Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Lin Ruoyun

Lin Ruoyun

0The golem and Lin Ruoyun brought the three of them outside. Feeling safe, Lu Wan fell asleep followed by Ye Jiao. She had forced herself to fight for a long period of time, tiring her body and mind. Once she relaxed herself, she soon fell into deep slumber.     

"Why did you come here?" Qi Huan asked after they have walked for quite a long time.     

Lin Ruoyun passed a glance to the young man. "You should sleep and think later. Your body is wounded hard. Even if you're someone from the Emperor's lineage, it's not good to force yourself to stay up."     

"How do you- ugh."     

"Like I say, you should rest."     

"I'm not going to rest until you answer my question," Qi Huan said stubbornly. His juniors might be feeling safe around this young woman, but he would not trust a stranger so easily. Even though his body was yearning to rest, he still forced himself to stay awake.     

Lin Ruoyun turned her head to the front again. Her expression was as calm as ever. "I communicate with my Uncle through a communication jade. It's the only way I can talk to him and occasionally, he would mention to me about his three disciples in this place."     

She thought that her uncle would treat his disciples the same way as he did when he was in the mainland. But she was wrong. He has started to become a real teacher, one that would not abandon his disciple and gave them up for his own benefit. Seeing her uncle changed, she felt happy yet sad.     

Happy because she knew that her Uncle would be able to grow higher in his martial path by coming in term with his own weakness.     

Sad because she was not the one who helped him to realize it.     

Just a few hours ago, she talked with her uncle. He told her about the competition and his disciples' decision. At the same time, he told her that he might not survive this incident. This might be the last fight he had.     

The moment her uncle destroyed the communication device, she knew that he must be telling her that they wouldn't meet with each other anymore. Even though she knew that he had given up and would do everything he could just to take care of his disciples, she still rushed to this place.     

"I came here when I heard that they're going to hold that competition," Lin Ruoyun replied plainly, without any hint of emotion in her voice. "I'm not going to harm you, I give my promise to you."     

Qi Huan arched his eyebrows. The higher their rank, the more their words would bind a martial artist. Unless they were in the demonic path, they wouldn't be able to lie because it would be betraying their own conscience.     

Even though it was not completely reliable, he knew that the person before him wouldn't lie to them. Besides, there was nothing beneficial that they have for this stranger. They were poor compared to those who came from a bigger world.     

So poor that they might be mistaken as beggars if they were outside Four Kingdoms.     

"I see. Thank you, Senior Sister Lin."     

"Take some rest. You need it."     

Lin Ruoyun could sense that Qi Huan had closed his eyes and drifted to sleep. She no longer paid them any heed as she continued to travel in the forest towards the north, looking for a safe location to stop.     

Time passed swiftly.     

By the time Ye Jiao woke up again, she found herself in the middle of a forest. She sat up abruptly, jolted herself awake as pain ran through her veins.     

"You're awake."     

The melodious voice of a young woman caused her to turn around. Her eyes widened as she looked at Lin Ruoyun. Now that she took a closer look, she realized that she has some similarities with their Master.     

Lin Ruoyun took out a pill. "This is a Healing Pill. It can help you recover part of your Eon Energy and mend your broken bones."     

"Ah, thank you," Ye Jiao took the pill and ate it. She knew that her bones were broken because she literally forced herself to the very limit numerous times. It was not known when she could fully recover with her body condition having turned this bad.     

Seeing that Ye Jiao trusted her easily, she shook her head. "Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you?"     

"If you plan to harm me, you would have done that a long time ago," Ye Jiao replied. They were unconscious because of fatigue. If Lin Ruoyun wanted to, it would be easy for her to harm them during the journey.     


"Thank you for the medicine, Senior Sister Lin. I'm not sure how I can repay your help," Ye Jiao cupped her hands and bowed slightly, showing her thanks.     

"There's no need to be so polite," raising her hand, Lin Ruoyun showed a slight smile. "It's rare to see a young woman attract Uncle's eyes. You must have a really good talent to make him recruit you."     

