Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Demi's 20th Birthday Part 1

Demi's 20th Birthday Part 1

0 Timothy and Zendaya happened to pass by Demi and Christian's cottage. Since their cottage is just next to theirs. Demi is screaming and calling out for Christian. She covered Timothy's ear and they run to their cottage.     

"What the hell?" Zendaya hissed.     

"What? You are also screaming in that way every time I take you." He told. She smacked his chest. "It's true." He laughed.     

"Okay, let's take a shower. Then, you'll go down between my legs and do that thing that you always do."     

"Aye-Aye, Captain!" He salutes at her.     

 They went to the bath and take shower together and then they went to their bed and make love.     


 Demi panted and she looked at Christian who seemed to be in a mood to keep doing it. It's already two in the morning and he's down there doing it with his tongue and mouth. She smiled at him after she had her orgasm. She had that countless orgasm from the first. She drank more water and take a break with him to eat.     

"Damn it." Demi sighed.     

"Am I getting good at it?" Christian asked.     

"You are always good at it." She kissed his lips.     

"Eat more fruits." Christian peel her another fruit.     

"Why do you keep feeding me?" She asked. "I am already full."     


 Demi looked at the banana that he peeled for her.     

"Okay, give me that. But we have to share."     

 They share a long banana and Demi eats it seductively.     

"By the way," he kissed her lips. "Happy birthday."     

"Not until ten in the evening." She told.     

 He caressed her hair.     


"Hmm?" She reached his other hand.     

"I'm just going to say that I am glad that your parents give birth to you."     

 She chuckled.     


"Well, I happened to have you." He winked. She laughed at him. "You are so beautiful. So, wonderful. Possessive. Sexy. Beautiful… you know, I would make love to you every hour."     

"Why?" She chuckled.     

"I just don't know why. Let's make babies when you turn twenty-one." He grinned at her. She pinched his cheek. "Ow!"     

"Christian, I can't get pregnant at that age. Mom doesn't like to be a grandmother at her young age."     

 He laughed at her.     

"Now, make me sleep." Demi lay down sideways and Christian also lay down as he gently slipped inside her and start making love to her.     

 Once that Demi is out, Christian sneaked out from their cottage and went to the venue where they are going to plan for the performance. Esme, Laurence, and the three twins are making some dancing and Dmitri kept on laughing at them.     

 Kale is wearing a belly dancing outfit. From head to toe and he's shaking like a girl. Esme laughed out loud and somehow her laugh is adorable. That's why Kale and the twins, Rhys and Raiden admired her.     

 Now, they are playing, 'Hips Don't Lie' of Shakira. Aria and Natalia are dancing with Esme wearing the same outfit as Kale. Bra with lots of beads and then a string long shirt. Laurence left and he came back wearing the same and dance with them.     

"Beautiful!" Dmitri clapped his hands.     

 They've been planning this for months and somehow, they just got to make the dancing. Natalia did all of the choreography and the steps. Andre, Dean, and Sophia are also awake filming it. Dmitri directs everything.     

 They continue dancing and then finally finalize it.     

"Esme don't drink any cold drink and also you, Kale and Laurence. You three are singing. That also goes for the twins." Dmitri said finalizing like a manager.     

"Yes, boss!" The twins said.     

 Then, at five in the morning, they all disperse to sleep. Christian went back to the cottage and he gave her lots of kisses and lay beside her. He already set up the alarm for the surprise morning thing and before he forgot, he went to the cabinet to put something on her. She opened her eyes.     

"You'll get cold." He mumbled.     

 She went back to sleep and let him put a pair of PJs on her. Then, he cleaned the room and removed the sex toys putting it back to the briefcase cleanly. He looked around to check if there are spots that they might notice.     

"Christian," She mumbled.     

"I'm here." He snuggled to her and smiled at her beautiful face.     

"Why are you still awake?"     

"I just clean up the room." He mumbled. "Go back to sleep." He kissed her chests.     


 Zendaya stretched her arms and legs. Then, she looked at Timothy who is still sleeping as his white tight ass is showing. She smacked it hard and he moaned.     

