Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

She promised.

She promised.

0And, before she could tell something, Louis stood up and walked towards the kitchen.      

"Rest for awhile. I will cook dinner for you" he said. His voice, still angry. He will accept anything but not this!     

This time his girlfriend has overdid everything! What if some mishap would have happened? What if she broke her bones or got her head hit?      

She would be able to predict Olivia's plan but not the capabilities and strength of the horse!     

There were high chances she might have got injured even more fatally!!      

 Brina pouted. She never saw Louis this angry.      

She is aware that she scared him. But to be honest she ne er thought Olivia would actually use her despicable plan on her rather than Katherine.     

It was Katherine till the last. But plan just took a turn.     

And, she didn't think this accident would happen to her.     

She predicted something less dangerous.     

Brina slowly stood up and walked to Louis and hugged him from behind.     

TKissing his neck, she cutely said, "I know I am wrong here. I admit it and you can punish me if you want"     

It of course made Louis smile. But he controlled it with his poker face.     

Getting no response from him, Brina blinked her eyes adorably. "Baby, I am human too. I make mistakes" Brina pouted.     

"You kept many secrets from me afraid that I might leave you. In the same way, I was worried you will overexert yourself." she defended herself.     

And this made Louis angry. he turned around and raised his eyebrow, slightly exasperated by her reasoning.     

"But, I didn't risk my life, Brina! And, exerting myself isn't a serious issue compared to you leaving me. You would have at least told me and I might have helped you to come up with a 'safe and less risky' idea right? You are reckless" he chided her.     

However, his anger just depicted one thing. It depicted how much he loves her and how worried he is for her.      

"Sabrina is reckless. Didn't you ask me to become myself?" Brina asked him and her tone is nowhere near to arguing. Her voice is soft and affectionate.     

It is because she knows who is in wrong here.     

Louis pursed his lips. "If the old Brina is     

reckless to the extent of not caring about herself and if she is this independent of doing everything alone by herself, I would rather prefer my Brina who is cautious, calm and relying on her boyfriend and brother." he said, his voice disapproving and disappointed.      

Brina was left speechless. She couldn't argue anymore.     

She simply didn't see any meaning in reasoning her mistakes. She deserves this and he has every right to get angry on her.      

It was her bad that she crossed her safe line. She is aware of his fear of losing her just like how he lost his mother.      

She shouldn't have been this reckless after knowing about this vunerable fear of him.      

"Now, let me cook." Louis said and brushed off her hands from his T - shirt, before walking away.     

And, before Brina could say anything, a call interrupted her. It is from Eliina.     

"I will be back in a minute" Brina said and pecked his lips. She flashed a smile at him as if nothing has happened and then walked back into her bedroom to receive the call.     

Before going, she even winked at him and blew a kiss.     

She was so cute when she did it that it dissipated his anger just like how ice melts.     

After Brina disappeared from his sight, Louis chuckled.     

What can he do? He can never get angry at her even after trying to this extent!     


At night…     

They finished their dinner and it was quite hilarious for Louis.     

His girlfriend was talking continuously, sweet talking to him, acting all lovey dovey. She was filling up his plate, taking care of his needs like a obedient wife from old times.     

But Louis didn't cave in and to be frank he has enjoyed her unwavering attention. He was on cloud nine, hearing all those cheesy words from his wifey.     

However, he didn't speak much and continued being seldom with his words.      

It feels so good to be the center of  the world for the woman he loves. He felt happy to see this side of Brina.     

"I am going to sleep on the couch today. As your ankle is sprained and you are very weak, I don't want to hurt you. You don't care about your body, at least let me take care of it" Louis said, as he shifted his pillow to the sofa and adjusted the extra blanket before making himself comfortable in it.     

Though he knows he could not stay angry for any longer, he still wanted to test her limits. Maybe after seeing him like this, she might stop taking risks.     

"Are you are not going to lull me to sleep, like you always used to do?" she asked, pouting adorably. Blinking her eyes for his attention.     

However, Louis didn't fall for that puppy look.     

"I think there is no need for it for a mastermind Brina" Louis pettily answered.     

'Ahh… why am I being this petty? I was rude right now. Did I hurt her?' Louis thought, smacking his head with an imaginary hand.     

He turned around to see his darling, but she just turned to the opposite side, her back facing him.     

'He was so mean, right now. Hmph! No matter how strong or how capable, a girl needs pampering!' Brina thought.     

At midnight..     

None of them could sleep and they often turned around to look at each other, but only to see their backs facing them. 'Enough of this! I shouldn't be angry at her. There is nothing I will gain from it' Louis thought and all in sudden he stood up, intending to join her on the bed.     

Meanwhile, at the same time. 'Why am I being stubborn now? Wasn't it me who made the mistake? He was just concerned for me' Brina thought and all in sudden even she climbed out of the bed, wanting to squeeze herself between him and the couch.     

And, just in a split of the second, they found themselves facing each other, awkward and a bit shocked.     

"Uhmm… I need to use the restroom" Brina said, in a hurry.     

"Ahh.. okay!" Louis replied. "I need cold water" ha added.      

"It's in refrigerator" Brina said.      

"I know" he told her, intending to walk towards the door.      

'Seems like she doesn't want to apologise' he thought but stopped right at the same place.      

Meanwhile, Brina turned in another direction, wanting to go for the restroom door      

'Damn! Why did I lie' she thought and suddenly turned around.     

'What the hell is wrong with me? She knows I don't drink cold water' Louis thought.     

All of a sudden he turned and Brina turned back at the same time too, getting collided and having Brina's heads smacked his nose.      

"Ouch" "That hurts, woman!" Louis said, rubbing his forehead. Brina chukled.     

"Lemme sooth it" she said and kissed on his nose before blowing it with her mouth. "Better?" She asked looking into his love filled eyes with same intensity.      

"Who doesn't care about herself is trying to care about me, so funny" Louis mocked.     

However his voice was plauful. It is obvious that his anger dissipated and he was just teasing her.     

Brina rolled her eyes inside but puppy eyed at him.     

"Let's stop this, baby. I can't see you getting angry on me" Brina pouted and pounced into his arms.  Even Louis didn't like this game. He wrapped his arms around her waist and hugged her tightly.     

Burying his face in the crook of her neck, she said, "Promised me you won't risk yourself just to win a mere competition. You know how important you are to me! Though it's a small stunt, still it worries me to death"     

"I don't want to lose you or see you hurt. I have enough of that pain when my mom died. Now, you are the only woman I love in my, I can't afford to lose you nor I can bear to see you hurt. Promise me, Brina. Promise me you won't do this again. Promise me you won't leave me like my mother did" he said, this voice emotinal.      

"I promise, Louis. I promise you with all my heart." Brina promised.      

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