Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Brina and Owen's fiancée are related.

Brina and Owen's fiancée are related.

0"So, you were  saying that you know Owen's fiancée?" Louis asked Brins who just finished narrating whatever has happened today in his absence.      


"Yep. Just like I said, she is the underworld don's daughter" Brina told him.      

"But baby, how do you know her? I am not forcing you to tell. It's totally up to you" Louis told her, as he gently brushed his fingers through her hair.      

He kissed her forehead and lingered there for a few moments. "I will not force you if you don't want to talk about it" he gently whispered.      

After talking to Harry often, Louis started understanding many things about Brina. She might look like a genius, little vixen who is fearless and very calculative, however, when it comes to her past and her family, there could be nobody who is as insecure and traumatized as his girlfriend.      

Those things are like scars she could never get healed of.      

"Few years back, when my brother was alive and I was still in university, my brother and his girlfriend, who was my sister in law as well, used to live in country Z." Brina said, almost shocking Louis to his core.      

She is actually talking to him about the most sensitive moments in her life!!      

Although she loves him and trusts him to her life, Louis is aware of the bitter truth that she could not still bring herself to talk about everything.         

However, this is really a good progress which Louis didn't expect.      

Meanwhile, Brina was hugging him tight and she closed her eyes, shut.      

It was painful for her to remember those happy days.       

"They were doctor's. Both of them. Though they were more into research, they were also passionate doctors and it was how he and his sister in law met. They met in country Z and fell in love right away. At that time I was staying in dormitories of my university not too far from the place where they used to live" Brina told Louis.      

Meanwhile, Louis was so attentive. He was literally absorbing each and every word.      

'Country Z? It is near to here as well. No wonder Brina used to have a branch of S & S corps here as well' he thought.      

His genius girlfriend was an entrepreneur starting from her University level. After finishing her studies she collaborated her start up with Harry's company and that was when Smith corps got changed into S & S corporations. Sabrina and Smith's corporations.      

Harry told him this not a few days back.      

"They started living together after a few months they started dating. And, I used to visit them on alternative weekends and those weekends were the best times of my life."      

"Back then, my brother was not on good terms with my parents. And, I used to be the bridge, however, they reunited after my brother married my sister in law" Brina chuckled as she remembered those funny days.     

How petty those guys used to be though how much they all loved each other. She had fun being the mediator between them.        

"Even though it was just a span of a year we had a peaceful and happy life, those were really best moments I had with my brother and Lillian, before Will popped up into our lives" Brina told Louis as she smiled sadly.      

Louis pursed his lips and gently comforted her.      

"So Will was born just right after their marriage?" he asked her, just to divert the topic.      

Brina gave a short laugh. "Yep. They didn't expect him at all...he was a beautiful mistake… a mistake I was very happy with" she said, chuckling.      

Even Louis chuckled.      

Brina snuggled closer and right away melted in his embrace. "My sister in law was pregnant during the wedding. They found out on their first night, you know. She fainted and my poor brother had to cancel their honeymoon." she reminisced.      

"I pity him" Louis said and even he felt his heart pricked in pain. Such a cute couple…     

However, they are not here anymore to see their child grow up.      

No wonder Brina is still failing to move on in her life.      

"They had their honeymoon when Will was two years old. And, that was the last vacation they had before they died." Brina said, her voice choking up. "They wouldn't have expected that it would be their last vacation together" and she started sobbing.      

Seth, Lillian and Will have a great impact on her life.      

Louis froze when he sensed his shirt getting soaked with her tears. He couldn't help but hug her and kiss her forehead.     

He couldn't help but wish to comfort her with his sweet words, but it is a bitter truth that nothing will help Brina now.      

It's better to let her cry her sorrow out.      

After all, he is the only one with whom she could be herself. He is the one in front of whom she can show her vulnerable and fragile heart.      

Louis just continued giving her all his warmth and love. And, Brina soon stopped crying when she sensed Louis's gloomy aura.      

She made him sad too.      

Brina hates it most. She doesn't want to superimpose her gloominess on the light of her life, who is her dearest boyfriend     

 So, she quickly composed herself and gave a forced smile.      

"You should be tired after all the meetings baby. Sorry for making you sad" she said, pecking his lips.      

Louis shook his head. "Never be sorry, Love. I am always here for your thin and thick" he genuinely said.      

"Let's sleep for now, honey. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you" he told her as he pulled up the blanket and adjusted it around them.      

Then, he turned off the lights and hugged his girlfriend to his chest before dozing off into sleep.      


In the morning…     

Louis dressed up and quickly made breakfast for Brina who is still sleeping like a small kid.      

