Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Secret Lover Part 1

Secret Lover Part 1

0        After breakfast, Athena drove away from his house. Leaving him, pissed from what happened. She isn't mad that something happened to them. She's mad that he didn't use any a condom. So, she went directly to the pharmacy, buy her medicine, and lots of condoms.     

        She stocks it to her car and she went to her penthouse to change her clothes. It's already ten and Zendaya might be in the Dragon Facility so she called her.     

"Where's Xavier?" She asked.     

"Were you guys together last night? Why are you asking me?"     

"Did he already checked in to the facility?"     

"Wait, let me check." After a few seconds. "Yup. He just got in."     

        Athena hung up without giving Zendaya an explanation or a proper goodby. She drove to the Dragon facility with the paper bag. She went directly to the reception area and show her ID.     

"I wanted to see Dr. Martin." She said.     

        The receptionist gave her the instruction. She nodded and the receptionist probably called the nurse in the office and she went straight there and locate his office. The nurse smiled at her and greet her. She nodded and entered the room without knocking.     

        Xavier is talking over the phone and he looked up at her. She took out the boxes of condoms and throw it to him. He hung up and gather the condom that fell on the floor.     

"Hey, sweetheart." Xavier smiled at the condom. "You know my size." He grinned at her.     

"Are you tested?" She asked.     

"Yes." He approached her and kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry that we can't do it here. It's my workplace."     

"I didn't come here to do it."     

"How about lunch?" He asked as he knelt in front of her and caressed her sides. She glared at him. "Do you feel well? Does it still hurt down there?" He asked sincerely. Athena could see the concern in his eyes. And why is she grumpy?     

"Yes… a little." Athena can't help herself around him.     

"Lunch will be in a few hours, let's go to a fine restaurant later."     


        He kissed her lips and she wrapped her hand around his nape as the kiss gets deeper.     

"I'll meet you up later. I have a meeting with Zendaya."     

"Alright," he kissed her again.     

        Athena left his office and went directly to Zendaya's office and she's grinning from ear to ear.     


        Nathaniel chose to fly directly to Pasadena with his sister and Cyra. Cyra has been sleeping on the flight and she looked so tired. Maybe it's jet lag so, they didn't bother her. He's busy playing with his twin sister because, in two days, he needs to fly back to Massachusetts for his schooling.     

"Why are you suddenly going to Pasadena?"     

"I have unfinished business."     

"Yeah, sure." Natalia chuckled. "Or a woman?"     

"No." Nathaniel laughed. "Are you sure that you don't need a bodyguard? I think that Roger guy is crazy."     

"Don't worry about it. It's not like I don't know some self-defense." She winked.     

"Okay, whatever."     


        Athena never had a date before and so, Xavier had reserved in one of the finest restaurants with fresh foods. She enjoyed the food and she enjoyed talking to him. She hasn't told her parents about Xavier but she's an adult. She can date any man that she likes. But, after she has been in a few countries, there's the only man that she likes. It's Xavier and he's at her age.     

"Do you like the dish?" Xavier asked.     

"Yes, I do."     

��Then, let's date every day." He grinned at her.     

"You are very deceiving." She told.     

"How can you say that?" He chuckled. "I am not."     

        She shrugged at him.     

        She went back to work after a very nice dinner. and while he also went back to his work. At night, they meet up to another restaurant and they end up at Athena's penthouse. Xavier already has his overnight bag. He plans to be with her every night. Athena only shrugged it off and she let him have things in her house and she will do the same.     

        They end up in bed after having sex. Xavier hugged her and admire her body and her face. It's been so long since they break-up. Maybe no break-up happened.     

"I'm sorry that I didn't notice that someone put it on my phone.     

"Don't worry about it."     

        She pushed herself from him and she took a box from the drawer.     

"Here's your phone. The number is very personal and only our Empire could access. You will contact me here."     

"Then, my other phone will be useless?"     

"Why would it be useless?"     

"Well, that's where I call and text. But anyway," He takes it and puts it away. "Thank you." Then he took his phone and gave it to her. "You can access my phone anytime you want. I want to gain your trust."     

"Okay." She put his phone away on the bedside table on her side.     

