The Rebirth Of A White Robe Man: I'll Follow You This Time (BL)




"Can you repeat what you had said?"     

Mo Xuan inwardly winced when the warm expression on Shao Chonglin had quickly turned to the familiar ice expression he usually reserved for those he wasn't close with or particularly to the people who are on the list of possible threats or enemies.     

Fortunately, he is already out of the man's bad list, which he was extremely grateful for.     

Mo Xuan had been failing for the past years, always causing misunderstanding and getting the man disliked. He had been working so hard and never giving up, fortunately, the God out there seemed to have decided that it can finally reward his persistence and perseverance.     

He could become close and interact in a calm way with Shao Chonglin after so many years of only getting the cold shoulder. Of course, he understood that if it wasn't for the words of the Third Master of the Shao family, Chonglin wouldn't have bothered to understand him.     

Basically, Mo Xuan understood after getting along with Shao Chonglin how much the entire Shao Family absolutely adored Shao Cheng. They are extremely willing to listen to the young man's words and always try to understand his opinion or ideas.     

Honestly, if someone wants to get on the good side of the Shao family without too much trouble, they only need to flatter and got the Third Young Master's favor.     

"There have been whispers around that Ren Yuan is going to be marrying his cousin."     

Mo Xuan doesn't feel bad for making it difficult for his annoying friend, in the first place, it was the young man's fault for not controlling his antics. He doesn't even need to destroy Ren Yuan's reputation because it was already destroyed by him a long time ago.     

And now, the consequences of Ren Yuan's choice are going to get back at him, an angry future brother-in-law.      

Mo Xuan knew which side he would be with. This means he is going to side with his future lover, Shao Chonglin.     

"... Fuck…"     

Although it was the first time he heard it, he was quite sure that was a bad word Chonglin had utter. He just wondered where the young man had learned that word from.[1]     

"He just had to create this kind of trouble today of all day."     

I just received my younger brother telling me he was back! What bad timing!     

Shao Chonglin's expression turned icier, which was quite similar to a certain someone, showing how they are really relative to each other. And Mo Xuan just remains silent on the side, he doesn't want the fire to suddenly come his way.     

"... I'm sorry, I need to go back home. We will continue our discussion on another day."     

"I understand."     

Mo Xuan nodded his head, although he wanted to smile happily and spoke more reassuring words, even wanting to step forward in order to hug the attractive young man, but he knew when to keep a certain distance.     

After all, it wasn't the right time yet to show his true feelings. Especially when the two of them had finally spoken with each other without the other person showing a bad attitude.     

Small steps…     

Mo Xuan had been patient and persistent all these years, he could wait for many years as long as he got the person he had always wanted. And when that happens, well, it would be the day where he will show how much he honestly loves the young man.     

"Since I have time, I'll go check on him."     

To rein in his antics.     

Although Mo Xuan knew no one could tame and control his friend, but the warm smile that appeared on Shao Chonglin's face was worth the effort he would be making. Especially when he already figures out how to get the young man's favor, especially being on getting on his good side.     

And that was to be nice and thoughtful to the Third Young Master of the Shao Family.     

While it wasn't the first time Ren Yuan's reputation and regarding his closeness toward his female cousin to his Mother's side had been spread and discussed in the entire Chang Capital, the Shao family members who heard of it showed a reaction.     

Even the Su Family who learned about the sudden change of their cousin/nephew had shown concern in their own way.     

After all, it is quite obvious how their precious Third Brother/son/cousin/nephew views Ren Yuan as someone important to him.     

People who didn't experience the indifferent side of him, don't know how the people he treated as precious could affect him. It took years for Shao Cheng to show some change; it was basically a miracle in their eyes that he finally showed good attention to them.     

So, how could they remain unaffected by the gossip spreading around this time?     

Especially when they knew how the female cousin differs completely from the other gossip they heard about when the only son of the Prime Minister had been playing around.     

Of course, some of them honestly still feel skeptical and doubtful about the son of the Prime Minister, they heard the news about him, particularly his infamous reputation. And yet, they are content to get what they can.     

