Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Greta's end.

Greta's end.

0"Why am I called to this family breakfast? I don't want to be part of the silly time you people have" Greta scoffed as she walked grumpily towards the huge dining table.      

King Edgar, her son, almost rolled his eyes and felt like strangling her to death. However, his wife Elora squeezed his hand under the table, helping him to control his raging anger.        

"Mother, Edward has important news it seems. That's why we called you" King Edgar said, gritting his teeth. However, Greta who was over the moon couldn't detect it.       

As soon as Greta heard it, she just smirked, totally not aware that her end is not too far.     

According to her, the plan is going just as she schemed it. She is totally oblivious to the fact that her misdeeds are out on the barren ground, long back revealed.      

'Now, that useless Brina  will announce that they are pregnant with a baby.  Everyone will be very happy to welcome the next generation. However, after a few days, she will have miscarriage. What a nice drama ahead' Greta thought as she haughtily sat down      

'That innocent Brina would be still taking that tonic, not aware that it provides the poison rather than the essential vitamins to her body. Now, that poison she added would start affecting her body…' she laughed inside.      

'And, soon everyone will find out that she can't give birth to an heir any more. Because of that, everyone will start hating her… They will call her a jinx.'     

 'Even Edward will hate her or he will get pressured to marry someone else. People would never support a queen who would not give birth to the heir. So, with this rebellion that is going on, Prince will have no option but to marry someone else.'      

'Then, I can manipulate someone who would listen to me to become the queen. Like this, I will get back the reins of this kingdom again!' he laughed evilly.       

Thinking of her 'superb' plan, Greta beamed at herself and leisurely started drinking the juice.       


Meanwhile, Louis and Brina arrived.      

They simply sat down and started eating after the pleasantries.      

A few minutes passed by and they didn't bring up the main topic, making Greta anxious.       

"What is the important news you wanted to talk about?" Greta asked, acting indifferent.      

"Oh, that. We have to wait for a special person to come" Louis said as he poured wine into Brina's glass.      

That was not wine but fruit juice.      

It is just to fool Greta.       

And, their little act was successful in that, that Greta narrowed her eyes.       


Isn't it restricted for a pregnant woman?     

Brina smiled at Louis and took a gulp. "Thanks honey. I have been craving for this one" she said, kissing his cheek.      

King Edgar chuckled. "You guys are having all night to yourselves. Still you are giving us dog food in the mornings too" he said teasing them.       

"Yeah. He took my sister in law from my room yesterday night. I had enough dog food then and I don't want to have dog food again" Eliina pouted, supporting her father.       

Their act is so natural that Greta felt uneasy in her heart. 'Didn't Brina go to check up a couple of days back?' she wondered.       

"Hey, I just don't want to share my wife with anyone, got it? And, dog food? You should have already gotten accustomed to it " Louis said, acting his level best.       

Meanwhile, Greta could only roll her eyes at these silly family talks.       

No manners and no refrainment.      

They don't act like a Royal family at all.       

There is no dignity. There is no laconic elegance in them.       

"It's been a month since you both got married. You have also spent almost half of the month enjoying your honeymoon. When do we get to listen to the news of the heir?" Greta asked, not able to hold her anxiety anymore.       

This is killing her.       

This is the last plan she has and this is the last gamble left on her table to retrieve her glory back.      

She was so cautious and has put a lot of effort into cooking this plan. She is just afraid what would happen to her if this goes wrong.      

Meanwhile, Louis raised his eyebrow. "Just like I said, I don't like to share my wife," Louis said.     

"So, you won't get to listen to that news for at least two years," he added.       

"Might be by accident?" Natalie said,  helping them out to bring the main topic.       

"She takes her monthly shots, sister in law. However, I heard that they aren't reliable, so we use protection too. Hence, I assure you there won't be news of it until unless we decide to have a baby" he said.       

'How badly I wish I should have got this idea a month back! Now, my wife is accidentally pregnant' he sighed inside.        

"Hmm" Natalie hummed a response, reminding Louis to continue with flow. They didn't plan anything but decided to cover all the points.      

Louis said. "Sister in law, we would be waiting for the news from you" he casually said.      

"Isn't it right, love?" Louis asked, kissing her lips.       

"Of course." Brina said, kissing him back. "They are the first to marry," she added.      

Meanwhile, Ethan rolled his eyes. "Don't expect from us too" he said. "I don't want to share my wife just like you don't want to. And, yeah, we are totally cautious just like you" he said, crying inside to pull him inside.      

"Isn't it, right, Nat?" he asked, pecking his wife's lips.        

Their main motive was to make this conversation as casual and natural it could be. So that Greta wouldn't get suspicious.       

'We just asked you all to act naturally. It doesn't mean you have to throw dog food like this,' Eliina thought, crying inside.      

'Damn! Why are these people making her remember her boyfriend so much these days?' she huffed.      

Meanwhile, Greta almost felt like her heart stopped.       

If they are using protection as well, her plan failed.     

Utterly failed.       

She knew they would be cautious.  But over cautious? Nah! She never thought.       

She gulped her saliva.      

But her smirk came back.      

Her plan was to make Brina feel sad for losing the baby. It is just a catalyst to her plan.       

However, Brina is still taking that tonic.     

It would still affect her reproductive system.      

However, it didn't last long when Elora spoke.      

"As we are talking about this, I remembered one thing" she said.      

"Brina, I heard that you returned back the tonic? What happened, dear?" she casually asked.       

"Mum, that was very bitter, so Louis said he would bring the herb doctors and make me a new tonic. The herbs doctor would be coming today" Brina said.       

When Greta heard this the remaining color on her face drained.       

Not only because Brina wouldn't be using that tonic but also because another herbs doctor would be coming here.  What if they detect what she did?      

"I… I will be going then. You don't have any important news to talk about but just these silly things" Greta scoffed and was about to stand up when Louis stopped her.       

"Grandmother, that important news will be out soon. Please sit down or else you will regret" he said.       

Greta frowned but sat down.      

Sweat beads drenched her saggy forehead.       

Meanwhile, the Royal guards came inside with an old man.       

He was around the same age as Greta.       

And, he was beaten up. His face, arms are filled with bruises while his eye is swelled up.      

He is weak and he is chained up.      

Overall, he looked miserable.      

Meanwhile, when Greta saw him like that, she was pretty shaken up.       

Her arms shivered with anger and her eyes quivered.      

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