"I love you." He said again and she stopped. Did he mean it?     

"Stop saying nonsense."     

"I mean it." He kissed her forehead. "I have a lot to tell you."     

"Like what?" She adjusted herself and she pillow over his chest and wrapped her arms and her other leg around his legs.     

"After you saw me in California? I try to follow you… I failed."     


"Also, your cousin, Zendaya is very cunning but in a good way."     

        Athena chuckled.     

"I know."     


9:30 AM Pasadena California     

        Nathaniel with the girls passed by the café to eat late breakfast. Cyra only drinks something warm and she looked around.     

"Are you okay?" Nathaniel asked.     

"Yeah." She nodded.     

"Maybe you should take a break from all of the study and all."     

"I'm fine."     

"Saying 'I'm fine' is the biggest lie that I always heard," Natalia said which Nathaniel agreed too.     

"I'm just sleepy."     

"You sleep on the whole flight. How can you still be sleepy?" Nathaniel asked.     

"I'm tired. Okay?" She mumbled.     

"I think you shouldn't skip lots of levels. That makes you tired." Nathaniel told. Cyra laughed.     

"That doesn't make sense."     

"You get stressed," Natalia told. She shrugged.      

Cyra's phone vibrates and she checked it and showed General's son. The one that gets a nanomites on blood while growing up. Since she didn't give the detox to General after injecting him again.     

        Somehow, her invention isn't perfect. General's first set of pups died except for that one. Cyra doesn't know how long the pup is going to live but somehow it's already five years and the pup is not a pup anymore.     

        Nathaniel leaves a big tip for the Filipina waitress and he noticed her a lot. Then, they left and went to the penthouse. The maid took their things.     

"Can we have tea please?" Cyra asked. The maid nodded and Cyra slumped on the couch.     

"So, what else can't it cure?" Nathaniel asked.     

"Blood Cancer and tumor," Cyra mumbled. "But somehow, it helps in re-creating the liver. It's not perfect and it can't cure a Blood Cancer."     

"Why can't it?" Nathaniel asked. Natalia checked the footage and creased her brows. There's a man in the kitchen.     

"That's because—it's not perfect for that. It can only cure broken bones, burns, and other stuff but Blood Cancer and tumor are way more different. Somehow, I need other ingredients." She mumbled. A man came with a tray for tea and Cyra creased her brows.     

        He set it down on the coffee table and bow to them.     

"Good morning, Master, Mistresses. I'm Butler Samson. Your father Mr. Pattinson assigned me to you, Lady Cyra."     

"What?" Cyra chuckled. "Not gonna, happen." She shook her head. Butler Samson pulled out a phone and he showed the contract that he signed.     

"I'm from the Knight Empire. Trained as a butler and a bodyguard."     

"Wow," Natalia grinned. Butler Samson is a hottie. Natalia bent a little. "Butler Samson, what is your specialty?"     

"In food, Lady Natalia?"     

"Maybe," Natalia said flirtatiously and Nathaniel covered her mouth.     

"Stop it." He hissed at her.     


        Butler Samson arranged her tea for her and since Cyra like her tea with sugar, he didn't put any sugar on it. She took the teacup and sipped on it. She finished the tea and she went to her door with her bag.     

"I will arrange your things, Lady Cyra." Butler Samson said.     

"I can take care of it." She said and put her hand over the scanner and she entered the room and closed it.     

"Cyra doesn't trust anyone," Natalia said. "Good luck to you."     

        Butler Samson looked at Natalia and back to the door.     

"I'll prepare lunch for all of you, then." Butler Samson said.     

"Thanks, but I'm going to sleep. Maybe we'll eat later this afternoon." Natalia smiled and waved at him.     

        Nathaniel approached him and gave him a list of the girl's favorites, and then he also retired to his room.     

        Cyra put away her bag and she checked the hidden cameras around her room and if someone entered. Her room. She put the cameras on the possible ways that no one would notice. There are lots of it there and so, she found out that someone indeed tries to enter her room. The Butler and the Maid.     

        She went to the bathroom and started stripping her clothes of. She froze when he noticed a bruise on her upper arm.     

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