Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Second Path of the Lilies: Martial Heart (2)

Second Path of the Lilies: Martial Heart (2)

0Even though Lin Ruoyun didn't say it clearly, they knew that she had placed a protective array around this place. With their current condition, it would be a miracle if they could get around the area safely. After all, the number of the beasts roaming in this area was not small.     

For the next month, the three of them did nothing but recuperate. There was no problem for them to stay in that place for that much time, except one thing….     

"It's meat again?" Lu Wan wanted to cry when he saw Ye Jiao roasting meats. He liked meat, but not when they had breakfast, lunch, and dinner all consisted of only meat for the entire month.     

He already felt crazy from having the same menu over the past month.     

Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. "I'm sorry, I only keep meat in my storage bracelet and some spices. There's not much left anymore, though."     

Because the three of them were big eaters, her stack of meat in her storage bracelet has slowly diminished. She used to think that they would never run out, but it seemed that her worry was unneeded. Though, she had to admit that this month was quite a tasteless month as they have to bear with having the same menu over and over.     

"…Just kill me. I don't want to eat meat again," Lu Wan groaned.     

He needed a break, okay? Even though meat used to be his favorite food, he just wished to throw it out onto the sea right now.     

Qi Huan shook his head. "If you wish to starve, feel free to not eat. I can eat your portion for you."     

"Who says that I'm not eating? I'll still eat!" Lu Wan's face contorted.     


"You damned silver hair… just how could you withstand eating the same dish every day?"     

Qi Huan arched his eyebrows and sat down calmly. He never paid much attention to the food he ate because all he cared about was having enough nutrition to survive. Even if they tasted bad, he would just eat them because he knew that it was important to keep himself healthy.     

"I wonder. I guess that you're just too pampered."     

Lu Wan's face darkened. Pampered? In what ways was he a pampered young master? He didn't get pampered AT ALL!     

If the other two knew what he thought, they would surely scoff at him. He might not be directly pampered, but his family always gave him plenty of delicious food. In addition, they let him do whatever he wanted without reprimanding him when he did wrong. What word would it be if not pampered?     

"Just eat. We'll head out of this place soon, so you need the energy to keep up with us," Ye Jiao reminded.     

They have recovered from their wounds and no longer felt hurt whenever they moved around. It was already the time for them to head to the north because the selection for the geniuses would soon begin. If they were late, they might not be able to join anymore.     

"How much time do we have left?" Lu Wan stopped whining and put the meat into his mouth. Even though it was chewy and delicious, it had become tasteless as he had eaten too much meat in the past month.     

"Around 1-2 weeks," Qi Huan replied. "It'll be autumn soon."     

"…Remind me once again, how long is the distance to the north from this place?"     

They have walked around the area and found out that it was still near Chen Kingdom Capital City. It was only because Lin Ruoyun set up an array that they were unable to figure it out immediately.     

"Probably around a month."     

"That… isn't that too long?" Lu Wan was speechless. If they wasted so much time on their journey, they would get late!     

Ye Jiao raised her head. "But we're not going to travel by foot. There's a big city not far from the capital city to the north. The distance should be three days away if we rush with our maximum speed."     

The three of them didn't really advance much in their training because they focused on their recovery. Right now, their base rank was still more or less the same as before with only a slight increase.     

"You mean, Lu Wan's maximum speed," Qi Huan corrected. They have to travel according to this young man's speed because they didn't want to make him tired first. The selection wouldn't be easy and if they were not in their best condition, it might be hard for them to advance.     

Neither one of them would want to fail.     

"It's not my fault that I'm the slowest," Lu Wan grumbled     

Ye Jiao giggled. "It's not like we'll blame you, Senior Brother Lu. Anyway, are you two going to paint your hair again?"     

Their hair had started to grow again, revealing their real color. If they traveled without disguise, it would be easy for people to recognize them as Lu Wan from the Lu Family and Qi Huan from the Imperial Qi Family.     

"We're going to use the disguise technique that we learn," Qi Huan replied. He initiated his Eon Energy and started to change his countenance slightly. At the same time, he used his Eon Energy to alter his hair's color, changing it to dark brown.     

���Guh, you're so quick!" Lu Wan also initiated his Eon Energy, but he was still a step slower compared to Qi Huan. His countenance changed into that of a middle aged man as his hair turned black.     

Ye Jiao smiled when she watched them use that technique. During the past month, they also learned the technique that she 'stole' from the Bao Fu Organization. It was truly a convenient method because they learned how to change their hair color too. After all, the one that was hardest to hide was Qi Huan and Lu Wan's hair color.     

In addition, Ye Jiao also learned how to read people's lips. This allowed the two of them to speak freely even from a distance, and she would still be able to hear them. Of course, it was not that perfect yet because the distance couldn't be further than 20 meters.     

With her ability, no one would be able to guess that she had trouble with her ear.     

'There should be a medicine if you join the academy. Probably, you will have a chance to recover them in the future.'     

That was what Qi Huan told her, but Ye Jiao didn't really put much hope into it. Even if there was any, it would be expensive. She might not be able to afford it and have to work for a long time.     

"You're not going to put in any disguise, Jiao'er?"     

"This is enough," Ye Jiao shrugged. It was not like her face was known by a lot of people. After all, the only one who knew her all stayed in the capital city.     

"For safety measures, you should change your countenance."     

"Fine," Ye Jiao put her palm on her face as she initiated her Eon Energy. The moment she released her hand, the two of them could see the face of a headstrong teenager with a light brown pupil. She didn't change her hair color because black was pretty common.     

"She's even faster than you…" Lu Wan murmured.     

Qi Huan nodded satisfied. "No one will be able to recognize you this way, Jiao'er."     

"That's good."     

"Are we going to head directly to the north?" Lu Wan asked.     

Ye Jiao raised her hand. "Do you mind if I visit my mother's grave for a while?"     

The other two looked at each other and shook their heads. There was still more than enough time since they planned on using the Teleportation Array, so there was no problem for her to stop in the middle for a bit.     

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