Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Making A Deal

Making A Deal

0"Right, it's not going to be easy to kill you," the young man relented under the heavy stare of the girl. He knew that she wouldn't be able to kill him easily too, but it didn't mean that he could. They have their own advantages and disadvantages in this place.     

Ye Jiao smirked. "Besides, are you going to be that ungrateful to the person who saved your life?"     

"If you're talking about how you nearly choke me to death while saving me, I'll say that I'm not very grateful."     

"Hey! You're the one who makes it difficult for me to feed it to you!"     

The young man ignored Ye Jiao's last sentence and took out the secret manual from his storage bracelet. There wouldn't be any sane person who believe the words of someone he just met. Not to mention, his life was in danger just now. He would be more suspicious of anyone he met at that time because they would want to take advantage of him. He threw it to Ye Jiao's direction.     


"Aren't you worried that I'll take it?"     

The young man flicked a glance to Ye Jiao. "You're the one who say that you need me for the second half. What's the use of you taking it away when you already have a chance to do so in the previous hours?"     

"Good point."     

As the young man tended on his wounds because he only managed to take care of the poison, Ye Jiao read the content of the secret manual. It might be incomplete, but it didn't mean she couldn't read it. There was a lot of information inside the manual that astonished her.     

Unfortunately, it was not complete.     

Withdrawing her gaze from the manual, she glanced at the young man before her. Right now, he took off his robe and shirt because his wound was located on his stomach. They were placed neatly on the side as he dressed his own wounds.     

Even though he was still young, his muscle's line has started to form. It was apparent that this young man had trained a lot ever since his young age because it would be impossible to have that much muscle at the tender age of 11. There were also some marks from blades that hadn't disappeared from his body. Probably, he must have undergone a lot of attacks to have many wounds on his body.     

Even though Eon Energy Master could naturally heal their wounds, sometimes a mark would leave unless they used some medicine to make it disappear.      

'Tsk, how did he manage to train that much?'     

Recalling her own training, Ye Jiao knew how hard it was for her to train every single time. But her muscles couldn't form as well as the young man. She was still as slender as ever. Right now, she kind of envied this man a bit.     

Well, having too much muscle was not something she wanted too, though.     

She didn't want to be a muscle woman.     

The young man finished dressing his wound and found out that Ye Jiao was looking at him. He frowned. "Why are you looking at me so much?"     

"How many hours did you train?"     


"You have firm muscle," Ye Jiao pointed to his body then moved her finger to her slender arm. "I can't seem to form my muscles even though I have already trained so much ever since I was young."     

The young man blanked for a moment when he heard Ye Jiao's question. For the first time in his life, someone asked this kind of matter to him. Most of the times, the girls would drool upon the sight of his muscle, making a disgusting face. He always wished to push them away when he saw it.     

He pushed the thought to the back of his mind as he shrugged. "I have trained my body ever since I was young, so they just formed naturally."     

"I see."     

Knowing that Ye Jiao was unconvinced, he added. "It's not like you can't form muscle, but normally it takes longer time for women to have theirs show outside. After all, the degree of training for both men and women is usually different."     

"You're right," Ye Jiao had only started to catch up to the training standard that her master gave her. However, she was not always train her body because she also had to focus her training on her Eon Energy.     

The young man looked at Ye Jiao for a moment. "It's inconvenient for me to just call you as 'you.' My name is Zheng."     

"No surname?"     

"I don't want to tell you."     

"You can call me Ai Jiao," Ye Jiao decided to just give her alias in the organization. This name was still not known to many people. Unlike her real name, with just a few questions here and there in Chen Kingdom, no ne wouldn't know the girl named Ye Jiao.     

Zheng nodded in understanding. Even he could guess that it must be the girl's alias in the organization. "The other half of the secret manual is in Chi Kingdom. I'm planning on going there after having enough rest tomorrow. Are you going to tag along?"     


"You should return the secret manual to me. They're placing an imprint on the back of the manual," Zheng pointed to the manual.     

Ye Jiao returned back the manual with a frown on her face. "What is an imprint?"     

"It's a way to track your belongings in case it's away."     


Seeing that the girl was still confused, Zheng thought for a moment before replying. "You can make a brand with your Eon Energy to mark something that belonged to you. Once it's placed far away from you, you will still be able to sense it because of the imprint that you left behind."     

"There's such a thing?"     


"How do you make an imprint?" Ye Jiao's interest was piqued up. She really wanted to know how one would be able to make something like that. It sounded extremely convenient.     

Zheng looked at Ye Jiao. "First, you need to have talent in illusive Eon Energy. Secondly, you need to reach rank 4 in Eon Energy or you won't have enough Eon Energy to form any."     

"Wait, what is Illusive Eon Energy?" Ye Jiao decided to stop the young man's explanation once she heard an unfamiliar term.     

"It's one of the specializations you can choose after you reach rank 4," Zheng rubbed his forehead. "Forget it, you won't be able to understand them at this point. For now, just know that it's a special talent."     


"Anyway, with enough practice, you will be able to make an imprint that way," Zheng shrugged. "There might be other requirements, but I don't really know. I never pay much attention to them."     

"I never heard about them before."     

"That's because I didn't hear them from the Four Kingdom," Zheng said as a matter of fact. He kept the manual inside his storage bracelet. "I already blocked the imprint, but it's better to keep it inside the storage bracelet in case it starts to die down. Now, just take some sleep. It's already night time."     

As the young man prepared a bed for himself, Ye Jiao thought of his words. Now that she thought about it, her master had told her that someone at her talent was rare. Seeing a young boy who had the same talent as her or maybe higher, she should have realized it sooner that he didn't come from the four kingdoms.     

After all, if there was someone like him in Four Kingdoms, it was hard for Zhan Jing to not spot him at all. Besides, to grow strong like this without anyone's notice would be hard. Ye Jiao only managed to do so because she had a supportive master and friends, but she didn't know about Zheng. And if he was one of the rare geniuses from other kingdoms, she had never heard his name.     

He had admitted it himself, so Ye Jiao didn't need to try figuring out the young man's origin anymore.     

'He comes from the world outside the four kingdoms.'     

The world outside.     

The phrase was so tempting for Ye Jiao. She longed to see a much wider world that was filled with numerous experiences outside. Not just the four kingdoms, but a large world with higher ranks and experts around her.     

It would truly be interesting.     

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