Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Water Like Environment

Water Like Environment

0As they walked down the stairs, Ye Jiao tried to sense her surroundings. It felt weird when she sensed her Eon Energy stalled. She felt as if she was in a different place, a place where her Eon Energy was restricted, unable to move as she wished. However, they still could see a few meters ahead under a dim light that she was not sure where it came.     

They didn't know how long they walked when they could see light from below. It was far brighter than the dim light on the stairs. Ye Jiao quickened her pace and entered a large hall. It was a circular place with a lake in the middle of the ground.     

"What is this?" Ye Jiao blurted her curiosity.     

Zhan Jing narrowed his eyes. "There should be another way up."     

Looking around her, Ye Jiao didn't find anything that could possibly lead them away from this place. There were only stairs heading up from the other sides, which she knew would only lead them back to the original place.     

Her eyes moved to the lake. "Maybe it's there?"     

"Let's just take a look," Qi Huan said as he walked to the lake. Upon nearing the designated place, he could see the surface of the water changed. It revealed a stairs heading down and a door under the water. His eyes held a trace of surprise as he turned his head around.     

"There's something there."     

"What is it? Let me see."     

Qin Zheng arrived at Qi Huan's side and nodded his head. "Indeed, that door should be the one leading to the secret place."     

"Secret place?"     

"The destination for everyone who comes here," Qin Zheng shrugged. "Didn't you say that you want to find the inheritance and treasure? It should be inside the door."     

Qi Huan looked at Qin Zheng with furrowed brows. This young man made it sound so easy. They didn't do anything but battling the beasts on their way here and that was it? Wasn't it so simple?     

"If you think that it's the end, then you can't be more wrong. For the inheritance, there should be another trial down there," Qin Zheng pointed to the door under the water. "They won't let anyone get it easily."     

"They?" Qi Huan narrowed his eyes. "Why do you sound like you know so much."     

Qin Zheng smiled. "I…"     

"Hey, kids. Before you two continue your conversation, can you tell me why I can't see anything even though I'm already this close with the water?" Zhan Jing interrupted. He was standing by the side of the lake, but he couldn't see anything under the water. There was nothing but dark water .     

"Only those who possess the blood of the Water Sovereign can see the door. Or in other words, they should be the predecessor," Qin Zheng pointed to Qi Huan's head. "It's easy to recognize them because of their hair color."     

Qi Huan slapped Qin Zheng's hand away. "Don't point your finger at other people. From your manner, you should be very cultured, yet you make basic mistakes like this."     

"Unfortunately, I'm not a noble," Qin Zheng rolled his eyes.     

"You haven't told me why you know so much."     

"Let's talk while we're walking. There's no telling when other people will come here," Qing Zheng flicked a glance to Ye Jiao. "Let's go, Jiao'er."     

"Ah, yes."     

Ye Jiao followed behind the other two as Qi Huan and Qin Zheng directly entered the water. Her eyes bore confusion as she saw something completely different than the other three. It was not like Zhan Jing who couldn't see anything from the water, she could see a white path. As it was located differently from the one the other two headed to, Ye Jiao stayed silent and didn't try to move.     

This place was for those who inherited the blood of Water Sovereign, whoever it is. If she was careless, she might not be able to get out of this place alive.     

"I come from a completely different place than this Four Kingdoms," Qin Zheng said unhurriedly as they walked down the stairs. "In that place, it's common sense to know about these places and the inheritances. And at the same time, there are a lot of people who have the same talent as myself and this little lass."     

Ye Jiao's eyes widened when she heard Qin Zheng's words. It sounded completely different from this place that she knew of. People with her talent could be common in other places?     

Qi Huan frowned. "Then, why are you here?"     

"Oh? I wonder about that."     


Qin Zheng flashed a smile. They had reached the door. "It's up to me whether I want to answer or not. In this journey, we're only acquaintances who traveled together, do not be too nosy."     

"I can be as nosy as I want to, Shorty."     


The tip of a sword rested near Qi Huan's neck. Qin Zheng was holding his sword with a small smile on his face, yet there was this dangerous aura around him. The time it took for him to summon his sword and place it near Qi Huan was only a split second. Not even Zhan Jing managed to respond.     

"Careful, I don't like that nickname, Noisy Brat."     

Qi Huan narrowed his eyes. He might not like this brat but he could see that this young man was far more powerful than him. There was no need for him to make unnecessary enemies out of the blue like this.      


"If you don't want to be called as Shorty, you should stop pointing your sword to other people's neck," Ye Jiao snarled. "Let's go and find the treasure. The door is over here, right? I can't see it, so I need you two to guide us."     

"Good point," Qin Zheng kept his sword away. "It's over here."     


Qi Huan caressed his neck as he walked. His eyes looked over to Qin Zheng as questions kept on popping in his head. This boy seemed mysterious and the way he seemed to know everything was strange.     

As they entered the room, Ye Jiao could sense the temperature drop suddenly. Her eyes widened in surprise as she scanned her surroundings. It was a forest, green forest. However, she had the feeling that she was right inside the water at that moment. It was a weird feeling.     

Even though she felt weird, there was no discomfort whatsoever. She could feel the refreshing breeze from her surroundings and at the same time, the cool temperature that kept on hitting her skin.     

"What is this forest?" Zhan Jing was speechless. He did promise that he would accompany them, but he didn't expect to see a place like this too.     

Qin Zheng looked over to Qi Huan. "It's your territory."     

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