"Love, you are trying some kinky stuff?" he mumbled.     

"Wake up and start your work-out."     

"I'm lazy." He mumbled. Zendaya smacked his butt cheeks again.     

"No one is Lazy on this day. Today's Demi's birthday and you need to work your ass and your abdominal. Or else, I'm going to break up with you."     

 He sat up and turned to her as he sat.     

"You are not going to break up with me." He threatened and he immediately went to the bathroom to wash his face and then brush his teeth.     

"Are you sure about that?" Zendaya asked. "I could always break up with you." She crossed her arms and lean on the frame of the door.     

 He spits out the bubbles.     

"Babe, no." He shook his head and then, he washed his mouth quickly. Then, he went to their closet and he put his running shorts on and his sleeveless top. "I will work out, now, okay?" He smiled at her.     

 She shook her head.     

"Hurry up." She told.     

"Yes, boss." He went to the water dispenser and took his mug and drank warm water. He looked at her and when he met her eyes, he immediately looked away and shuddered. She's scarier than before.     


 Andromeda went to the balcony and watched as Zendaya torture Timothy as he ran and after running, he would do push-ups and mountain climbing. Zendaya smacked his butt and tell him to keep up until Timothy can't take it anymore.     

 She laughed and shook her head. Zendaya probably got that from her. She walked back inside and found her husband still sleeping. She sat beside him and caressed his handsome face.      

 He stopped working in the office to focus on his inventions. He did the right thing. Because at his old age, forty-nine… there are still women that are gaping at him. She wanted him to keep his usual body, full packs of abdominal and muscles, just for her pleasure.     

 Zachary opened his eyes.     

"Hey, Goddess." He moved his head up and kissed her chin.     

"Get up, let's work out together."     

"Sure." He sat up. "But we need a morning warm-up first." He grinned at her.     


 Freya helped to finish the balloons as the little girls and Odin are playing with it. The others are still sleeping, including her twins since they get tired from dancing early in the morning. She tied up the balloons as the crew of the beach house gathered it.     

"Mom, I can't find my dress!" Chelsea called out.     

"Mommy, I think someone messed up with my bag. I also couldn't find the painting. It's my gift for Demi."     

 Freya sat up and massaged her forehead.     

"How could you guys forget the most important things?" Freya asked.     

 The two started explaining at the same time and it's a big headache.     

"Girls!" Steven said. "Stop giving your mom a headache."     

"But dad, that dress is the one that I bought to wear for Demi's party." Chelsea pouted.     

"You could wear anything you wanted. But my gift is more important."     

 Steven exhaled.     

"Have you looked at it on your bags?" Steven asked.     

"Yes, our room is already a mess because of her." Casey and Chelsea said at the same time and pointed each other.     

"Okay, let's go to your room and check it," Steven said.     

"I'll do it. Fix the balloons for me," Freya stood and kissed him.     


"Don't wake up the twins. Not until everything is ready to surprise Demi." Freya told him.     

"Okay," Steven nodded.     

 Freya followed the girls to their room, and everything is indeed a mess.     

"Girls started putting it to your closet." She told them. They did as what she told and then, she started searching around for the dress that she and Chelsea bought in the mall for the party.     

 Chelsea looked pissed.     

"I'll call someone to get it." Freya finally said. "Send me the photos for your items."     

 Chelsea and Casey sent it to her, and Freya spoke to the maid and send one of the guards to bring it over.     

"So, are we okay with it?" Freya asked the girls.     

"Yes, thanks, mom." They mumbled.     

"Fix yourselves, we'll visit Demi soon."     


 Freya left their room and checked her phone. She momentarily stopped when one of her agents just sent photos of Ilya and Jacob in Manhattan. On the place where her bar is located. They are aware that she owns the place but why are they there?     

"Tsk, now what?" She mumbled. She called the manager and soon, the manager answered shortly.     


"Keep an eye on those two. Check everything around. They might've planted something in there."     

"Yes, boss."     

 She hung up and turned to Steven just behind her.     


"What's up?" He asked.     

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