Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings



0Qi Huan woke up at the time when Ye Jiao finished cooking. As she stayed near the entrance, the smoke didn't reach deeper into the cave and hindered their breathing.     

"Here's some roast meat," Ye Jiao handed the meat. She didn't bring too much cooking utensil, so the only one she could do was roasting them and added some spices to make them more delicious.     


"How come the two of you wake up first?" Qi Huan rolled his eyes as he started to eat. His eyes scanned the surroundings carefully. "There's no sound from the beast's horde anymore. Have they left?"     

"It's possible. We might have slept for a longer period than our expectation."     

"I see."     

Ye Jiao pointed to the back. "There's a narrow passageway to the back. Let's try to investigate what's there."     

"Shouldn't we just continue searching for more beasts?" Lu Wan frowned. They had gathered quite a lot of beast's cores, but he knew that they would need more if they wanted to win.     

"Don't you want to find out why the bats are that big?" Ye Jiao asked.     

"Not really."     

Qi Huan nodded. "I want to."     

Lu Wan looked at the two of them. His face turned sour. "We're going by the majority of the voices?"     

Ye Jiao smirked. "What if the reason they become this big is because of a special herb that only grows in this cave?"     


As soon as he heard that, Lu Wan put the meat into his mouth and gulped them down without restraint. His eyes were shining as he stood up. "Thwen, what alre you waithing for? Lhests go!" (Then, what are you waiting for? Let's go!)     

Both Qi Huan and Ye Jiao tried their best to hold their laugh. The mention of herbs and particular effects would always work on this boy. They quickly finished their meal and followed after Lu Wan to the back.     

"If the one who comes here is quite fat, they won't be able to pass through this passage," Qi Huan commented.     

"Neither one of us is fat, so we should get going."     

"I'm first!" Lu Wan didn't wait for the other two to answer as the boy rushed into the passageway. Despite the darkness, he kept on moving at high speed.     

Ye Jiao paid close attention to her surroundings. This was the first time she came here and she found the cave to be more refreshing than her first thought. It seemed the air circulation was pretty good.     

"There's the sound of water ahead."     

"I can hear it too," Ye Jiao nodded her head.     

The sound of water was faint, but it increased as they went deeper. Soon afterwards, they arrived in a wider area with a river right in the middle. It came from one side and disappeared on the other side.     


"This feels really good," Lu Wan commented. By now, he was busy washing his clothes and body at the same time. The river was not deep, so he was able to stand up with the water only reaching his chest.     

Ye Jiao looked at the water before doing the same thing while Qi Huan face palmed. "Don't you two have any shame?"     


"You should at least take off your clothes first before going inside," Qi Huan sat down near the river and took off his robe.     

"…. There's a girl here."     

"It's just a kid."     

Ye Jiao: "…" now I'm a kid?     

Lu Wan stuck out his tongue. "You're the kid one. Anyway, it feels fresher to soak in the water compared to staying on the edge and just washing my clothes. Don't you feel sticky with all that blood?"     

"I'm not going to take a bath with my clothes on."     

"I'll head over there," Ye Jiao decided to move away or she might not be able to stand these boys anymore. The river's shape was curved with a certain part covered with the rocks. In that area, she wouldn't be seen by the other two boys.     

Lu Wan splashed the water to Qi Huan. "Come on, just swim."     


Qi Huan also did the same. "Do you think you can win against me?"     

"Oh ho, someone is up for the challenge."     

Splash! Splash!     

The sound of water splashing filled the cave along with jeer and laughter. Ye Jiao hurriedly cleaned up her body and clothes before she got out of the river. Her eyes looked around. It was strange that they still could see the surroundings better than before. It was as if there was a source of light around them.     

"Oh, you're finished, Ye Jiao?"     

"Yep, I'll look around again."     

"Jeez, you should enjoy your time more," Lu Wan splashed the water to the girl, but Ye Jiao avoided it.     

"I'll play later."     

Not caring for her wet clothes, Ye Jiao headed to the other side of the river. Every time she walked, water would drop to the ground form her wet clothes. The ground felt slightly fluffy as if there was a carpet down there.     

On the other side of the river, Ye Jiao found another passageway. This time, she could see green light coming from the other side. It was not far, so she decided to walk into the passageway.     

"Hey, are you exploring again?" Qi Huan called out. He sensed that Ye Jiao's presence seemed to be further.     


"Wait a moment, we'll be going too."     

"I still don't have enough fun," Lu Wan clicked his tongue. Seeing that Qi Huan didn't listen, he had no choice but to follow after the young man. The two of them soon entered the cave to the direction where Ye Jiao went.     

As soon as Ye Jiao exited, she stopped right at the entrance. Her eyes were locked to the view in front of them in disbelief.     

"Hey, why are you stopping there?"     

"Senior Brother Lu, can trees grow in a cave?"     

"Huh? Normally, it would be impossible," Lu Wan replied. He shoved Ye Jiao to the side as the view of the cave entered his eyes. In that moment, his eyes widened in disbelief as he murmured. "Impossible."     

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