midnight is interested in you?" Asked Byng-ho, the detective.      

Anton came only with Chun-Ho and two of his men that day, not bringing along any lawyers. Especially after learning that it had something to do with the serial killer, Friday Midnight.      

Anton crossed his legs and calmly said while pointing a finger at the photos of the crime scene, "First of all, that is not Friday Midnight. Whoever this is, is a copycat. The real serial killer is long gone."     

The detectives, Jang-mi and Byung-ho, silently confirmed their suspicion that Anton Yeong had taken care of the serial killer four years back.      

Byung-ho and his senior partner were the ones responsible for the case and had observed the strength of Anton's men, consistently going around the city, in search of the killer. He had to admit; they were more efficient that the entire police force.     


Four years ago, the city was struck with a serious crisis when a serial killer who named himself Friday Midnight, kidnapped and taken more than forty women coming from the elite. Local or not, as long as the women belonged to the wealthy, they were considered in danger to the said devil.      

While Anton and Jae-won could ensure the protection so Yeong Soon, the problem was foreign investors in the city had held back on their investments, knowing the terror they were currently facing. All industries were greatly affected.      

The police could not identify who the serial killer was, even after having cause terror for over six months and despite the offered assistance coming from Anton's command, it was unfortunate the authorities were not well coordinated with each other and only the assigned detectives to the case were looking into the investigation by heart.      

Unlike the police, Anton's men were more disciplined and could withstand days even with very little rest. He scattered his men in all luxurious neighborhoods, private KTV bars, and even in the hotels, hoping to get a sighting of the murderer. For three weeks, they were at it non-stop.     

Back then, it was Ha-joon who caught the serial killer in the act of cutting a woman's finger in a parking lot of a five-star hotel.      

The apparent serial killer was a handsome and wealthy western man who had relocated to the city within the same year. His name was William Brown, a businessman with rags to riches story.      

They dug deeper into the man's past and learned that he had done the same horrendous acts in Mexico, but because of the man's connections in his home country, the US, pleas were made for his arrest to be done by his own government.      

Unfortunately, the minute he touched the US soil, he was made to escape his judgment.      

Anton weighed the pros and cons of surrendering him to the police. He determined that William Brown was better off getting retribution in the hands of his men rather than the uncertain.      

Shortly after putting William Brown beneath the earth, the kidnappings and the killings stopped. Life was back to normal and business returned to its original strength. While the bodies were never found, the rest of the community slowly became at rest.      

This was why, Anton was sure, whoever was claiming to be the Friday Midnight killer was a hoax.     


Back at the police station, Jang-mi cleared his throat and asked, "How - how sure are you, Mr. Yeong?"     

Anton's eyes tightened at him and said, "I - have godly powers." He slammed his hand against the table and added, "The real killer has not struck in years and there is no reason for him to."     

The detectives knew they were not going to get a confession from Anton Yeong, and they weren't about to dig deeper, knowing his capacity. Moreover, they silently acknowledge his helped back then.      

"Mr. Yeong, since this new killer is inviting you to find him, would it be possible for you to help us?" Byung-ho asked.      

"What have you already done?" Asked Anton with his domineering tone.      

The detectives eagerly shared their investigation, including the pieces of evidence. Then Anton asked, "Have you checked all the surveillance from all roads leading to that neighborhood?"     

When Anton heard no answer, he leaned forward and said, "You must consider all vehicle owners a suspect… Look, I am a very busy man. All I can offer you is the aid of my men. They are all equally skilled to help you."     

Meanwhile, while Anton was at the police station, Yanmei was in deep thought from inside her office. She wanted to help Anton, but she knew not how.     

Unfocused, she left her desk in search of Iseul. After finding him in the security room, she said, "I want to speak to Haneul."     

Iseul glanced at his colleagues before urging Yanmei outside the room. When they were in a safer distance, he said, "Ms. Yanmei, are you trying to bring out another world war?"     

