Royal love - I fell in love with CEO

What have you done to me, Brina

What have you done to me, Brina


"Miss, friendship is not something bound within the four walls. You can never simply tell that you are betraying friendship by leaving their side. If your relation is beyond any materialistic urges and selfishness, it never fades even after you leave her side. Moreover, you will be living in the same city and can meet often." He told her. 


Brina looked at him and nodded her head. "That's right." She smiled.

Moving a little forward, Louis leaned towards her. His intense greyish black eyes never leave her face. 

"If you think that you are betraying her by leaving, then she is doing the same thing by leaving you and getting married" He winked, ever so sexily. 

She couldn't help but gulp and Avery her eyes. He is so charming, devilishly charming that it is absorbing her like a black hole. 

Looking at him might become addictive if she continues.  

"Ya….ya, you are right mister and, whoever said that you are bad with words, they are terribly wrong." She told making him laugh.

And, her eyes involuntarily darted to look at him. What can she do? Her urge to look at him is becoming uncontrollable. 

'I am like this just around you.' he thought to himself and his eyes softened looking at her tenderly.

Is this called Love? 

Or, is it just an infatuation?

Whatever it is, he liked talking to her, looking at her….and, he couldn't help his urge to spend some more time with her. 

They are on the same page, infatuated and uncertain of what's happening to them. But, the urge to look at each other is so strong that some kind of tension started to build up between them. 

They just couldn't avert their eyes from looking at each other. They wanted to talk more with each other but their anxiety and fluttering hearts made their minds blank.  

And, more importantly, it is getting heated around them…it is as if the sparks are soon going to develop. 

"*Cough*, you were saying that it's better that I quit my job and find a new one?" Brina asked, changing the topic so that she could save herself from having the naughty thoughts, which she locked up in her heart many years back. 

"Yep." Louis said, coughing a bit, to clear his dry throat. "I think it is the only way to save yourself from working with people you don't like," he added, smiling at her. 

"But what should I tell my friend and how will I get a new job? It's already past the starting of the academic year and every company would have recruited the employees leaving me no vacancies to fill up." Brina asked, pursing her lips.

She doesn't want to hurt Tanya by leaving her side just because of this reason. 

"About that miss, you can tell your friend that you are shifting to the company where your boyfriend is working." Louis suggested.

"As she wants nothing but to get you hooked up and have a boyfriend, she will not feel bad neither will she stop you from quitting the job." He added.

"Ahh… What an idea mister! But… I don't have a boyfriend." Brina giggled.

 She is noticeably intoxicated. As she almost finished the whole bottle out of anxiety, she started getting tipsy and drunk. 

She rarely drinks, but if she does…God only knows how that acts on her.

If she is in a good mood, she would avt sweet and adorable. If she is in a bad mood, she would cry her heart out, recalling all her bad past. 

In these few years, it was always the latter thing that happened to her. She was never in a happy mood to act adorable and childish…. until now. 

"You can get a boyfriend, miss. It isn't a big deal with your beauty and charm." Louis winked, later to realize that he actually flirted with her. But, he liked it anyway. 

Moreover, she is looking so adorable and acting cute that his heart started to flutter more and more while he couldn't help his self control from losing its pace. 

But he doesn't mind it actually. In fact he is enjoying it.

This woman is really full of mysteries. 

"Ohh… Such a compliment. But, what about my job? I will be jobless and who will take care of my only family." Brina asked, pouting as her eyes turned moisty. 

Louis gulped. Her face is now in tempting red and her eyes translucent and sexy. She is totally drunk and seductive even without making any efforts. 

Louis never thought that she can't hold one's liquor. If he would have known, he wouldn't have given her the bottle in the first place.

The one he gave her is powerful too…

"I can help you with that, as well, miss." Louis said, his eyes turning hot.  

Brina giggled but soon, something stuck her mind and, abruptly, her tipsy and childish behaviour turned alarmed and serious. 

She looked guarded and scared as she looked at him with her eyes brimmed in tears. Now, it seems like she is in her latter mood of drunken state. 

