Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress

Something Odd Part 1

Something Odd Part 1

0 They finally sat down on the hot blanket and then, they drink their half cold bubble tea and eat their foods. Although they are wet from their playing and swimming, they lay on the blanket and watch the sunset.     

"You know what, you'll fulfill your dreams," Laurence said. "You should stop thinking about negative things. Stop thinking that we'll kick you out. We don't throw away our family. Okay?"     

 She sighed.     

"Mom wants me to be a singer and pursue my music. But how can I do that when she's dead?"     

"Your mom might be physically dead but she's still watching you from wherever she is."     

"Yeah, maybe." She mumbled.     

"So, if you want to go to Juilliard, audition to Juilliard. If you want to pursue your music, audition, and audition. I'll always be there to watch every show."     

 Esme felt like she's been loved. It's the first time that someone believes in her. This is the first time that she had a brother and her brother trust her too much and he's even confident that she could do it.     

"I'll always be here for you, sissy." He reached her hair and caressed it.     

"Thank you, Laurence."     

"Sure." He grinned. "But you have to sing for me."     

"No." She exclaimed and sat up.     

"How can you audition to Juilliard if you are that shy?"     

 She sighed.     

"Okay." She cleared her throat and then she took her phone to play her composition.     

 She started singing the lyrics and Laurence listen to her attentively. She faced the ocean, so she won't get shy and she indeed has a beautiful voice.     

 At that moment Laurence felt something odd.     


 Percy checked the location of Esme and Laurence. It's already eight in the evening and they haven't come back. They are on the road at this moment from a beach in Batangas. He sighed and called Esme. Then, Laurence answered it.     


"What took you guys so long?" Percy asked. He's worried about them and Ashaya kept bugging him to call them.     

"Sorry, dad, we just fixed some of her composition and Esme is sleeping. She enjoyed the beach."     

"Okay. Just come home, quickly."     

 Ashaya panic a while ago after Zachary said that they need to increase security every time they go out of the house. So, the agents that are assigned to Lion gather and take out the bests agents, and every time they check in to the house for their duty, it will always be recorded and there will be no changes with the guards until it was needed.     

"Babe calm down. Okay?" He caressed her hair. "Don't stress yourself. Laurence knew how to handle things. He'll protect her."     

 Percy kept watching their movement as he carried Zayne and dance him a little, so he'll fall asleep.     


 Sabrina drove her motorbike as Athena followed by driving her motorbike to the secret hideout that Andromeda set up for them. It's her second time in the secret hideout.     

 They have a secret underground garage and it opened after there were scanned by the sensor. It's away in the mountains that Andromeda owns and it's hard to locate by anyone.     

 Everyone is already in the lobby with food and refreshments. Andromeda invited her late, that's why they also arrived late.     

"What's up?" Sabrina asked and hugged Andromeda.     

"Well, this is an emergency," Andy told.     

 There are Fin, Bea, Thunder, then Freya, Dmitri with Demetria, Zendaya, Moira, and Andel. They went downstairs to the safest place. There is the monitor, the server hidden on the walls, and then, a fridge. For short, it is named as the control room.     

 They take their seats on different corners.      

"So," Andel started and plugged a drive. "I just hacked a few of their women and they are planning big."     

 He played the audio and there are moaning and panting.     

"Uncle, is that porn?" Athena asked.     

"Yeah." Andel nodded with a smile. "We will watch porn and teach you, girls." He said sardonically and Zendaya and Demi laughed. Well, they are teasing her because she's the only one who hasn't get laid yet. She shook her head. "No. They are fucking in that audio." And then the conversation started.     

"Girls, I think you all need to go." Voice of Jacob.     

"Later again?" The girl asked seductively.     

"Yes, later. It's fun doing it with the two of you." Ilya mumbled. "Next time, I'll ready the red room so we could play there."      

"Thank you, master." There is a sound of a thud and then they waited as two men started their conversation.     

"How are we going to kidnapped Agatha?"     

"We should plan for that. Christian should be with us. Then, we'll fuck Agatha live and we'll see how Dmitri would look." Ilya sighed. "I need to fuck that woman or his daughter. It's what they did to Ivana. My poor cousin."      

