Trapped in Her Heart

The Big Day

The Big Day

0"But if I would have been in your place, I would be nervous too." Without waiting for his reply, Brandon added, "I mean, you are the best man and you are also doing the big thing so—"      

Scrunching his brows, Sebastian snapped, "Are you here to make me feel more nervous or to motivate me?"      

"Of course to motivate you but you see my friend, chances like this are very rare."      

"What are you talking about?" Owen inquired.      

"I mean, you don't get to see Sebastian Stewart being a scaredy cat everyday," Brandon chuckled. "And besides, it's fun teasing you bro."      

"Stop it you guys, don't make my best man more nervous. He has to give the speech tomorrow and there are other things he has to handle too," Noah jumped to the rescue.     

Crashing on the couch, Calvin sighed, "So we just sit and chat all night?"      

"Uh huh, it has been days since I last gossiped," Owen added.      

Sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, Brandon beamed. "Okay so what are we gossiping about?"      

"Hmm not exactly gossiping but why don't you tell us how are things going on with Charlotte?" Calvin inquired.      

Groaning in satisfaction, Brandon answered, "It has never been better. She is amazing and not to forget about the amazing bond she shares with grandpa. It's just shocking to see how well they have bonded in a very short time. But Ellie is still his favourite, he talks about her all the time."      

"Ellie seriously has this unique thing about bonding with everyone." Looking at Sebastian who had a proud smile on his face already, Owen added, "I wonder what went wrong while bonding with your mom and—ouch"      

Rubbing the back of his head which had been smacked but Clavin, who was sitting right next to him, Owen complained, "Dude, that hurt."      

"How can you even mention such unpleasant things when we are trying to spend some great time together?" Calvin chidded      

"Owen is right though but I won't blame Ellie for anything related to aunt Rebecca." shrugging his shoulders, Noah added, "Aunt is a bit different and kinda hard to befriend."      

Nodding his head in agreement, Sebastian sighed, "I agree with that, mom had always been like this. She loves it when things are done according to her and she gets mad when things start going the other way." Pausing for a while, he continued, "She never wanted or expected me to be with someone of my choice, maybe she had plans for me. But since things took a different way, she isn't happy."      

Without waiting for anyone's reply, he added, "To be honest and after everything that has happened, I don't really care about what others think about my relationship with Ellie. If they are happy, well and good and if they are not, then there is nothing we can do about it."      

Grinning from ear to ear, Noah remarked, "I am so in love with this new version of Sebastian."      

"I know right? Ellie has really changed him a lot for good," Calvin added.      


Room no: 125     

Looking out of the window, Arthur sighed, "I hope the weather doesn't ruin the wonderful wedding plans." Walking towards the bed, he added, "It's after all a big day for Noah and Melissa."      

When Rebecca, who was busy packing their clothes did not say anything, Arthur raised his brows. "Why are you so silent today?"      

"Do you want me to be as excited as you are?" Without waiting for his reply, she snapped, "It's not my son's wedding."      

"Noah is family and like our son too. Anyway, I am sure you won't be excited when our son gets married too. What was I even expecting?" he scoffed.      

Pursing her lips, Rebecca snapped, "You are right, I can never be excited because I am not like you. I still can't accept that woman for my son and—"      

"Instead of using 'that woman' all the time, why don't you try using her name? She had a very good one, Ellie." Walking towards her, he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Listen to me honey, why don't you talk to her properly first? I am sure you will love her once you get to know her better. Don't judge people without knowing who they are. And even if you don't want to, you really don't have a choice."     

Without waiting for her reply, he further added, "If you keep repelling her, you will end up losing your only son. If you don't wanna lose Sebastian then you need to think wisely and make a healthy decision."      

"Sometimes we need to change our decisions for kids and it isn't like Seb is doing something wrong. Just calm yourself down and think about it, okay?" When Rebecca nodded her head, Arthur left with a slim hope in his heart that his wife would change for good but little did he know that unexpected things were waiting in the future.      


THE BIG DAY.      

"Do you think I should wear something else?" Swirling around, Noah pouted his lips. "Do you think I look fat?"      

"Oh yes, you shouldn't have eaten that fries yesterday. You look very bloated now," Owen commented before fixing his hair.      

Scrunching his brows, Noah snapped, "I was just saying it randomly, I don't look bloated." Looking at Sebastian with pitiful eyes, he added, "I don't, right Seb?"      

Without taking his eyes off his phone, Sebastian just nodded his head. He was too busy reading something to pay attention to what others were talking about.      

"Today is Noah's wedding yet Seb is the one who looks fucked," Brandon chuckled before wrapping his arms around Sebastian's shoulder. "Dude, you need to chill."      

"Huh? What did you say?" When everyone gave him a weird look, Sebastian awkwardly cleared his throat. "I was busy with something important."      

"What is more important than your brother's wedding?" Noah frowned.      

Shoving his phone inside his pocket, he remarked, "We should go down and greet the guests." Glancing at his watch, Sebastian muttered, "I need to see Ellie as well."      


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