Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Identity as Elite Disciple

Identity as Elite Disciple


Ye Jiao sat down the moment she arrived at the mountain's foot. Her body was exhausted, and she no longer had any strength to continue walking at all.     

*Pant* *pant*     

'This is even crueller than my teacher.'     

She had experienced the training that her teacher gave to her before, so she knew that this was even harsher than him. Well, considering that she had reached rank 3, it must be quite common.     

"Ye Jiao?"     

"Yes?" Ye Jiao straightened her posture abruptly. Her eyes stared at the man before her as she could see a large man with a rowdy appearance. He had long hair and a beard that seemed to be purposely left messy. His green robe showed his status properly, but he looked more like a rogue rather than a teacher.     

Somehow, he looked a bit familiar?     

The man laughed when he saw Ye Jiao's attitude. "There's no need to be so nervous. I'm Sheng Ming, a teacher in charge of outdoor training for new students."     

Sheng Ming?     

Ah! Ye Jiao finally recalled where she had seen this man before. He was the same man who visited Mu Xin's residence in the past. At that time, this man offered her to enter the academy, but she refused because she had some unfinished business in the Chen Kingdom.     

She didn't expect to see him in this place again.     

Wait, that meant Wang Jun must be in this place too, right? No wonder Mu Xin chose to pick this academy even though it might not be suitable for that girl.     

"Is there anything wrong?" Sheng Ming handed her a set of clothes. "This is your academy's robe. Congratulations on getting accepted as the Elite Disciple in Hua Shan Academy."     

"Yes, thank you, Teacher Sheng," Ye Jiao smiled and took the robe. She tried to stand up, but Sheng Ming extended a hand and gave her a pill.     

"This is an Energy Recovery Pill that can help you recover 10% of Eon Energy almost instantly," Sheng Ming smiled. "Go get your lunch and go to class. There's no class today, but you'll have your homeroom teacher teach you the basic rules."     

"Alright. Thank you, Teacher Sheng."     

After Ye Jiao took the pill, Sheng Ming moved towards the new students that had just finished. She smiled slightly. Probably Sheng Ming had long forgotten about her existence. After all, she was nothing more than a small kid at that time.     

Ye Jiao ate the pill and directed Eon Energy into her body. She could feel that her body felt much better, but she quickly spread them into her legs and arms because her muscle felt sore. If she did nothing, it would be certain that she wouldn't be able to continue training tomorrow.     

"Excuse me, where's the dining room?"     

"It's on the left side. You just need to pass the stone path."     

"Alright, thank you."     

Rushing to the dining room, Ye Jiao grabbed her meal and ate as fast as possible. She asked for direction once again after she had finished. It took her some time before she could find the right classroom. Her eyes widened when she saw Qin Zheng already sitting there with a book in his arm. His expression was solemn as he was reading.     

"Excuse me, is this the class for new students?"     

"This is the class for all Elite Disciple and Core Disciple," one of the students replied. "Are you the new Core Disciple?"     

"Ah, I'm not a Core Disciple but…"     

"Then you should get out."     


Ye Jiao was stunned. She hadn't finished talking yet that man already used his Eon Energy to close the door. Looking at her attire, she had just realized that she hadn't worn the robe that Sheng Ming gave.     

She quickly took it out and wore it. It was blue in the overall color with light blue on her sleeves. Her collar was colored in purple. There was flowers' embroidery at the end of her sleeves, which looked beautiful and also the picture of mountains surrounded by flowers on the back. It was the symbol of the academy.     


She opened the door again. The previous student was about to reprimand her again, but he stopped when he saw her collar. In this academy, the color of their robe and collar represent their identity.     

Light blue collar with green robe meant that they were Outer Disciple.     

Blue collar with green robe meant that they were Inner Disciple.     

White collar with light blue robe meant that they were Core Disciple.     

Purple collar and blue robe meant that they were Elite Disciple!     

It meant that the student he just reprimanded was actually the rare Elite Disciple in this academy!     


Ye Jiao directly ignored the man and sat down beside Qin Zheng. She didn't know anyone in this place and neither Lin Cai and Qi Huan had returned. Rather than sitting alone, it would be better for her to sit there.     

"You have finished, little lass?"     

"What? Do you think that I can't finish the assignment?" Ye Jiao rolled her eyes.     

Qin Zheng arched his eyebrows. "I never say that. In any case, you're three hours late."     


Thinking of the journey she had before, Ye Jiao was not in the mood to argue with this man. It was already good enough that she managed to finish it after a long time. She just peeked to look at the book he was reading. The title caused her to feel astonished.     

"Is that a book about making hidden darts?"     

"Yes. I just realized how inconvenient it is to just use throwing knives," Qin Zheng smiled as he looked at Ye Jiao.     

Ye Jiao's face darkened. How could she forget that this man wanted to kill her with his flying knives when she met with him before? In any case, he never successfully hit her because she managed to dodge them all or at least, parry the knives.     

"I see."     

"Here's a book if you want to read," Qin Zheng took out a book and passed it to Ye Jiao.     

"What's this?" Ye Jiao looked at the title: 'Basic Training Method after Long Training.' "Thank you."     

"You're welcome. Also, you may read this.���     

Qin Zheng took out several other books and placed them on the table. They were all basic books, so Ye Jiao would be able to learn a lot as her knowledge was still pretty bad overall.     

As she began to read, Ye Jiao found out that it was important to nourish her muscle with Eon Energy. This book even taught her the way to make sure that they no longer felt sore and the way to maximize the result of the training. As she read, Ye Jiao started to direct her Eon Energy to her entire body.     

Her action was done covertly, but Qin Zheng could sense the Eon Energy movements clearly. His lips curled up. "It seems that you've grasped the technique very quickly, little lass."     

"There's a picture here that explains how to do it," Ye Jiao smiled. "I'm not that dumb enough to not understand with this detailed explanation."     


"Why do you sound relieved?"     

"Because that's the most basic book I have that's intended for an elementary student."     

"Qin Zheng."     


"Can I punch you?"     


Ye Jiao turned her head away with annoyance. Even though Qin Zheng didn't say it out loud, she understood that he was comparing her intelligence with elementary students. Damn him!     

Little did she know that her age was actually still in the category of an elementary student. (elementary student= 6 years old – 12 years old)     

Or well, it just slipped her mind.     

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