Pointing a finger at his chest, she said, "You'll be with me. I will be safe." She put her hands on her waist and said, "I cannot just sit in the sidelines while Yeong is full of anxiety! Please… Iseul. Let me help, Yeong."     

"If you will not help me, I will run off on my own!" She threatened. "We will just go to the hospital and come right back. An hour and a half tops!"     

"We don't even know if the Suns will let you - "     

"It's worth a try. Please, Iseul. Let me." Yanmei said with her hands clasped together.      

Iseul did not know what came over him, but it was because he assumed that the Suns would never give them a chance to get closer to Haneul that he reluctantly agreed.      

After twenty minutes, they arrived at the private hospital, making their way to Haneul's private suite. Iseul had already checked the hospital records and quickly found which room where he was in.      

It was four days ago that Haneul had come off from his coma. He was transferred to a private room just recently. Yanmei knew not the condition Haneul was in, but she wanted to try either way.      

When they found his room, two security stood to watch at the door. Yanmei introduced herself to the men and requested to speak with Haneul.      

Sun Mi-Cha came out to confront Yanmei. She said, "How dare you come here when you were the main reason Anton punched Haneul at your office building?!"     

Yanmei bowed in her presence and said, "Does that mean, Haneul acknowledges that it was not Anton who attacked him that night?"     

Mi-Cha frowned and without answering her questions, she said, "Leave now! I don't want you coming here, neither any of the Yeongs!"     

As Mi-Cha entered the room, Yanmei called for Haneul. "Haneul! Haneul! It's me, Yanmei! Please! I want to talk to you!"     

After the door shut in front of her, Yanmei tried to call Haneul's phone. She also sent text messages, hoping he was already strong enough to at least look at his mobile device.      

Iseul tried to convince Yanmei otherwise, but she persisted.      

She kept calling and calling until the door opened again. Mi-Cha had a hint of dismay before inviting her inside, "He will speak with you. But! Don't take too long. He is still recuperating."     

Entering the hospital suite, Yanmei felt sorry, seeing Haneul's condition. His head was utterly wrapped with a bandage. His eyes were still swelling, and he had many cuts on his face. The same was true with his arms.      

She walked slowly towards him and said, "Haneul… I'm sorry for what you have been through."     

Haneul only blinked as a response. He could still barely talk in his condition. He wanted to save his strength for when it mattered most.     

"Do you blame Anton for all this?" She asked as she took a seat on the stool in front of his bed.      

She watched him lightly shook his head.     

"Who - whoever - whoever did this to me - did not want." He took a second to breathe before resuming. "Did not want - me alive."     

"But, Yanmei - you - you must believe me. This man - whoever he is- he is trying to get Anton… through you," revealed Haneul.      

Yanmei was taken aback by what he told, but in as much as she wanted to hurry him up, he was breathing with difficulty. All she could do was plead, "I beg you, Haneul. Please… Please clear Anton's name."     

Haneul first watched as Yanmei shed a tear for Anton. After catching his breath, he asked, "Why? Why be with him - when you know the danger?"     

More tears flowed down her cheeks as she said, "Because - because I love him and nothing can ever change that. What can I do if I only love him? Even if danger anticipates me, I will still love him."     

Haneul felt the Yanmei's pain. He watched as she repeatedly bowed her head in front of him, kneeling, crying, and pleading for the man he thought was not right for her.      

After a few minutes, he said, "Give me - time to re-recover - first."     

When Yanmei left his hospital room, Haneul thought back to the phone call he received the day he last approached Yanmei.     

Following his visit to her office, a man contacted him and divulged how he would kidnap Yanmei as revenge against Anton Yeong.      

He initially thought it was a bluff, but shortly he received photos of Yanmei taken from many angles and from a distance. He concluded the threat was real.      

The strange man's voice was made distorted on purpose as he said, "I will give you a chance to save Yanmei. Warn her about being with Anton Yeong… Her life depends on you."     

"And by the way, it's nice how your mother likes the coffee at the West Pavilion Club. I see her smile every day… Don't let Anton Yeong know about me… or your mother will be the first."     

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