Path of the Lilies: Early Beginnings

The Deal to Live Freely

The Deal to Live Freely

0Hearing this girl's claim, Ye Jiao was speechless.     

"Miss, I'm sorry but I'm Young Master Lu Wan's servant," Ye Jiao decided to reply politely. In any case, she assumed the identity as Lu Wan's servant right now, so her words were not wrong.     

Lu Zhi crossed her arm. "Are you dumb?"     

"Thank you for your compliment, Miss."     

"…" Lu Zhi was not complimenting her, she was asking a question. Seeing the calm look on Ye Jiao's face, she felt that this little girl was more annoying than any other servant she ever met.     

"Change your master and pledge your loyalty to me, brat."     

This was the first time Ye Jiao met someone so rude after Lu Wan. Even then, Lu Wan never forced anyone as he only expression his displeasure and pointed things out in the most direct way possible.     

"I'm afraid that it's impossible," Ye Jiao replied.     

Lu Zhi sneered. "Do you really think that Lu Wan is all powerful in this residence. He's just treated like that because he'll leave this place soon and once that happens, all the servants have to follow my will."     

Leave this place soon?     

Ye Jiao had heard from Lu Wan that the boy made a deal with his father, but she hadn't heard anything regarding him leaving the house. If anything, the two of them were capable of living outside as they could protect themselves or stayed within Bao Fu Organization territory. There might be a different meaning of that phrase?     

"I'm sorry Miss Lu, but I'm not the one making the decision," Ye Jiao decided to push the blame to Lu Wan. After all, this mess happened because of him in the first place. She had no qualm pulling him into the problem as well.     

Lu Zhi clicked her tongue. Despite having an annoyed face, her face still looked as beautiful as ever, which made one wonder if this girl's appearance could become bad. Right now, Lu Zhi was certain that everything she said would never enter Ye Jiao's ear.     

"Don't say that I never warn you," Lu Zhi turned her body around. If she spent more time here, Lu Wan would surely return and catch her. "If anything happens to you, you have no one to blame but yourself."     

It was a threat.     

Ye Jiao knew it very well, yet she put on a smile on her face. "Many thanks for the reminder, Miss Lu."     

As Lu Zhi walked away in an elegant way, Ye Jiao sighed to herself. She was thankful that she had seen how her mother dealt with these annoying women in the past, so she could imitate them. Still, she felt extremely annoyed at that woman.     

If not for the fact that this place was Lu Family Residence, where experts were abundant, she might not be able to hold back her anger.     

A few seconds later Lu Wan returned. His face was dark as if he had just eaten the worst food possible in the world. Ye Jiao corrected her posture and greeted him just like how a servant would.     

"Welcome back, Young Master Lu."     

"Follow me to the training hall," Lu Wan only gave an order as he walked ahead. There were some other servants around them, so he didn't dare to talk a lot. The training hall was made soundproofed, which allowed them to have a secret conversation there.     

The moment the door was closed, Lu Wan slammed his fist on the ground.     


"That damned man, he just wants to make things difficult!" Lu Wan cursed in annoyance.     

"Is there anything wrong?"     

Lu Wan sighed. "He wants me to uphold Lu Family name and appear in the school again because I already skip months. But really, I hate the lessons. They only teach you history of this place, etiquette, manner, and useless things."     

Ye Jiao just smiled wryly. In Lu Wan's eyes, those were incredibly useless, but Ye Jiao thought otherwise. She would still stay in this kingdom for who knows how many years, so having knowledge was important. After all, she wouldn't be able to stay alive without them.     

"Don't you need to at least have some basic knowledge?"     

"I already have them," Lu Wan rolled his eyes. "I still know some basic manner and etiquette for important events. But I'm not going to bother with them if it's unnecessary."     

"I see."     

"By the way, did Lu Zhi create any trouble for you when I leave?"     

"Oh," Ye Jiao arched her eyebrows. "It seems that you're sure that she's going to create trouble, Senior Brother Lu."     

Lu Wan averted his eyes. "I just want to know your condition?"     

"Senior Brother Lu, it's better for you to just say the truth. Didn't you promise me that you're going to tell more about your family after I return back from Hell Island?" Ye Jiao crossed her arm.     

"Fine," Lu Wan gave up. "I told you before that I made a deal after I formed my core with my Father, right? In this kingdom, it's rare for anyone to form their core under the age of 12 and only some geniuses managed to do so. One of them was your father, but even he only formed one when he was 11.     

When I managed to form my core at the age of 10, that's when I realize that there's a chance that my talent is better than many geniuses in this kingdom. I use it as a bargaining chip to gain freedom in this residence and I'll bring the family name by getting accepted into an academy when I reach rank 3."     


Ye Jiao had heard this a few times that those who could manage to enter the academy have the chance to reach higher rank above rank 4. If Lu Wan managed to enter the academy and obtained the necessary study he required, it was possible for Lu Wan to enter an even higher stage.     

It was no wonder that the Lu Family listened to his every demand and allowed him to act as he wished in the residence.     

"That means, you're going to leave the residence in the future?"     

"Whether I succeed or not didn't matter for them," Lu Wan shrugged. "I don't really have anything to tie me down to this family, so I just stay here out of convenience. Since I'll certainly leave the residence, the battle for the family head is passed down to my two siblings, Lu Su and Lu Zhi."     

"Lu Zhi?" Ye Jiao was astonished. From what she knew, the people in this kingdom preferred men over women. What made them allow a girl to become their family head?     

Lu Wan seemed to understand what was going on in Ye Jiao's head. He shook his head. "It's not like what you think. The one that has the chance to be the family head is Lu Zhi's husband."     

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