"You know, we forgot something to shove," Jacob said sweetly.     

"What is that?" Ilya asked.     

"Your beautiful ass." Jacob laughed. "I'll just take the lubricant."      

"How are we going to fuck the wife?" Jacob asked.     

"Right into the mouth—every hole!" Ilya growled. "Do it faster."      

"We need to capture them to show Dmitri what's the real Eagle Empire is."      

"Of course, my love."      

 Then the audio stopped, and Athena covered her mouth, wanted to puke on those two. They are having a good lovemaking conversation. The disgusting part is their sex talk. But anyway, it's normal for a couple to do that. She isn't against bisexual or homosexual. It's just disgusting to listen. They are their family enemy. Then, the way they talked about raping Demi and Agatha in front of Dmitri is just disgusting. Although Dmitri and Sabrina did the same to the people that hurt them, it's just disgusting. Though those people deserve it.     

"Then, I think we should gift them some men to fuck them," Athena suggested.     

"They like men, that's just right." Demi agreed.     

"Girls, let's not do that thing again," Dmitri said. "I just torture Ivana physically to torture Grisha and Adrian mentally. But somehow, Ivana loves it."     

"So, you watch them?" Demi asked him.     

"I watch Grisha and Adrian's expression. But I don't watch the woman get fucked."     

"How about you mom?" Zendaya asked her mother.     

"Well, I am busy making babies with your dad. I let Dmitri handle it all. I just don't care about them when you are around pouting your lips." Andromeda said. Zendaya rose her brows. Really?     

"Anyway, we just need to be cautious," Sabrina said. "I think it'll take time for them to get to us. Years, probably." Sabrina estimated.     

"Why years?" Andy asked.     

"With our tight security, it's possible that it will take years for them to get into our main server. They need to study our different security systems before they make a move. The Eagle Empire isn't strong like us, they will need to work for it." Sabrina explained.     

"You are right." Andel nodded.     

"So, if it took years, then, we'll improve our security more and more," Andel said.     

"By the way, I already have Casey's visions.��� Freya interrupted and lifted the sketchbook. "Everything is here, and we should plan for countering."     

 Andel, put the sketchbook under the camera as they looked at the screen. Zendaya also started writing down the plan with Demi, Bea, Thunder, and Athena.     

 Andel flipped the page and there's a vision of Agatha getting raped in front of Demi. Sabrina froze seeing it. A camera and a man are filming the crime. Dmitri's eyes became murderous. But it's too late when Ilya pointed a gun to Agatha's head.     

"Sabrina?" Andromeda called but Sabrina is staring at the screen. Andy looked at Dmitri who gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist.     

"We'll put a decoy." Demi interrupted their thoughts. "These are just visions and we could counter these."     

 Demi exhaled and told Andel to turn the pages and then, another page and another page.     

"If they plan to kidnap me and mom, then, we'll put a decoy first. We'll let one of our agents to disguise as me and mom. Starting now, we should search for someone that is close to our features and we'll just have to make a mask." Demi said.     

"I think Luke and Logan could set that up," Zendaya said.     

"So, it's final now," Athena said. "We'll start with the ninja attack."     

 Sabrina stood and went outside. Andromeda followed her and then she helped her make refreshments.     

"I'm sorry that you have to see that," Andy said.     

"It's fine. My mom is still alive and she's living her life with dad. They are in good terms even though it's a very tragic past for our family." Sabrina said. "I think, on this one. We need to make sure that, Demi and Agatha are safe. Selina, Ellen—others… We can't let such things happened again."     

"You are right." Andy nodded. "This is why I called you here. I know that you are good at planning."     

"You guys have visions."     

"Yes. But your plan works than us. We could only have visions and counter them. But you—without visions, you could plan more."     

"We'll see about that." Sabrina nodded. "I think we need the Rose Empire to investigate in Russia."     

"Then, let's go deliver it inside so we could plan it." Andy grinned at her. Sabrina laughed.     

"You are something, Andro." They took the tray of snacks and drinks and went down to the control room.     

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