Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Begging and Begging

Begging and Begging

0"It'll be okay, Mi'er," Su Lian tried to console her daughter once more. She knew that it was not true, but she didn't want to lose hope.     

Wei Shang looked at Su Lian as annoyance appeared from beneath his clam eyes. "Su Lian, follow after me."     


Albeit unwilling, Su Lian stood up from her position. She followed after Wei Shang quietly, trying to think of a way to salvage this situation. There should be a way for Wei Mi to recover. If not, she knew that Wei Shang would be angry at her family.     


Just when Su Lian was in daze, Wei Shang's palm hit her cheek. Because of the force behind it, Su Lian was flown to the ground. The man's eyes were cold as he looked at the woman before him.     

"Can't you even do your job properly?"     


"It's because of your feud with your cousin that things turn this way. I'll expect the Su Family to compensate me," Wei Shang said coldly.     

Su Lian held her cheek as tears streamed out of her eyes. She hadn't had the time to properly tend to her wounds, so she still felt weak. Looking at how Wei Shang treated her, she knew that she was worth very little in his eyes.     


"She's your daughter and you're at home. If not because of your feud, do you think Wei Liao will turn his hand against his own sister?" Wei Shang asked coldly.     

The moment he learned that the assassin was Wei Liao, he was enraged. He knew that the one that caused this situation was none other than the woman before him. If only she was not stupid enough to aim for that young man's core, things would never end this way.     

Thinking about that made Wei Shang feel a headache. The mess these women from Su Family gave him was too much. They just know how to create trouble for him.     



"You should properly evaluate your own worth," Wei Shang said coldly. He turned and walked away, no longer paying any attention to the haggard woman behind him.     

It was never anything more than arranged marriage to tie the two families. There was no worth of this woman if not because the Su Family wished for the military power that he held in this kingdom.     

Really, she was nothing but trouble.     

Su Lian held her cheek as she cried silently. She knew that Wei Shang never found her worthy of anything. If not because of her family and her children, he would never even look at her. The one that Wei Shang fancied has been that woman, the woman that already belonged to someone else.     

Knowing that the Su Family would surely place the blame on her, Su Lian wanted to cry once again.     

Why did things turn out this way?     

Tap! Tap!     

Turning her head up, Su Lian noticed that Wei Cheng had come to her place. He didn't stay with Wei Mi because he was busy tending on his own wound. Right now, he was looking at his own mother with a cold gaze.     

"Cheng, can you help me put up some good words to your father?"     

"Mother, you know that it��s your fault, right?" Wei Cheng asked without restraint. His voice was slightly cold as if he was talking to a stranger and not his birth mother.     

Su Lian's lips twitched when she sensed the weird tone that Wei Cheng used to talk to her. Usually, this boy would be polite with her. Even though there was not much love because he had understood from a young age that she only gave birth because she wanted to use him, he would still be polite and respectful to her.     

Now, there was no trace of them at all.     

"But, Cheng, there should be a way to salvage this situation. You will help me, right?" Su Lian pleaded.     

Wei Cheng shook his head. "There's nothing that I can do to help you, Mother. You have to find a way to get out of this mess on your own."     

Su Lian bit her lower lips. "You're my son, so you have to help me out."     

"It's obvious that you're in the wrong, Mother. Even if I try to talk to Father, there's nothing that I can do to help you," Wei Cheng replied. He was not a stupid person. Ever since he faced defeat under Lu Wan's hand, he has been trying to think over his situation over and over.     

He would try to make use of everything around him to his advantage and lived his life to the fullest. This time, he would be the one to make the decision and not the other people around him.     

Seeing how Wei Cheng didn't have the slightest intention to help her out, Su Lian felt despair. Why did it seem that everyone was going against her? Her daughter no longer trusted her words like she did before and ignored her. Her husband was treating her worse than dirt. Now, his own son is treating her as if she was nothing more than a stranger?     

"Cheng, can't you think of anything?"     

"It'll be for the best if Mother can try to calm down and solve this mess first. I'm sure that Father is already angry enough because of what happened to Wei Mi."     

Wei Cheng's tone was calm as if it was not his problem. After mulling about it while tending his wounds, he came to the conclusion that it would be better to stay away from his mother. Everything this woman did was truly brainless that it was tiring.     

From the bottom of his heart, he was hoping that he could have a different mother.     

At the very least, a mother who wouldn't create trouble every second.     

Su Lian felt bitter. She didn't know any way to recover one's core faster. Even she herself didn't have that capability. From a long time ago, she always spent her time doing nothing but her own things. She never tried to learn because they were so boring and tiring. All she wanted was for her own happiness.     

"Come on, Cheng."     

"Mother, I'm no longer just a person of Wei Family. I'm the subject of Prince Chen Zi Quan. I won't be spending time too much at home," Wei Cheng tried to reason once more. He was already feeling tired to face his mother.     

No matter what he said, she would never listen to him. In addition, she would just twist his words to her convenience.     

He felt really tired of her.     

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