Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Setting A Trap

Setting A Trap

0It was already night when Ye Jiao returned back to the inn. Her emotions were in turmoil because of anger and rage. The thought that the governor treated the citizens in this city harshly made her feel like she wanted to kill him.     

"It's a lot worse than what I thought," Qi Huan spoke up first when Ye Jiao sat down on the floor.     

"I want to kill him."     

"You're not the only one," Lu Wan balled his fist in anger and smashed the floor. "Why in the world every leader we find on mission always like young women? They all have weird taste!"     

"I can't understand them and I don't want to understand," Qi Huan rubbed his forehead.      

It was then Lu Wan recalled something. He took out his wig and handed it to Qi Huan. "I'll better off coloring my hair rather than wearing this."     

"Oh, why?"     

"Why you ask?" Lu Wan nearly raised his voice again. "Because those annoying punks nearly attacked me because they think I'm a girl!"     

Ye Jiao and Qi Huan looked at Lu Wan for a few seconds before they burst out laughing. They had already thought that Lu Wan looked exceptionally similar to that of a woman when he wore the wig. However, they didn't expect that there would be people who mistook him as a woman.     

Hearing their laughs, Lu Wan was even gloomier. He felt that these two cheated on him. Why didn't they tell him that he looked like a woman if he wore this type of wig?     

He felt so mad.     

"Can't you tell me sooner that this wig is for woman?" Lu Wan growled.     

Qi Huan held his stomach and patted Lu Wan's shoulder. "I know that you truly have divine talent, Lu Wan. Aside from concocting poison, you have the capabilities to turn yourself into a wom…"     


Both Lu Wan and Qi Huan had already taken out their weapons. Right now, Lu Wan felt like sending Qi Huan to this prince's grave because of what he said. He is 100 percent man!     

Ye Jiao only laughed harder when she saw Lu Wan's darkened face. Even though she knew that he looked so similar with a woman when he used that wig, she didn't dare to say it out loud. She was waiting for him to find it out through other means.     

His reaction was hilarious.     

If one paid attention, they wouldn't really suspect him to be a woman, though. His shoulder was broader than young women even though his face still looked childish.     

"Ugh, shall we get out and have a spar?" Lu Wan asked in threatening tone.     

Qi Huan passed a sidelong glance. "If you're willing to crawl on that place again, I don't mind at all."     

Lu Wan opened his mouth and closed it back again. He felt wronged. The place they used to come here was truly not meant for human. He didn't have any intention to head over there again.     

"Come on, let's go back to our discussion," Ye Jiao said while she straightened her sitting position. Even though she still wanted to laugh more, she knew that they had more pressing matters to discuss.     

Both Lu Wan and Qi Huan kept their weapons away.      

Qi Huan looked at the other two as he began to speak again, "I presume that this is not the first time you two meet with the case of the target liking young girls."     



"What do you usually do when you face the leader of a city who like young girls?"     

Lu Wan pointed to Ye Jiao. "I have her stand in as a trap and lure the leader out. After that, we battle against him together and defeat him fair and square."     

"… All of them?"     

"All of them."     

Qi Huan face palmed. "Have you never thought how dangerous it would be? If anything went wrong, she'll suffer terribly!"     

"Nothing went wrong so far and besides, facing Eon Energy Master rank 2 is not that hard," after several times fighting against them, their cooperation has become far better. It was easy for them to fight the Eon Energy Master, so they didn't think that their plan was dangerous.     

"Yeah, right."     

Ye Jiao smiled bitterly. "Isn't it fine to set up that kind of trap? I mean, if they like it, I can just use it to my advantage."     

"What if something goes wrong?"     


"Do you even know what they're planning to do with the girls?" Qi Huan looked at Ye Jiao in inquiry. Seeing the girl's confused look, he had expected it as much. Lu Wan wouldn't understand it and naturally, her parents wouldn't teach her something like that when she was still this small.     

She hadn't even undergone puberty!     

"Aren't they just like to kill the girls?" Lu Wan asked back with a confused expression. In his eyes, that was what the leaders would do because he couldn't really think of anything else. Many of them would dispose of the girl's corpse later on, so they would be killing the girls, no?     

Seeing the same confused expression on Ye Jiao's face, Qi Huan knew that the two of them didn't fully understand them. He felt like face palming right now because of how thoughtless these two were.     

For the Heaven sake, try to study more things first before doing such dangerous work!     

"Jiao'er, I'll explain it to you later in the future. For now, let's focus on investigating the security in the governor's residence."     

"Got it."     


After setting up their new task, they spent the next few days to find out more about the residence. It was hard work for them because not many people knew the layout of the mansion and only after moving here and there did they gain the clearer picture from the former maid.     

"It's rather hard," Qi Huan put on the layout on the table. "This is the layout of the residence. The governor will do his weekly routine to walk around the city tomorrow, so we have to memorize this all by now."     

"How many Eon Energy Master rank 2 he has?"     

"Six," Lu Wan answered. "The guards are very proud of it when they share it with me. The six of them are very powerful, so it's not going to be easy if one wishes to harm the governor."     

"it might be the case for ordinary people, but it doesn't apply to us," Qi Huan replied confidently. "We won't have any problem disposing these guards, but the real problem comes next. The governor himself is Eon Energy Master rank 3, meaning that he can use his Eon Energy freely around him.      

That of course included controlling his weapon from a distance.     

"What's the governor's weapon?" Lu Wan asked.     

"Twin sword," Ye Jiao replied. "He's proficient in using two swords at once, so he has good defense when facing multiple enemies. In addition, he has a lot of experience of fighting on the frontline when he's helping the imperial family."     

"Helping the imperial family?"     

Qi Huan nodded. "I also found out that the governor seems to be someone on the Chen Kingdom Imperial Family's side. He's a rich merchant, so they give him a city for him to govern while still limiting his strength. However, he's not always a merchant. There's a time when he's just an ordinary hunter.     

Because of his capabilities, it's harder to take care of him. He has decent fighting skills, so we'll need to cooperate together if we want to take him down. It's very plausible that he won't go down easily even with three people pressuring him."     

"Why did he turn into a merchant if he's a hunter?"     

"You can easily earn a lot of money by becoming a merchant. At times, the scale is much bigger because it's rare to hunt beast rank 3. Even if you find them, you won't be able to kill them easily without risking your life," Ye Jiao explained.      

Living as a hunter would rely on the beasts and environment around them. It was easy for them to lose their lives because of their job. Since the governor has a talent for trading, he better changed his job and lived a luxurious life rather than betting with his life over and over.     

"Alright, so what's our plan?" Lu Wan asked.     

"Shall I become the trap again?"     

"No," Qi Huan rejected the idea immediately. "We'll find a way to enter the residence without having you become a trap."     

"They're not opening the gate except when there's someone important coming in. The rooftop is protected by Eon Energy Master rank 2, so it'll be impossible for us to come inside without killing them. If they notice and alarm the others, it'll be our end because we can't fight against Eon Energy Master rank 3 while he is surrounded by Eon Energy Master rank 2," Ye Jiao listed out the possibilities that would happen.     

"It'll be suicide," Lu Wan also remarked.     

Qi Huan's face darkened when he listened to them all. This was one of the reasons he hated accepting mission that involved dealing with the leader of a city, village, or anything like that. When he was accepting his personal missions, they were all either bandits or some lower ranked nobles.     

"Master is just making things difficult for us."     

"So, what's the plan?"     

Seeing their expression, Qi Huan could guess what they were hoping from him. He sighed. "The plan is…."     

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