Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Dodging the question

Dodging the question

0There are people who would sacrifice themselves just to protect the baby.       

"Love, have you taken the tonic from the second one?" Louis worriedly asked.  Though it has slow effort it would still affect the baby.       

"I almost did. But, nope I didn't.  Thank God" Brina said, sighing in relief.      

"Thanks to you, love.  Thanks to your overthinking" Louis chuckled as he sighed in relief too.       

"But.. But…. who would have added that herbs in Brina's tonic? I would never do that! I never even thought of hurting Brina. She is like a child to me" Elora said, as she sobbed.       

"Mom, I never suspected you. Not even in my dreams" Brina immediately said.  She wanted to hug Elora and comfort her but she is in bed rest now.      

Moreover her legs felt like jelly, no strength to even move.       

"Mom, you have been tricked. No one would even dare to suspect you. We all know how much you love your daughter in law and support them" Louis said.      

"He is right, love. No one would even dare. I would never believe that you would do something like it. So, please don't overthink" King Edgar said, taking his wife into his embrace.       

"Mom, that old geese did this to create misunderstandings between you, dad and all of us" Eliina said, hugging her mother.       

"Elle-" Elora was about to chide her daughter for being so open about calling Greta the old geese but Ethan stopped her.       

"Elle is the right mom. Isn't this so obvious? She wants Brina out of this family but Louis loves her. So, she employed her old trick and got caught" Ethan said.       

"She doesn't know who Brina is, so she underestimated her," Katherine said.      

"Dad, I am sorry but, I can't let this go anymore. Greta tried to harm my wife and crossed my bottom line. She has to be punished for her crime" Louis said, gritting his teeth.      

He gently caressed his wife's back who was surprisingly sleeping. She seemed exhausted and sleepy, so when she at last got back into her husband's warm embrace, all her tension vanished and she dozed off again.      

Louis panicked when he saw her sleeping but Rihanna assured him that she is just sleeping because she is tired and her medicines are a little sleepy. It is only when Louis cooled down.      

"I am on the same page, son. Brina is not only your wife. Before she became your wife, she was my goddaughter and my best friend's only living child. I would never let anyone hurt her. I promised" King Edgar said. "Even if it is my own mother"      

[Author : Not the right time to get jealous Louis. You have your vinegar eating scenes around the corner.]     

"It's settled then! Brina is already asleep so let her take some rest. We will take care of Greta tomorrow" Louis said.       

Everyone nodded their heads in approval. After this mess with Greta is finished, they decide to welcome the little life with small celebrations.      

Meanwhile, not knowing that her end is so soon, Greta is peacefully sleeping.       

She is over the moon already and she is busy in planning her next schemes not knowing that her end is so soon and this would be her last, luxurious day.       

Meanwhile, after Louis put his wife to sleep he looked at her for a few minutes, his thoughts complex and uncertain.  Kissing her forehead he walked out of the room to plan Greta's end.        


Next morning…     

"Good morning," Louis said, when Brina woke up. He couldn't sleep much and all night, he was looking at his wife, deep in thought.       

So, when she woke up, he was sitting beside her, shirtless, he was intensely looking at her.       

Meanwhile, Brina felt her mouth drool. Such a handsome and sexy visual… Might be her pregnancy hormones, her hunger for sex increased drastically.      

"Good morning," Brina said, her mouth dry and her voice meek. She gulped down when her eyes fell on his apple Adam. So ravishing!!     

Louis chuckled.  "Like what you see?" he asked as he gave her warm water to drink.        

Brina averted her eyes and she took a sip from the bottle, trying to cool down.     

She is in no mood to play right now. If it was a normal day, she would have removed her top and questioned him back, 'Want what you see?' However, this isn't the right time for it.      

She just can't pretend as if nothing happened unlike her husband.      

They need to talk…      

They had to sort out things…     

But all again, what is there to sort out?       

She is pregnant and there would be a baby coming in eight months.       

All they can do is prepare for it and embrace it….     

"How are you feeling now?" Louis asked, caressing her cheeks as he leaned very close to her, making it hard for her to think.      

His impact on her started strengthening and she failed to notice this till now because they used to engage in bed activities too much till a couple of days back.       

"I am fine. But, I am worried about the little guy inside" Brina said, trying not to distract herself because of her hot, handsome husband.     

She has to talk this out with him.      

Brina deliberately pulled her shirt up and rubbed her tummy, while she said those words.       

Louis felt his eyes darkened. He hasn't had her taste since two days. He is nothing much but a hungry beast who is not yet satiated. Seeing her do this almost made him pounce on her and ravish her thoroughly.     

Louis coughed and he averted her eyes. "I.. I am gonna bring your medicines" he said as he stood up to escape from his wife.     

He is not yet ready to talk. For now he simply wants to predict everything is normal, at least until they handle Greta. However he was stopped when Brina held his hand.      

She simply could see through him. But his silence is the biggest nightmare to her!!      

"Uhmm?" Louis turned around and raised his eyebrows.      

"Why are you running away?" Brina asked, hurt by his dodging antics.       

"Running away? I am going to bring your fasting medicines. Bed rest and under medications forgot?" Louis asked, acting smart.       

Brina bitterly chuckled. "I am not talking about that. I am asking why you don't want to talk to me" she said.       

"Darling, I am talking to you now, aren't I?" he asked, trying to dodge again.       

"What I mean is after you found out about my pregnancy you didn't even bring up that topic. It is as if you don't know at all" Brina said.      

"Are you not happy? I know this is sudden but at the end of the day, you have to accept it. At least, try to accept that fact like what I am doing now. Eventually we will" she added.       

"Or, don't you want the baby at all?"      

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