He wrote a note and stuck it to the refrigerator before planting a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well, baby. I promise I will never ask you about your past and make you sad" he whispered and he was about to leave but Brine clutched his sleeve.      

"But you should know that Owen's fiancée and her family are very dangerous," Brina said.      

"So dangerous? Why so sure?" Louis questioned her as he made his way to the door.      

He was already late for today's court meeting and he knows that his uncle Francis will give a huge lecture now.      

Only his uncle knows that he will be meeting Brina after the working hours. He is imagining something beyond what Brina and Louis do.      

Blame the hickey Brina made on his neck a few days back.       

Meanwhile, Brina chuckled and sat down.      

"You are talking about my co in laws, Louis" she dropped the bomb, pulling Louis back from his reverie.      

Louis froze. What did he just hear??      

Co in laws?? Who??      

"Wh...what?" Louis asked her, flabbergasted. Maybe he didn't hear her well.      

"Owen's fiancée is none other than my sister in law, Lillian's step sister. Which makes Owen, what to me? Uh, I don't know!!" Brina chuckled as she climbed out of bed.      

Brina walked to her shocked boyfriend and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him on his chin. After flashing a smile, she walked towards the walk-in closet.      

 "I am getting late for today's meeting with your grandmother, Louis baby. See you in the evening" she said, leaving Louis speechless.      

He couldn't just take it. A sudden revelation! He didn't expect it at all.      

So, Brina's sister in law, Lillian was the step sister of Owen's fiancée!!      

No wonder, Brina said that the world is smaller than expected.      

Some things just get tangled up to the extent it almost feels like this is destined to happen.      

"Wow!! Great!! So, Will's maternal family is now the enemies of the country. I just hope things don't get complicated here" Louis thought as he made his way to the secret door.      


Brina took a hot shower, letting the water erase all her stress.  Her skin flushed due to the hotness byt Brina simply didn't care.      

Sometimes, she loves the hot water touching her cool skin. It kind of distracts her from many things, making her feel light and relaxed.      

Later, she dressed up in a beige jumpsuit and used an elastic bandage to wrap it around her ankle.      

She is not yet recovered from the ankle sprain, however, it isn't so painful either.      

After eating the breakfast Louis cooked, she met Charlotte who was waiting for her in another room.      

"You guys said you will send the video clip to Kiara yesterday night but you didn't do it. What happened?" she asked as soon as Brina sat down beside Hailey.      

"I was expecting a mind-blowing shock," Charlotte chuckled.      

"Owen was with Kiara yesterday night. It seems like they did it, yesterday, '' Brina told her. "We were about to send but Eliina informed that Owen went to meet Kiara. So, we postponed it to tonight"      

"Oh!" Charlotte replied, she kind of seems distracted. "You think they did it? What if his fiancée finds out?"      

"For someone lusty like him, Owen would have surely slept with Kiara and it's a little sad that she did it with him. However, we can't do anything. Kiara was foolish" Brina answered.      

"As for his fiancée, who knows?" Brina chuckled. Julia Anderson was a playgirl just like Owen. They indeed compliment each other.      

"*Sigh* I can't believe that Owen is this despicable. Having a fiancée already, his House is still pretending as if they are searching for a potential bride" Charlotte sighed.      

"Maybe his family is keeping it a secret. However, it came handy to us to use it against him" Hailey told them.      

"Yep. Let's see how Kiara will react today after seeing it." Brina agreed.      

"And, Charlotte, can you inform Eliina to do a recheck? What if Owen planted some spy cameras in Kiara's suite? It might actually be the real reason he visited her yesterday" Brina asked.      

"Yes, I will.  Don't worry about it, Brina"      

"And, are you ready to meet Queen mother Greta? I think she will call you all to her quarters. So, be careful" Charlotte said.      

"Yes, I will. But why am I feeling like she has ulterior motives in conducting a sudden meeting?" Brina asked.      

"It could be about the next events in the bride selection process. It might be a formality to ensure this will never happen again" Charlotte told her.      

However, she knows why Queen mother Greta has asked for this sudden meeting. It is to intimate the Ladies about the next phase of events, which will be happening in Alpha Academy.      

A place where Olivia will soar to her glory and also a place where Brina will have huge disadvantages       

Yesterday, when she was summoned to her House, the discussion was all about that.      

According to her House, Brina just got lucky in the second event and they even took it lightly, saying that, if not because of Kiara who did it, Brina would have not secured her first position.      

Little did they know that Brina is the mastermind behind this. They even warned Charlotte to be cautious with respect to Brina's situation.      

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