Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Like usual, insightful.

Like usual, insightful.

0There are many variations between her Kingdom and this kingdom.  Unlike Kingdom Wentris who don't follow much of the traditions, the people here respect the traditions a lot.       

"I will explain, mom," Brina said, standing up.      

She clapped her hands and her bodyguard appeared again. Brina whispered something to him and he nodded his head before going away.      


After a few minutes…      

Her bodyguard came back with another plant in his hands.      

"Unroot it," Brina ordered.       

The bodyguard followed and he plucked the healthy plant out.       

By that time, the main gardener arrived too.      

"Uncle, what is the plant I and my husband planted? Could you name it?" Brina asked.      

"Your highness, it's a Marigold plant" he answered.       

"Yes, even I and king Edgar were there at that time and, it is what Brina and Edward planted" Queen Elora agreed.      

Brina smiled at her mom for the support and then looked at the gardener again.       

She bent down and gave the dead plant to him.       

"Uncle, what is this plant? By seeing the roots could you tell us the name of it?" Brina asked.       

Gardener closely examined and said, "Your highness, this is a sunflower plant. It isn't Marigold, the one you planted" he said in astonishment.      

Others gasped.      

So, it isn't the plant Brina and Louis planted. Then, how the hell did this happen? Who did this?      

"So, this isn't the plant I and my husband planted, right?" Brina asked.      

"No, your highness. I am sure. If we want we can test it too" he said. He gestured to his subordinate who ran into the green house and brough the two samples.       

Taking them, he showed the roots and how he identified it as a sunflower plant rather than Marigold.       

"Uncle, what about this?" Brina asked as she gave the plant which her bodyguard brought.      

"This is of course the Marigold plant. If I am not wrong, I remember that, your highness asked me for another seed that afternoon." the gardener said.       

"Yes, this is that one. My husband planted another seed in our own flower pot the next day. So, if this is what you wanted to know, this plant is healthy. All of you have seen it by yourself" Brina said.       

Others nodded their heads relieved that she isn't a bad omen like what Greta described her as.      

In fact others started to think that Brina is very insightful and intelligent. She didn't lose her cool self and maintained the aura a queen should have.      

She impressed them.      


"What's happening here?" Louis asked as he walked towards them in big steps.      

He is already worried that his baby girl could hardly move.  They had a totally wild night and he didn't even give her a massage before going to his meeting.       

"What's wrong, love?" Louis asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist and made her lean on him. It is only when Brina felt her legs in ease.       

"Hmm… nothing, honey. Someone just swapped our baby plant with a dead plant. This made the former matriarchs worried that I am a bad omen" Brina said.       

"Swapped?? Who dared to do it?" he asked.      

He already understood what Brina did here.     

She would never stop surprising him..      

What happened is…      

The morning they planted the seed, Brina brought another seed that night and insisted that they had to plant it in their balcony garden.      

Though Louis didn't understand why, he implied her request and did it.      

"We should ask your wife why she planted another seed in her garden! It is as if she knew this would happen" Queen mother Greta scoffed.       

"Or who knows? She would have done it herself to create hype" she added in a low grumble.       

Meanwhile, Louis gently massaged Brina's  waist with his fingers. He knows she is hurting and tired.      

"I had my own suspicions. After the seed get planted I came to water it in the evening.      

However, I noticed that soil was moved just like how it appears when a new plant is planted. Moreover, the soil felt wet"      

Brina used to have her own garden in her palace so, she was aware of both the basic and minute things.      

And, she is cautious enough to look around and sense the trouble.       

"I suspected that something bad was happening , so why not plant my own seed in my own garden and take care of it?" Brina asked.      

"That is why I gave another plant to me," Brina answered.       

"Now, we have to check who did this," Brina said.       

"We will. For sure, we will investigate this, love.  However, we have important meetings to attend after lunch.  We have to go for now" Louis said.       

"All of you can go back as well. Uncle, I and my wife will come tomorrow and plant a new one" Louis said.      


"Tired?" Louis asked as soon as they entered their quarters. He immediately lifted her in princess style and carried her to the spa room.       

"A little. But I am more concerned why your grandmother had to do this. I mean, why does she hate me so much?" Brina asked.       

"You know her, honey. She is a conservative narrow minded woman. We have already given her another chance to redeem her mistakes but she seems like she is getting more and more vicious. It's time to close her chapter" Louis said as he gently helped her undress and lie down on the spa bed.      

"But I am worried Dad will get hurt if he finds out the truth now vicious his mother is. After all, whoever she is, she is still his mother right?" Brina asked as she closed her eyes constantly. Louis started to massage her tense shoulders.      

"I am worried as well, love. However, she really has started getting on our nerves."     

"She crossed my bottom line. How dare she try to scheme you? I will never allow her to hurt you" Louis grunted and Brina winced.      

"Sorry, I didn't notice" Louis immediately apologized as soon as he noticed that he exerted force on her waist, which is already sore.      

"Hmm.. That's fine." Brina said and closed her eyes.      

"You seem so exhausted, love. You can sleep. I will wake you up after I massage all your body and give you a bath" Louis whispered soothingly.       

The meeting is going to last many hours, so, it will tire her more if she doesn't rest well.       


After Brina had a relaxing bath, she dressed up for her first meeting. Earlier she just took a quick shower and rushed.      

Meanwhile, Louis cooked a simple lunch for both of them. No matter how busy he is, he would make time to have lunch with his wife.      

Sometimes, Brina cooks while sometimes he cooks if he isn't very busy.     

They never allow chefs to cook for them because they simply love to eat the food they made by themselves. It has the essence of love which makes the food tastier.      

And,as for dinner, they mostly prefer to have a family dinner. Brina just loves it so much that Louis could never say no to.     

It reminds her of her family. So, he could never say no to her, even though she prefers to have his 'desert' as soon as he has his dinner.      

King Edgar, Queen Elora, Eliina, Ethan, Natalie, she and Louis.  She got bonded to them in a very short time…      


Her first court meeting was nothing like what others expected.      

Although they weren't shocked by Brina's mind blowing analysis and ideas, they were shocked because of her humble nature.      

She patiently listened to everyone and she tried her best to make the meeting, friendly and easy going.      

As of what they heard about 'Sabrina the princess, she is very stubborn, unyielding and bossy. She would never listen to others…      

Given her knowledge, her extraordinary leadership skills, no one used to be able to beat her.      

However, the Sabrina they saw now is different. Different in a good way.       

Some of them expected her to dominate the court and take the matters into her hand, but she didn't do it.      

For every problem that is brought into light, she used to patiently listen to everyone and give her own thoughts about it.      

She didn't dominate but at the same time, she didn't yield to others. Her presence didn't change anything in the court, however, made it more interesting and productive.      

It has also made the atmosphere light and friendly, unlike how the court used to be with Olivia's family present.      

The most happiest thing is that Brina and Louis are in perfect synchronization. It is as if they share an empathy link.      

Their thoughts are in the same line, however, their perspectives are different. With them combined, they could easily cover all the scenarios of a problem or of anything related to politics.       

This is extremely rare because they never tried to dominate each other or over shadow each other.They are not egoistic and there was no need for them to show that 'they are made for each other' or that, 'they are of same level'.      

It has recently been a big problem for newly married couples of both the Royal families and noble families. They try to show that he or she is no less than their spouse and that they make a perfect pair.      

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