The change in her is so obvious. She is so alert and she is trying to shake off her drunken state. She is not as free and sweet as before….

"Who are you exactly, Louis? How can you help me get a job? Are you some rich brat or some arrogant CEO of any company?" She asked, cautious towards him as she leaned away from him, maintaining her safe distance. 

"A playboy might be…" she muttered, holding herself with her arms. Her eyes turned distant and painful. 

", of course, a big no, miss!!" Louis quickly lied. Seeing her like this, made his heart ache....

"I am neither of these, miss. I am just an employee. However, I think you can easily get into any company with your experience and position in your current company. So, I am just helping you to get a job." he added. 

When he saw her all alert and scared, he knew she suffered in her past. If people get drunk they often let go of their façade and let their guards down, exposing their true fears and feelings.

Brina is no different.

Louis couldn't help his urge to protect her and his hand involuntarily reached for her hair and tugged the loose strand behind her ear.

"And, I can act as your boyfriend too." He whispered and Brina, who is drunk by now, looked at him with her misty eyes.

He is abruptly leaning so close to her, looking into her eyes intensively. They are filled with warmth and love, captivating her. 

And, she could only look at him with her half hooded eyes. She believed him…

She didn't know why, but she believed his words….

And, involuntarily, their faces closed in and their lips met.

This is a heartfelt kiss for Louis and he never felt this passionate feeling ever before. 

He had his first kiss in his university years ago but unlike that one, this happened even before he could realize. And, this kiss felt more intense….

As of, for Brina, this isn't the first one but the first, special one.

After a few seconds, he stopped kissing and parted away from her just enough to look into her eyes.

"I will be waiting for your arrival, miss." He told and he turned his face a little to the right.

As soon as he did that, a mysterious person walked up to him and gave a letter.

Later, he went back into the shadows and Louis looked at Brina who already passed out because of drinking.

He reached beside her and opened her purse in order to find her door card. After he found them, he placed the paper in her purse and closed it.

It is a simple application. It actually has the procedures and link that has to be followed to fill the online application form for the job in a company… in his company. 

All she needs to do is fill it up and attend the interview. It is nothing special but, he would only make sure she gets the job. Nothing more than that...

Later, Louis elegantly took her into his arms in a princess style and then carried her to her room before placing her and tucking her up in the bed with a warm blanket.

He turned on the warmer and closed all the windows. He didn't forget to look at her again and when he did, he couldn't help but go back to her side and caress her smooth and milky face.

"What have you done to me, Brina…" he whispered and then left, his heart still in turmoil.

He couldn't comprehend what is happening to him now. Is it love or just some attraction? 

But, whatever it is, he liked spending time with her. He never felt like this before… this impulse and strong urge to get close to someone. 

Even the kiss….it happened even before he could realize and control his urge. He never lost his control like this and, he could tell that he is attracted to her and charmed by her personality. 

Unfortunately, it isn't enough to conclude his feelings for her. So, he decided to spend time with her and analyse their feelings. And, if, fortunately, it is love...he will first make her fall in love with him and when he proposes to her, she should say yes right from her heart and not just out of compromise.

It has to be mutual and both of them have to feel it from their heart. 


Outside the room…

"Guard the doors secretly and don't let anyone in. Specifically, Chris." He instructed the people cladded in black and left the floor.

He soon reached the top floor where the party was happening.

His carefree smile and tender face is now nowhere to be seen as they switched into a cold and dominative demeanor.

"Mr. Wright" A person politely greeted as he hastily approached Louis.

How can he forget to greet the country's most powerful and mysterious hot shot? It was really his honor that someone as great as Mr. Wright came to his engagement.

Louis Cruz, this is the name with which he introduced himself to Brina Parker.

Yet, his real name is Edward Wright, the new CEO and president of the world's most famous L & E corporations.

He might be the new CEO who ascended his brother's place, but he is well known in the States, for his own company. 

He is a powerful individual with a great influence. His family is affluent and he himself is very rich as well. 

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