Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

Race Finish Line

Race Finish Line

0Traveling in the swamp was a new experience for Ye Jiao. She stumbled a lot of times on the unfamiliar ground. It was really hard to move because she repeatedly stepped on the soft ground. It was mud and unable to be stepped at.     

'It'll take forever for me to reach the other side.'     

Ye Jiao sighed to herself. Slowly, she tried to make differentiation of the real ground and those who were not. She could faintly hear a cursing sound from the front as she could guess that Lu Wan must be just running recklessly. He was never good at using his brain too.     

'This one is the real one.'     

Using that way, Ye Jiao tried to guess every single step she took. She paid close attention to the ground below her, so much that she didn't realize the amount of time she spent there. By controlling her Eon Energy, she could also start to sense the ground below her.     

They looked different when she used her Eon Energy to probe. Just like that, Ye Jiao continued to investigate as much as she wanted too. Her control has become extremely swift that it was so easy for her to move around without any hindrance.     

Contrary to their expectation, the three of them didn't feel dizzy at all. Their resistance was better, so they could spend their time to focus on the road completely.     

'That's the exit,' Ye Jiao smiled when she saw light in front of her. She picked up her pace a bit and swiftly arrived. Thanks to her observation, she could move faster in the swamp, so she reached the place faster.     

Her eyes noticed the large city in front of her. It was round in shape with height like the great wall. So high that the people below looked like rats. The color was white and grey as it was reflecting the light it received.     

'Both of them hadn't arrived yet.'     

Ye Jiao frowned. If it was Lu Wan, she was not surprised that the young man hadn't arrived. Given how reckless that young man was, she knew that it would take him a long time to reach the finish line just relying on his instinct. On the other hand, she thought that Qi Huan would surely reach the finish line faster.     

But it didn't seem to be the case.     

'I'll just climb the tree and wait for them.'     

Ye Jiao climbed the tree and rested there. Hidden behind the leaves, she watched her surroundings. Her eyes narrowed when she saw someone travel in the forest lightly as if there was no hindrance. The dark brown hair looked familiar to her as Ye Jiao realized who it was.     

Cao Ren.     

The third prince of Cao Kingdom had surprisingly reached this place faster. She knew that he was acclaimed as the genius in Cao Kingdom, but it seemed that he was much more of a genius considering that he could reach this place so quick.     

However, he was not the only person over there as Ye Jiao noticed Qi Huan also stepped out of the forest. It seemed that Qi Huan took a little detour to the other side of the forest, thus making his journey longer.     

"Someone comes out!" The teachers around were surprised. They quickly approached Qi Huan.      

"Your name, rank, and country."     

"I'm Qi Huan, Eon Energy Master rank 2 from Chi Kingdom," QI Huan reported. He proceeded to look around in an inconspicuous manner. His lips curled up slightly when he realized that Lu Wan hadn't arrived yet.     

"Congratulations Prince Qi Huan, you're the first one to arrive."     

"Thank you," Qi Huan replied humbly. It seemed that he had already expected that he would come out first.     

"It looks like you're lucky enough to breakthrough in the race. Congratulations once again, Prince Qi Huan."     

"Thank you."     

It was at that time that there was a rustling sound as Cao Ren walked out. He eyed Qi Huan with surprise. "It seems that I'm a step too late."     

"I have just arrived too, Prince Cao Ren," Qi Huan's response was humble. He maintained his image as a young prince who knew his place very well.     

Cao Ren nodded. "It still doesn't mean that I can't accept my position well."     

"Your name, rank, and country please?"     

"I'm Cao Ren, Eon Energy Master Rank 2 from Cao Kingdom," Cao Ren replied.     

The teacher's body shook when he realized that these two were the princes from their respective kingdom. It seemed that the growth of the imperial family in other kingdoms were apparent. Right now, he really wished someone from Chen Kingdom also came or they would be lacking behind.     

"I'm finally out!"     

The yell from a student caused the group of people to turn their head to the swamp. They saw Lu Wan, with clothes stained with mud from top to bottom, come out. His appearance was truly hilarious that all of them have to tried their best not to laugh.     

'Come to think of it, this prince didn't even dirty his legs,' Qi Huan's eyes landed on Cao Ren's legs. It was clean without any trace of dirt at all. It was as if this prince didn't come through the swamp but rather another place.     

"Your name, rank, and country?"     

"I'm Lu Wan, Eon Energy Master rank 2 from Chen Kingdom."     

The teacher smiled when he heard the word Chen Kingdom. It seemed that the three kingdoms were still on par with each other. Their difference with one another was small…     

"Excuse me, what's your name?"     

"It's Lu Wan."     

The teacher's pupil shook when he heard that name. This person in front of him was not of the imperial family and he knew very well how the imperial family responded to talented people who didn't come from their family. They have to rope them in or destroy them before they could become a threat.     

Even though each kingdom had their own way, they have similar view as to tie those powerful people to their kingdoms. This teacher understood that things wouldn't be easy for Lu Wan.     

"I see, congratulations."     

"I still lose, though," Lu Wan eyed the two of them. "Congratulations Prince Qi Huan and Prince Cao Ren."     

"There's no need for formalities. Let's head back and have some rest," Cao Ren pointed to the shining city not far from them.     

"That's a good idea."     

While Lu Wan was oblivious of the teacher's sudden change of attitude, the other three, Qi Huan, Cao Ren, and Ye Jiao were clear about that. The tragedy that happened to Ye Xiao many years before was deeply printed in their mind, so they knew. It would never end well with his talent.     

'There's always sky above the sky*, but the imperial family just can't accept them,' Ye Jiao looked at her senior brother with worry. She didn't know what the imperial family was going to do, but anything it was, Lu Wan might be placed in a dangerous situation because of his talent.     

It was both a curse and blessing to have great talent in this world.     


*It's a metaphor, meaning there's always someone better.     

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