Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

The Meaning of Giving Up

The Meaning of Giving Up

0"It was a good fight," Wang Jun smiled. "You've progressed a lot, Miss."     

Mu Xin nodded. She had not seen Wang Jun for a long time. Even though she knew that he was in this academy, there was no chance to meet with him because he was away for a mission. It was only recently did he return back, allowing her to meet with him again.     

"You've also grown stronger."     

"Thank you for your compliment." Wang Jun walked out of the arena with Mu Xin following behind him. The young girl from before has grown mature. She was no longer the cute 13 years old girl, but she has become a mature 16 years old girl.     

Time passed so quickly. Three years had gone before he knew it.     

"Can we talk?"     

"Sure, but not here."     

Mu Xin nodded obediently. There was a slight smile on the corner of her lips, showing the fact that she felt happy. The real reason why she picked this academy in the first place was because she knew Wang Jun was here. Meeting him again after such a long time made her very happy.     

On the stands, Lu Wan was looking at the scene with astonishment. He turned his head to Ye Jiao. "Are they going out?"     

"Going out?" Ye Jiao tilted her head. "Do you mean getting out of the arena?"     

"No, I mean…"     


Qi Huan looked at Lu Wan with annoyance. "It's going to be your turn soon. You should prepare yourself."     

"I'm just asking!"     

"Let her learn about the matter of relationships by herself first!" Qi Huan reprimanded. Even though he knew that Lu Wan was a blockhead, he didn't expect it would be this bad. This young man clearly forgot that Ye Jiao had never learned about them because she was always so preoccupied with her study.     

"Fine." Lu Wan rubbed his head with a sour mood. He knew that Qi Huan didn't like when he talked about them to Ye Jiao, but why did he have to hit him too?     

"Next, Core Disciple Lu Wan."     

Lu Wan walked to the stage and stood in the middle. He looked at the direction of the Elite Disciple. "I want to challenge Senior Brother Qin."     

There was no need for him to say the full name. In this academy, there was only one Elite Disciple with the surname Qin. All eyes landed on Qin Zheng for this was the first time someone challenged him.     

Qin Zheng stood up and walked to the arena. "I didn't expect you to pick me."     

"I'll make sure that you can't say I'm weak anymore." Lu Wan grinned.     


Lu Wan took out his chain and blade. It twisted in the air before it reached Qin Zheng's direction rapidly.     


A small knife on Qin Zheng's hand blocked the attack. There was no rule that restricted him from using his hidden weapon, so Qin Zheng still brought numerous knives on his body.     

"Don't underestimate me!" Lu Wan pulled his chain and blade again. Twisting it in the air once more, he made the blade reach Qin Zheng's location.     

Qin Zheng looked at the blade with a faint smile. He moved his arm as two knives flew out of his sleeves.     

Clang! Slash!     

Blood trickled down from Lu Wan's cheek. The boy's eyes were large as he looked straight at Qin Zheng. He couldn't react to Qin Zheng's speed at all. One knife blocked his movements while the other one reached his cheek. He pulled back his chain and looked at the referee.     

"I give up."     

The referee frowned. "If you give up in the middle, you won't have a chance to showcase your progress anymore."     

Lu Wan grinned and shrugged. "Is there any use to continue fighting when he's clearly far stronger than me? I can't even see his attack, much less defeat him."     

Even though he was saying them all with an easy going tone, his shoulders trembled a bit. He was still a young man with pride. Having been defeated by Qin Zheng twice without being able to do anything caused him to feel pain. However, he chose to not show them outside and still smiled widely.     

Some people may look at him as if he was an idiot, but he simply didn't care. This is his decision, and he would follow through it until the very end.     

Qin Zheng smiled. "You're a great martial artist, Lu Wan."     


Without elaborating his words, Qin Zheng walked away. Lu Wan stood rooted in his place for a few seconds before he left the arena, still confused why Qin Zheng praised him. Still, it was not that important. He needed to find a place to stay alone.     

"Senior Brother Qi, do you want to comfort him?" Ye Jiao pointed at Lu Wan.     

"There's no need for that. He can get back to his feet on his own."     

The two of them heard what Qin Zheng said and understood why Qin Zheng gave a high evaluation for Lu Wan. Not everyone could accept defeat like that. Lu Wan understood his capabilities and decided to retreat back. It was not because he felt afraid, but because he understood the gap in their strengths.     

Even if he pushed forward, only utter defeat or even death awaited him. Qin Zheng's attack just now was a warning to him that Lu Wan was still not in his league.     

Lu Wan could choose to continue fighting to showcase his capabilities and earn people's respect. However, Lu Wan didn't do that. He chose to retreat and step back in order to prepare himself better. There might be a chance for him to defeat Qin Zheng but not in the arena or formal match.     

Because his strength has always lied in poison.     

"Yes, Lu Wan is great," Ye Jiao clapped her hands together as she smiled.     

Accepting one's weakness would be the beginning to grow stronger. Without accepting oneself, one wouldn't be able to move forward.     

"Yes, I agree."     

The two of them no longer talked. They didn't even bother with the empty seat beside them because they knew that Lu Wan wouldn't return back for the time being. That young man might always appear to be easy going and reckless, but he is still a man and also a martial artist.     

His pride wouldn't allow him to accept defeat so easily.     

In the Elite Disciple's section, Lin Cai tilted her head to look at Qin Zheng. "It's rare for you to bully someone like that. You know that you can hold back a bit for his sake, right?"     

"I don't want to give him false hope," Qin Zheng replied calmly.     

"False hope?"     

"He can never grow stronger if he's just holed up doing research and fight against those weaker enemies."     

Lin Cai's lips twitched. "Those 'weaker enemies' are all Core Disciple in Hua Shan Academy, Qin Zheng."     

"Yes, but their ranks are only 60 or lower," Qin Zheng elaborated. "Those truly powerful disciples in Hua Shan Academy are mostly away for missions and only stay here when it's needed because they all understand that they can't grow stronger just by staying in the safe environment."     

Hearing his words, Lin Cai sighed. She knew that true warriors could only form after countless beating and fighting. However, was there any need for Lu Wan to be bullied like that?     

"It's unexpected to see you care for someone so much."     

"That's because we're all going on a mission," Qin Zheng replied. "If you're just relying on the fact that you're the disciple of a powerful academy when doing missions, you won't be able to survive."     


Lin Cai's brain was unable to process Qin Zheng's words until a few seconds later. Right, in a few more days, there would be the first mission for the new student.     

Wait, did it mean he wants to accompany new disciples on their mission?     

When Lin Cai was still thinking hard, she heard her name got called.     

"I pick Senior Sister Lin."     

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