Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

Excitement to see him again.

Excitement to see him again.


He is always cautious not to show any hints of his crush on Louis. It is because he is not a fool to not understand that Louis is not into men.


Till this moment, Calvin thought that Louis was not interested in finding a woman for himself anymore. 

But now, suddenly, he just blasted a bomb, telling that he kissed a girl and is craving to kiss her more.

That look on Louis' face is enough to give away everything that he feels for Brina.

"I don't know, man. But that girl… I just couldn't take her off my mind. Since the day I met her… My mind, my heart, and everything is revolving only around her. She is so different and probably the only person to whom I opened up to this extent in a short span of time."

Calvin smiled sadly after hearing his words. He is damn sure that Louis is about to fall in love with Brina.

"The chances of falling in love are, Ed. I wish you all the best in making her feel the same." he wished. 

Calvin is ready to sacrifice everything for Louis' happiness… Even his love towards him. But if Louis gets hurt because of something or someone, he will not leave anyone until he pays for it.

Not even Brina…

Charlotte stormed inside the room with three people following her.

Her aura is breathtaking and her composure is powerful. Her confidence level and the way she carried herself despite getting stared at by many people… Everything about her is perfect.

As soon as she entered the hall, she instantly attracted the attention of both men and women.

However, when Brina saw Charlotte all confident and elegant, she couldn't help but reminisce about her past.

She used to be like her.

Might be even more glorious and impressive compared to Charlotte to be more precise.

But not anymore. That life is all in her past and now, she rather prefers to be like an ordinary girl who likes to lead a simple life.

She doesn't want to open those wounds on her heart and drown all again in that self-pity and self-loath.

Brina likes her life now – All simple and normal.

But, she is not happy. She is a living dead with no other emotions except distress and guilt. 

She wishes it would change but she is equally aware that the scars on her heart could not be healed. 

Meanwhile, when everyone is busy admiring Charlotte and her team, Charlotte is busy scrutinizing Brina.

She obviously didn't fail to notice the sudden changes in her facial expressions.

Pain, sadness, anger…

Despite the melancholy radiating from her eyes, Charlotte could also see through her. 

Just by the look in Brina's eyes, Charlotte affirmed that she is no simple and that she is a woman with many secrets.

Deciding to talk to Louis about this, Charlotte made her way into the interview room and soon the interview started.

Brina's number is somewhere in the middle. She could see that many people got rejected right away.

She is not worried because she is confident in her skills. It is just that it is a little unpredictable to confirm anything…. especially, with the people who could enter through the back door. 

Yet, despite the tension etched in the room, Brina's eyes constantly scanned around hoping to see the familiar face she desperately wanted to see.

Just like Louis, her thoughts are rotating around him, only him. Those moments she spent with him are still livid in her eyes, making her feel that warmth whenever she thinks about those happy moments of her life.

He clearly left a great impact on her.

"Are you searching for someone?" Hailey, the girl sitting beside her, asked.

She has been watching Brina, who is totally distracted, regardless of the fact that her number is the next one.

"No… No. I am just looki-" Brina stopped and her body totally froze.

Her eyes are solely concentrating on the man standing at the other side of the glass walls. As soon as she saw him, her eyes twinkled and a smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

It is Louis. He is looking at her with a faint smile and tender eyes.

Hailey's eyes trailed towards the man Brina is seeing. She couldn't help but think that he is extremely charming and handsome.

However, she thought that she saw him somewhere. But, brushing it off from her mind, she chuckled.

"Now I know why you are so distracted! You are waiting for your boyfriend to come, aren't you?" Hailey teased and it is only when Brina came out of her trance.

Involuntarily, she blushed and smiled. 'Boyfriend'… how good it feels to even think of it.

"Miss Brina Parker, it's your turn." the HR team politely notified her.

Brina nodded her head and looked at the direction where Louis was standing earlier. 

But now, he is nowhere to be seen.

'Where did he go?' She thought as she made her way.

She scanned her surroundings again, hoping to see Louis. But to her disappointment he is nowhere to be found.

However, his earlier presence filled her heart with warmth and peace. All her tension and uncertainty vanished, replacing them with joy and excitement.

Joy and excitement to see him again!

It has extremely shocked her of how he could change the frame of her mind so quickly. 

His impact on her is miraculous. 

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