Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Drawing Runes

Drawing Runes

0"Do you really have to fight in the arena?"     

Ye Jiao smiled at Lu Wan's question. It was already night time, and the arena has closed down. Every student was told to have rest because, in two days, it would be the examination day for them.     

"She's just getting used to her new stage."     

"By throwing everyone off stage?" Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "You basically create a sensation when you just slapped that person out."     

"I didn't know that the difference between the early and middle stage can be this big. I can control my strength better now," Ye Jiao defended herself. After a bit of adjusting in the fight, she no longer has any problem in controlling her strength anymore. It was a bit awkward at first, but her seniors were helping her by becoming her guinea pig in the arena.     

"The one who comes here are those with lower ranks," Qi Huan reminded. "The true core members are those who can enter the top 50, so don't get complacent."     

Not only new members, but the other students in Hua Shan Academy also have their own ranking for Core Disciple. Those who were at lower ranking used this chance to challenge the new disciples to get points for them. If they were placed at the bottom, they would be downgraded to Inner Disciple because the Core Disciple maximum number was only 100 while they have 110 now.     

After the examination later, 10 disciples would be kicked out of the ranks and placed in the Inner Disciples' section.     

The competition grew fiercer, thanks to that.     

"I know," Ye Jiao grinned. "I'm only warming up in the arena just now. The real battle hasn't even begun."     


"Anyway, congratulations for earning fifth place, Lu Wan," Ye Jiao clapped her hands. "Your hard work pays off."     

Lu Wan nodded. "At the very least, I can sleep comfortably tonight and don't have to worry about Senior Sister Lin bothering me."     

The other two laughed. They had seen Lin Cai dragged Lu Wan to practice numerous times. It was funny how this young man seldom satisfied the minimum requirement that Lin Cai set for him.     

"I'll return back too."     

"Good luck on the examination day."     

"Good luck to all of us."     

The three of them went their separate ways. Ye Jiao returned back to her room and trained to fill her core with Eon Energy once more. Once she had filled her core, her eyes fluttered open.     

"I better just use this time to practice making runes."     

She didn't need that long to rest her body. Just a few hours before the examination would be enough, so Ye Jiao decided to use this time to practice her Eon Energy control and started to make runes.     

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Ye Jiao focused her attention on her fingertips and started to move according to the shape of the runes. To her surprise, she needed to have complete control of her Eon Energy because it would dissipate if she just let it be on the air.     


Her slender finger started to move once more. Eon Energy came out as Ye Jiao had to pour even more to make sure the shape stayed the same way as what she wanted. Sweat started to trickle down her forehead.     

Swish! Swish!     

The shape was nearly complete when Ye Jiao realized that she had run out of Eon Energy.     


The shape dissipated into the air while Ye Jiao sat down on her bed. Her eyes were looking at the unfinished rune in front of her.     

"So that's why Master says that there's a high possibility that I won't be able to finish the runes. The control needed to sustain the shape is much more than the amount needed originally to make the runes."     

Ye Jiao felt like she would have a headache at the thought of utilizing so much Eon Energy just to create one rune. Even though she knew that Eon Energy Master Rank 4 has much more Eon Energy compared to her, it didn't change the fact that there would be a lot of Eon Energy wasted to just make one.     

How much Eon Energy needed if she wanted to create several of them?     

"Then, to reduce the amount needed, I need to make it faster?" Ye Jiao pondered. If she moved her finger faster, she could reduce the time needed, but at the same time, she would need to have a much higher concentration.     

Drawing the complicated runes was not easy, and doing it at such high speed would be even harder.     

'Well, let's just try again. I still have some time.'     

Time passed swiftly as Ye Jiao filled her core with Eon Energy and attempted to draw the runes over and over again.     


Knock! Knock!     

"Ye Jiao, are you still sleeping?" Qin Zheng's voice travelled from the door.     

"Ah, I'm awake," Ye Jiao got up from her bed and rushed to clean herself. She made runes until late at night before she decided to sleep and recover her Eon Energy. Even after spending the entire day to practice, she was still unable to form even one rune.     

"You're going to be late."     

"Eh? It has begun?"     


Ye Jiao slammed the door open and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, did I take that long?"     

"There's still a few minutes before the examination begins," Qin Zheng turned around and started walking. "Don't dawdle."     

"Ok, ok!"     

Following behind Qin Zheng, Ye Jiao soon arrived by the hall. It was crowded with all the disciples in Hua Shan Academy that was not away for a mission. There were thousands or even millions of people filling the seats.     

"The new disciple's section is over there. There are 10 arenas, and it'll start from the Outer Disciple, so you can have some rest first."     

"Eh? Is it that obvious?" Ye Jiao touched her face. She knew that she lacked sleep, but there shouldn't be any mark left on her face, right?     

Qin Zheng looked at Ye Jiao as if she was an idiot. "Your Eon Energy movements are a bit unstable. Take your time to rest and recover your condition to the peak or you won't have a chance against me."     

"Heh, don't worry. I'll make sure that you eat dirt later," Ye Jiao smiled reassuringly and walked to Qi Huan and Lu Wan.     

Shaking his head lightly, Qin Zheng retreated back to his designated position. He looked at Bai Xiang, who was following him at some distance.     

"There's no need to follow me today."     

"It's my duty to protect you, Master."     

"It's an order."     

Bai Xiang flinched for a moment. He bowed his large body slightly and transmitted his voice to Qin Zheng. "As you wish, Master."     

As Bai Xiang retreated, Qin Zheng continued to walk towards his position as if nothing happened.     

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