Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Your Highness, it's not accident.

Your Highness, it's not accident.

0But, as someone who knows the happiness of being in love, he would never force his son to let his life go.      

Louis sighed when he saw his father deep in his thinking. He couldn't help but hug his father. "You are the best dad for all the three of us. And, both of my mothers are really lucky that they got a husband who loves them, dad. Whatever happened wasn't your fault, so, please don't blame yourself. That was mom's choice that she chose to protect the country, she was a brave woman.""She indeed is. And, she was the best Queen of our Kingdom has never seen. I really hope you will make the right decision too, when the time comes. It's equally important to have love between the couple as much as it is important to select a right Queen. Take your own time, interact with them and know your heart." King Edgar said, smiling at his son. There was a longing in his eyes when he remembered those all moments he had with his first love. "Both the times, when I selected your mother Rhea and your stepmother Elora, I had a lot of pressure from others, constantly pushing me to choose Olivia's mother and aunt. However, I never caved in because I know who is the best for me and to my country. So, no matter what the circumstances are, don't compromise if you feel 'she is the one for me'." Louis nodded his head. "I will keep that in my mind, dad. And, who would you think will be the woman who is suitable for me in all the eight ladies? What's your opinion on them, dad?" He asked. Depending on what his father feels, Louis wanted to change his plan. If his father is okay with Brina, he can ask his love to concentrate on other things. If not, it will be wise to impress his father first. King Edgar chuckled. "I really can't say anything now. The first few events are not so appropriate to judge. Once the competitions in Alpha Academy starts, I will tell you then." he warmly said, patting his son's shoulder. "For now, let's make a visit to the hospital." King Edgar said. "Dad, why are you so interested in meeting Lady Brina? Are you having suspicion about her accident?" Louis asked. "Not exactly, son. It can be an accident or it might be not. At first, we have to know if Lady Brina really knows horse riding. If she is new to it, then there are high chances it could be an accident. If not, we really have to make sure she gets her justice." King Edgar said. …"Lady Brina, do you have any allegation to claim about your accident?" King Edgar asked Brina. They are now sitting in the private room along with Louis and Charlotte. "Yes, Your Highness." Brina claimed. And, as soon as King Edgar heard it, he raised his eyebrow. "Hmm. Go on, continue what you wanted to say, Lady Brina." Brina nodded her head. "Your Highness, I am very familiar enough with all the horses and everything related to racing. So, I'm sure this can't be just an accident because of my lackness in experience." she said. "So, what could this be? A planned sabotage?" he questioned back. Meanwhile, Louis and Charlotte stayed quiet. They just continued to listen to the conversation between them. "Your Highness, I can't judge anyone and it was my own suspicion that it could be a sabotage. I felt something wrong with my horse's condition during the race." Brina completed. She was cautious enough not to blame a specific person. It is because she doesn't want Olivia to get caught red-handedly. And, if she does, her plan might stop by hitting only one bird, whereas her plan has two birds to be targeted. "So, how do you want us to bring justice to you?" King Edgar asked. Though he knows what has to be done, he is simply testing Brina. So far he is impressed! She didn't right away come to the conclusion in anger or embarrassed that she got framed. Being patient and thoughtful is the most important trait. Some people will deliberately provoke so that the other person will make a mistake in anger. A Queen must be immune to it, or else, the future of the Kingdom might be at the stake! And, Brina didn't prejudge anyone or came to conclusions by simply taking her own conclusions into consideration. She asked for the investigation by stating her doubts and the facts about herself which might bring advantage to her statements that it is not an accident. She made sure that she didn't offend anyone. But at the same time she didn't back off with fear. It showed that she doesn't feel inferior compared to the other ladies here. This is enough to tell she has enough confidence in herself. And, at the same time she was aware of the dangers if she offended the people who were more powerful than her. An important trait of the Queen again! "Your majesty, as everything that happened is related to the horse that I rode, I was thinking that testing the horse's condition and verifying the reports might give us the lead or strong hint to check on what really has happened." Brina told. King Edgar nodded his head. He isn't surprised because this is the primary thought one could think of. "The test reports will be on your table by tomorrow morning, Your Majesty." the personal security chief of King, said. After pressing his fist on his chest, he slightly bowed and exited the room to make arrangements for the testing. "For now, please take some rest, Lady Brina. Till this matter gets solved there won't be another event taking place." King Edgar said. Later, he stood up and left the room. Though Louis wanted to stay, he had many works. He is intending to finish them by dusk and accompany his girlfriend later. ….Charlotte and Hailey looked at Brina. "I don't understand what you are doing, Brina. That horse is looking very fine right now. As if nothing happened to it. So, it is futile even if we request for testing." Hailey deadpanned. Brina smiled. "Olivia might have given the cure as soon as the competition was completed. And, yes, the results might be in a favor of them.""As that drug is off in a very minute quantity and gets absorbed into the blood very slowly, it might be difficult for them to find it with just one blood sample. However, we have three samples each, taken on the very last three days. And, Eliina has sent them for testing in a very discreet manner. So, till that results come, we just have to wait." Brina said. "And, when are they going to come?" Charlotte asked. "According to Eliina, today by midnight." Brina said. "After that?" Hailey asked. "We are going to enjoy the fun of course." Brina smirked. "We are going to create an internal rifts between her own friends. Let's see how strong their bond is" Brina laughed. Charlotte nodded her head with a smirk. She remembers what she exactly told Brina a few days back. She said Olivia and her friends, Rebecca and Kiara are so close and so strong. She said it is difficult to break that bond. So, Brina is trying to peel off that strength which is her friends Kiara, Rebecca and their houses. After she is peeled off from her power, she will be vulnerable like rest of others. Meanwhile, Brina will gain as many as allies she can. This will just turn the tables.     

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