As long as Ren Yuan doesn't hurt their precious brother/son/cousin/nephew, particularly in the matter of the heart, then they can turn a blind eye to the young man's past actions.     

Unknown to Ren Yuan, who is extremely busy telling stories to his female cousin about the special friend he made, with an honest to god genuine smile on his face.     

He was completely oblivious of the far more serious attention he would suddenly get from the people on Shao Cheng's side and the consequences of getting inside his female cousin's carriage.     

At the same time, in one of the more carefully hidden underground rooms in a more secured private residence in the Shao Capital, Shao Cheng was coughing blood out of his mouth while his sapphire eyes were wide open in shock, surprise, and confusion.     

There is also another person coughing out blood from his mouth while laying weakly on the ground just a few steps away from where he was kneeling.     

"... My Lord… cough… w-what… kind of… urgh… person… you found…?"     

The two of them suddenly receive a powerful backlash from the unconscious Huang Ya laying down in one of the cells in the underground room when Pengfei uses his mystical way to deal with her.     

"... I was just sleeping… What kind of trouble did you find yourself in now, Papa bug?"     

Despite the usual playful words that were uttered from the Purple Dragon floating in the air, Purple's entire expression showed a rare serious side of him while staring at the unconscious ten-year-old girl with unusual alertness in his purple eyes.     

"... Purple… I need to know her secret."     

Help me out.     

Despite the harsh backlash when Pengfei used his own blue aura to figure out the unusualness of Huang Ya, Shao Cheng didn't back down from figuring out her secret.     

After all, he didn't forget what the High Priestess told him in the previous life. Especially when it concerns himself. Shao Cheng isn't bound by fate and destiny, and yet, Huang Ya is also quite similar despite how Jiayi didn't mention the full detail about it.     

For some reason, Huang Ya could affect and let fate and destiny be in disarray itself.     

Shao Cheng comprehends how he was able to change the fateful ruler of the previous Chang Empire after Emperor Huan died, putting Chang Pei on the throne. Even though he would have helped Chang Pei because of how similar he was to his first life younger brother, it doesn't change the fact that Huang Ya also made some movements in the dark.     

It's the entire reason Shao Cheng needed to figure out Huang Ya's mystery. This is one situation where he could not back down because of the sudden backlash that they suddenly received.     

Shao Cheng couldn't continue to leave such problems to be dealt with in the future. Especially when they witness such unusual and abnormal reactions. The entire situation had become more serious and severe while it also became more personal in his new life instead of the previous life.     

It's quite obvious that Huang Ya has a connection to the mysterious way because of the harsh reaction they had gotten when Pengfei used his mysterious skill to figure out her secret. And if Pengfei, who is powerful despite how he looks and acts, couldn't handle it, then it's time for Shao Cheng to make his move.     

Of course, along with the purple dragon.     

Even though Purple is still healing from the burst of purple aura, which he spread in the Chang Capital when the powerful curse reacted to their probing, Shao Cheng didn't hesitate to ask for help from another special existence.     

It doesn't matter if it's overkill if he was also going to step forward to figure out Huang Ya's secret.     

As long as he got the result of what he wanted, he wouldn't hesitate to use anything he could.     

"Sure~ I'll definitely let Papa bug cook my favorite potato chips after this is all over~"     

And so, without hesitation, Shao Cheng and Purple let out their purple aura before swiftly shooting toward the unconscious girl on the ground.     

And this time, something appeared, reacting more violently compared to Pengfei, when a brown to greenish color aura with a hint of something horrible wrapped upon it ruthlessly met theirs.     

Then in a matter of a few seconds, Shao Cheng completely lost consciousness causing Purple to panic while Pengfei who was watching the entire situation couldn't let a single word out of his mouth.     

And when Shao Cheng woke up in an hour, Pengfei could tell that something drastic had happened.     

After all, no one can miss the empty look on his sapphire eyes along with the heavy gloom on his entire figure.     

[1] Pfft.... Who else but Shao Cheng... lol     

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