Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Idiot Lu Wan

Idiot Lu Wan

0"Yeah, thank you very much, Senior Brother Lu."     

Lu Wan waved his hand. "I didn't do much."     

Even though he said that, Ye Jiao knew that she might not be able to realize it without his hint. Her eyes turned to the stack of medicines on the table. They were grinded into powder and there was a faint smell that seemed to attract her.     

"Senior Brother Lu, what are you making there?"     

"Oh? I'm testing a herb for another different one. Also, the herbs that you gave me before seem to have an interesting reaction when I combine it," Lu Wan replied. Ye Jiao gave him the herbs by leaving them in his room, so he only realized it after he woke up the next day as he didn't pay much attention.     


"Yes. I'll give them to you after I complete it. It's going to be a good poison to increase your poison resistance even further," Lu Wan pondered for a moment. "But it's going to be extremely painful."     

Hearing his words, Ye Jiao knew that the kind of poison that her senior brother developed must be very dangerous. For him to say something like that, it could only mean that it must be extremely dangerous.     

"Have you tried it on yourself, Senior Brother Yu?"     

"Me? Of course I have. If I didn't test it on myself, how can I know that it feels painful?" Lu Wan said with the tone as if it was just a given that he had to test the poison on himself first.     

Hearing his tone and voice, Ye Jiao truly wondered how Lu Wan hadn't died yet because of his own poison so far. There were guides on poison, but in Four Kingdoms, their numbers were not many. Lu Wan usually experimented on himself to create many other types of poisons that were deadly.     

However, most of the combinations were only based on what he had read from books so far.     

"Will you give it to me and Senior Brother Shan to increase our poison resistance?"     

"Or course, I want you two to experience the same pa… I mean, I want you two to grow stronger."     

Ye Jiao: "…" you just want us to feel pain like you, right?     

Both Qi Huan and Ye Jiao were not stupid enough to test on poison on themselves. Besides, they were not confident enough that they would be able to survive without the antidotes. But this idiot Lu Wan just loved to use himself as the testing machine.     

"Don't you have beasts or can't you catch beasts to test your poison?" Ye Jiao asked helplessly.     

"I have, but there are not many of them," Lu Wan replied. "It's not that easy to catch beasts alive, so the most effective mode is to test on my body because I can also detect every change that occurred inside my body."     

"What if you get killed in the middle of your research?"     

"Don't worry, I hadn't even managed to create any powerful poison yet."     

Ye Jiao: "…" what if you had created them? Would it mean that you have died, then?     

However, Lu Wan was already busy looking at the test tube on his hand. It was as if the tube was very important. It was only a while later did he move it away.     

Ye Jiao rubbed her forehead. "I have the feeling that you're just having fun with research everyday, Senior Brother Lu."     

"Not really, I didn't neglect my practice," Lu Wan rolled his eyes. He stretched his body and looked at Ye Jiao. Now that he recalled his practice, he wondered how much stronger Ye Jiao had become. His gaze paused for a moment when he noticed the girl's clear eyes and strong disposition.     

Somehow, he had a bad feeling about this.     

"Jiao'er…. Did you advance in rank?"     

"Ah, you noticed?" Ye Jiao's eyes widened. "I thought the necklace would prevent anyone from seeing my rank."     

Lu Wan's lips twitched when he thought about that special necklace that Ye Jiao always uses. What seeing her rank? He only had that inkling when he saw her disposition. It was faint, but it made him feel like he was looking at a master, someone stronger than him.     

And it was true.     

Her admittance just made him feel defeated. How long did it take for her to advance from rank 2 to rank 3? If he didn't recall it wrongly, she had just advanced to rank 2 around a year ago, right?     

A year…     

She's too quick, damn it!     

"Senior Brother Lu?" Ye Jiao tilted her head when she saw Lu Wan's weird expression. Did she say something wrong?     

"What did you eat every day?"     

"Huh? Just normal meat and ordinary meals."     

"Then how in the world did you, akh. How did you get to rank 3 so fast? That shouldn't be possible…."     

As her senior brother kept on muttering incoherent words, Ye Jiao's lips twitched. She finally understood why her senior brother looked weird. It seemed that he couldn't accept the fact that she had reached rank 3 so quickly.     

Now that she thought about it, Qi Huan has also reached rank 3, right? And it was not 'just reached' because that young man has consolidated his strength further.     

"Are you alright, Senior Brother Lu?"     

Lu Wan glared at Ye Jiao. "Do you think I'll be okay when I'm surrounded by monsters like you two? You're going to be the death of me!"     

"Come on, you can reach rank 3 too if you practice more."     

"Damn it! I'm going to train again!"     

With that, Ye Jiao was kicked out of the boy's room. He wanted to train more because he had just found out how quick it was for Ye Jiao to advance to rank 3. As her senior brother, he felt ashamed that he was too slow.     

They were told to stay in this place because Qi Huan and their Master would come in a few days.     

On the other hand, Ye Jiao spent the day consolidating her power in her room.      

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