"It's rare for him to recruit women to be his disciples?"     

"Yes. He didn't like taking women to be his disciples because most of them are not that serious in learning martial arts. A lot of them only did it for the sake of their family or even for fun," Lin Ruoyun shrugged. "For your information, there are only three female disciples under Master Zhan Jing."     

Ye Jiao blinked. "How about male disciples?"     

"Let's see, I think there are around 8 or 9. Most of them have died because of the harsh conditions in Bao Fu Organization. I'm not part of that organization because my uncle only accepted me as his disciple after his failure in a mission," Lin Ruoyun added when she saw Ye Jiao's expression changed.     

"What mission?"     

"They were ordered to kill someone important, but that person has powerful bodyguards so my Uncle failed. I don't know the details, so you have to ask someone else," Lin Ruoyun said calmly.     

Ye Jiao tilted her head. "You don't sound angry even though your uncle suffered defeat in that person's hand."     

"That's because I have known so much about the Bao Fu Organization that I feel sick at the mere mention of them," Lin Ruoyun smiled. She took out cooking utensils from her Spatial Ring. "I'll cook you something. What do you want?"     

"I think I'll just have light porridge if there's any."     

With the condition of her muscles and organs this bad, Ye Jiao knew that she wouldn't be able to digest any solid food. Having something light like porridge would be for the better.     

"Got it. Here's two more Healing Pills for your senior brothers."     

"Thank you."     

Ye Jiao slowly absorbed Eon Energy from her surroundings and nourished her own body. The pill was working to mend her bones and flesh, but it was a slow process. She had to work to make it faster by pouring Eon Energy.     

Lin Ruoyun stopped moving for a second when she sensed Eon Energy movements from Ye Jiao's direction. Her eyes widened in surprise.     

'I see. It's S talent, the same as me. No wonder Master took her to be his disciple.'     

Great talent plus good character. She liked her junior sister very much. It didn't take her a long time to cook three bowls of porridge. When she reached their location, the other two had woken up with Lu Wan already starting his training.     

"You're not going to circulate Eon Energy?" Lin Ruoyun passed a bowl of porridge.     

Qi Huan shook his head. "My circulation is a mess because of the technique I used before, so I can't practice for now. Thank you for the food."     

"It's nothing."     

Ye Jiao opened her eyes when she heard them talking. She smiled brightly upon seeing Lin Ruoyun had returned. "Thank you, Senior Sister Lin."     

"Here for you and the other one for you."     

Lu Wan took the bowl and started eating happily. The other two were eating more gracefully while Lu Wan looked like a beggar. It would make one wonder how many days this boy had starved from the way he ate.     

"Also, this is the storage bracelet of those masters. I don't have any use of them, so you can take it," Lin Ruoyun handed three bracelets to Ye Jiao. She had checked the content since it had become ownerless but didn't find anything suspicious inside. Even if there was something precious, she couldn't bring it back lest her master nagged her for treasure.     

"Ah, are you sure I can take it?"     


"Thank you, Senior Sister Lin."     

Lin Ruoyun nodded her head. She watched the young girl eat without any expression on her face.     

"Senior Sister Lin, is there anything that you want to say to us?" Ye Jiao noticed that Lin Ruoyun was looking at their faces intently. She didn't really mind being watched, but that was a bit too intense.     

Lin Ruoyun nodded. "I want to ask you. Do you mind if I'm the one who buries my uncle?"     

The three of them were stunned with the sudden request, but they shook their head almost immediately. They knew that Lin Ruoyun is Zhan Jing's family member, so it wouldn't be weird if she was the one who buried him. Besides, it was not like they would stop the young lady if she decided even without asking them.     

"Thank you," Lin Ruoyun smiled and stood up. She was not close with her uncle, but he was the one who taught her the path as a martial artist. At the very least, she wanted to give him a proper burial.     

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